Introducing Analog Four & Analog Rytm MKII

Have only tested it for a day but the auto tune is fantastic.

Doesn’t seem to have any more latency than my MM’s MIDI sequencer, or my old Doepfer A-192-2 CV-To-MIDI converter.

Sequencing Monologue with trig conditions and 64 steps.

(Edit, looks like $171 today after GBP conversion. Shoulda waited and got $4 discount!)

Juno has them too:


If anyone is to do it right you would think Kenton would :thup:


I don’t want to get too off subject, and there are already other threads about the Kenton and the Doepfer, but suffice to say they learned from others mistakes on the subject of gate rising edge voltage.

If you want to add a midi sequencing track with CC#s to your AK or A4, def look into it.
No longer an argument to throw the baby out with the bath water.


Oh, didn’t see the quick performance text under the step buttons… So 10 quick performance things then… And the knob is not an endless one… tough nut to crack.

If it was a Roland box I would have guessed some kind of “scatter” global fx.

Yea. A-J, just like the encoders… Hmmm…

Analog Rytm MK2 doesn’t have the 10 quick performance text under the step keys. Perhaps you use the pads to select quick performance?


i keep checking this thread to see if there any new “official” replies. lots of questions make the silence seem . . . silenter? can that be A Thing?

if possible… id like to put the new OLED in my rytm…
i want to assume there will be a software update for all rytms for sampling.
im fine with my rytm doesn’t real time sample. i use Ableton for sampling.
also. i would like to buy the new Black knobs to replace the grey knobs on my rytm.

im not a figure drummer… and my set up is not built around sampling.
so the new Mk2 has no benefit. other then the better OLED, ill be happy to crave out the space for it on my MK1.

Thank you, I appreciate your reply and yes, there might be an element of “lost in translation”…

I think I should restate what my personal concern about the monetisation of Overbridge for the new Elektron synths is [and moderators please feel free to split, if this is too OT]:

First of all, there is a lack of communication about how Overbridge will evolve. Right now, all I know is that OB is free for the MKIs and will be available as a Basic and a Premium product for DT and MKIIs. That leaves me with the question: Is OB 1.15.0 the last version for the MKIs? Will the touted improved sample management be available for the AR MKI? Or will there be a fork in the development path, so that going forward there will be actually three different OB versions (the MKI supporting, the DT/MKII Basic & Premium). Because the website talks about “available for purchase later this year”. And I am sorry, but all the “gathered evidence” here in the forum is not the same as official word from Elektron.

Philosophically, I have a major problem with the OB Premium strategy, for several main reasons:

One, software is never sold as a product anymore, but rather licensed, and a license is much more like a service than a product. It can easily be modified and revoked, often to the detriment of the customer. With OB Premium, part of the hardware is turned into a licensed product.
Two, is this license transferrable? Currently, any secondhand AR/A4/AK can be used with OB. In the future, if you sell your DT, will the new owner be able to use OB Premium if it had previously been “unlocked” by the first owner, or will a new purchase of a license be necessary?
Three, the price point: Is the price justified? I don’t know. I don’t think that there is a good way to gauge a price for a software license when there is a free version of the software already in the market. Right now, it seems a little bit haphazard to me. EUR79 for OB when DT user, EUR99 for A4/AR MKII owners. Justified by what? Because the AR/AKs are 60% more expensive than the DT? Is there additional functionality.
I understand the argument “if you pay EUR1.7K for a synth, don’t be upset about another 100 for a piece of software”, but this happens in the context of “(which used to be free)”.

:peace: + :heart:


This ‘lack of communication’ is maybe not the same as disputing theories … There’s only one version of Overbridge and three product categories

Regular OB with MKi : Developed as a loss leader, the price was factored in, it is supported because it is what we bought

Regular OB with DT/MKii: Locked devices will not have the ability to exploit their potential, that potential just happens to be better in terms of bandwidth, but everything else is otherwise identical (mkii vs mki) … these restricted devices will get a taste, a Lite, partial experience of OB

Regular OB with DT/MKii: Unlocked devices will have access to all the toys, just as per MKi devices, calling it premium is misleading, but these devices are blessed with a USB bandwidth which presents no compromise (unfortunately hardware of MKi does, not by design)

The purchase is to simply unlock that device, not your device, not overbridge, but the device

so you’re adding value to that device

If you have two A4s running in one session it is debatable whether one device will act as a dongle for the other, but you could not use your locked one on a session if the unlocked one was powered down, even though you have bought the licence [quote=“sampleNhold, post:955, topic:41623”]

Is the price justified?

even though it’s academic, yes.

Development and support of OB is a resource drain, we can see the impact this is having on general os rollout and based on release delays and current OB delays

MKi owners probably subsidised it less than they’d have needed, and it may have been seen as a loss leader.

Miki owners won’t all want to use it, so the device is cheaper to begin with, otherwise you’d have it bundled, but the cost would be higher. The cost is proportional to the support and development requirements, more devices, more burden, so the cost is per device. It’s a grey area whether a user with 2 or more A4s is more of a burden, so i’d hope they would adopt a ‘one dongle connected unlocks all similar’ approach. Though only one would have added resale value.

You don’t buy the software, there’s no discussion of versions, the marketing speak is not helping, it’s marketing speak. The software will know whether your attached device is one of the three types.

Of course, it also has nothing to do with overbridge

This isn’t the place to guarantee you’ll get official responses, chances are you will, but this is a user place primarily … until anything official is added, we cannot dispute the interpretation above … I explained in the other reply that there is a rational for there being eventual divergence, but right now, there is one Overbridge and near identical devices, so the s/w technology, plugins, control panel will be identical, it’s only the hardware which determines whether you can do certain things

not when the license makes a hardware dongle, it cannot be ‘revoked’ … but if they evolve OBi n a way beyond what we have been sold/promised (and on the proviso it still works for V1) it is conceivable OB 2 may surface with new licence requirements, but that’s wild speculation, unlike the deductions above


What’s their obsession with bass? A4/K with a couple of filter tweaks makes my bedroom windows shake and my ears wobble for a few days. Don’t know if any more than that is good…the distortion is pants, but I have the AH so I think I’m covered there…interested to see how ‘defined’ it will sound, probs not worth an upgrade for.


That’s great that rather than Elektron you have made a second attempt at explaining the new OB model, it’s honestly much appreciated, but oh man my head is still throbbing from the last attempted explanation.
Just seems overly convoluted, and making music shouldn’t require so much thinking. It’s hard work. My peanut brain needs some relief so I’m off to kill a few more brain cells :beers:


Hi guys,

my thoughts


-If you need sample management and you want too loose 600 + 100 dollars for OB sell you mkI and wait.
-if your smart buy a cheap OT or a DT it will cost you the same price and you can sample your mkI drums into the digitakt or ot.
DT is really small so you can take all of your sounds everywhere you go and play them on the elektron sequencer and it wont overload your setup because of midi control of you mkI on the DT.

-if you need 4 voices output (if you do live show with a mixer i can understand its really better to have 4 faders for volume and knobs for eQ and space for some more macro) sell your A4 and wait, you will loose 600 dollars. The four voices output are good again for live because you cans send your reverb/delay… effect on the main channel alone and use them on the mixer.
With Mk1 all tracks and effect send are on the main out so mixer is useless and you have to do it ‘‘on the box’’.
-if your a4 compagnion is for bass because you think a4 has no bass well you might has to wait and listen to the ‘’ new bass’ before selling it, but remember your new bass cost 600 dollars, minitaur used cost 350 dollars.

If you don’t need some of this improvement and you wan’t the new machine because they’re new or better looking,
-if you have money go for it, you have one life and lot of money.
-if you have no money, keep your machine and think about what you can add to your ar a4 mkI for 1200dollars. (for me it will be eventide space, tt303, el capistan, and a small mixer for transport) and after that you will not need them anymore :slight_smile:

If you buy in the past month an AR at 1600 and A4 1300, give them back to the store because its the price of the new machines.
If you buy in the past X month an AR at 1200 and A4 1000 (brand new), keep them because you get them at the right prices and you will loose only 400 or 500 dollars when you want to sell them. if you go for mkII right now you will loose 900 dollars or even more…

if you think you can’t do music with your ‘‘old boxes’’ because theyr is new one, just stop doing music because all your money will go on GAS and remember it’s possible to do a fucking god track with a monotron 2 volca and some effect and treatment.

So take your MKI and do some f******g music.

Peace :blush:


me too, no need for a old/new one

i have my trinity in this wonderful bag… the MkII is much bigger

Very good insight into the cost aspects there sir


Elektron is probably on summer holidays. For all we know, these announcment emails and the website update coulda been scheduled, and the HQ is running a skeleton crew of customer support only?

Right on the nail there mate, well said!

…funny what kind of shitstorm because of improved mk2 versions + daw integrations…some people acting like they we´re cheated by their girlfriend…

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I love everything about these new units except for the extra size. The form factor was always a huge part of the Elektron appeal for me. Lots of people have their road cases or transport solutions perfectly fit for the dimensions that Elektron boxes have since 16 years. Why change that up? It seems like even with the old dimensions there would have been enough room for a bigger screen and a few extra buttons.