Introducing Analog Four & Analog Rytm MKII

Do you guys rekn they’ll announce another product this week? Foot pedal anyone?

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I’ll take this bait.

The “shitstorm” is not just from “improved version + daw integration” but nice picture you painted there.

They have a new product. They have an upgraded product line. They, wisely form their perspective, decided to release the new product first to get in preorders and sales of last stock mk1’s before the mk2 line is released. That this will create a reaction in some parts (especially those with recent purchases that is outside the return period) of their market is understandable and that it will be defended (viciously) is also understandable and perhaps a natural, although irrational, reaction.

On one side you have customers and fans that are unhappy and wants to express their dissatisfaction and since this place has an overweight of happy customers/fans/sleeper agents there will of course be another side to that coin and it will be expressed one way or the other. The question is, what kind of place is this board and can it handle criticism expressed within the bounds of the boards guide lines. So far i think it is clear that it cannot. If this is because of the history of this board and the “baggage”/people it brings or if it is because the self identification through these objects has such a strong hold in us i don’t know, but it is clear to me that this is not a place to discuss all aspects of Elektron.


Enjoy life.

Don’t know exactly what’s the point you’re saying…wether you like the new line is a matter of taste, i’m prefering the black box design over this new one…so anyway. And i understand people are disappointed bought a machine without knowing there comes something new. Everyone can shout about it here on this forum, and everybodie do. But i don’t understand some people who thinks elektron is their best friend and now they have pay the deuce to their fans, should offer a trade for mk1s…should give the overbridge software for free…talking about “evil investors”, “sold their souls”…serious?

Wether elektron or not, this could synthstrom, teenage engineering…I’m talking about clients from hell… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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what “shitstorm”? i think you only see what you want to see so you can make your elaborate theory about it. i don’t see no “shitstorm” here.


Indeed, it would be a very peculiar time if nobody would react negatively to the changes. My feeling is, the mk Ii announcements have mostly been met with positive reactions… take a look at the 2nd hand market for example, people selling their mk I’s by the boatload to upgrade to mk Ii. It’s just the internet and the “vocal minority” making you project these assumptions.

At the end of the day, the upgrades mean that more folks will be getting elektron boxes, mk I or mk II, and that can only be a good thing.


I ask myself this question each time I need do act as Mod.
I try to respect everyone’s opinion and expression, and criticism is ok in my book.

But it’s right that I don’t really get it why people feel so bad about something new.

The way @DanielXiang expressed it is a bit provocative, but IMO it’s nice to see improved instruments coming.

I sold my OT because I had trouble OT mkII seems to adress.
And I’ll stick with AR/A4 until I feel like what is brought on the table fits my needs better.
If I have the impression the size matters, I’ll keep my og.
If mk2 are so good they make me feel like I need them, I’ll sell some gear and buy them.
Because playing on these instruments brings me so much pleasure!

Appreciations/argumented criticism are ok as long as they don’t turn into fights, but they don’t often bring much IMHO.
These boxes are powerful and extremely good sounding instruments crafted par people that seem to take it very seriously.
If they do what they do the way they do, I guess it’s to keep on delivering interesting instruments.

Many talk about business decisions, where I’m only preoccupied by the fact that I love DT sound way better than OT mk1 : will mk2 sound as good ?
For me the latter matters much.

Now if you really want your user to be deleted, @dapper, I’ll do it with regret once you’ve sent me a PM.

Btw : today I finally managed to read the last post of this thread :smile:


You missed 2 “CV ins” on each, big plus for modular enthusiasts :slight_smile:


Have y’all heard of the expression “making a mountain out of a molehill”?


I’m glad that Elektron did a refresh on these boxes. I prefer the size on the old ones, but the new OLED screens/buttons/additional outputs are very nice additions.

Yes of course :wink:

I release records and the AR plays a heavy hole. Thanks for your advice duder. I’m glad you know better than myself what functionality I would like in my own studio

Maybe i’m wrong, but i got the impression that the mk2’s and overbridge premium isn’t very welcome…i apologize.

Can’t wait to get the analog rytm mkii! now that you can sample the machine is fully realized.

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Thanks for the answer mate, appreciate that. Rtym is a top machine, MK1, MK2, with no further dev, whatever.


I’ve been a long time Elektron enthusiast and really enjoy playing their gear. I’ve owned an original Machinedrum, which I sold to buy an Analog Rytm and I always thought they were worth their (somewhat expensive) price as they produced high quality, innovative, inspiring gear but I must say that now I’m really confused about this marketing screwup…

Elektron gear has always been popular with giging pro’s because they sound like a house, are build like a tank and their compact format and Scandinavian design. Additionally Elektron always cleverly made sure their gear won’t compete/overlap with each other, giving you a reason to buy more Elektron gear. Hence why there’s no MIDI out on AR/A4; it makes you buy the OT. And it was working, peoply were buying the Dark Trinity… Why giving this away…?

Asking a high price, was justified by the fact that they continued supporting and even developing additional machines for quite some time. And I would have understood they might have done a mid-life update to the AR/A4, like most car manufacturers would do, by e.g. standardising on the new DT-style buttons/knobs/OLED, better drum pads and fixing the USB/OB bandwidth issues where possible… Ok, would have made perfect sense… Nobody would have made any noise…

But giving up the age old Elektron form factor, Dark Trinity color scheme and Scandinavian design? WTF were you thinking? Please fire the guy responsible for that…!

And now you’re stuck with absolutely no design coherence between your products… Still some Dark Trinity stuff (AK) which I expect you’ll drop, some new stuff (AH, DT…) -which you should have made your new design standard-, some ugly slanted silver AR/A4 mkII monsters, and some in-between stuff OT mkII… WTF?

Please fire that guy and announce asap an AR/A4 mkIII in Dark Trinity style with the DT buttons/knobs/OLED and USB fix. Same for OT, please fire that guy and announce asap an OT mk III in Dark Trinity style with the DT buttons/knobs/OLED and USB fix. In the mean time, I’ll be looking for some cheap A4mkI. Thanks for that! :slight_smile: Regarding charging for OB, no problem for that. Makes perfectly sense to me. I’d even pay for my AR mkI… I’d even be willing to pay a reasonable upgrade price for OB2, if it’d add significant new features (not for bugfixes). But I do understand if people invest in multiple Elektron hardware boxes, that they are a bit upset their OB license is not valid for all their HW as a lot of the development framework is common anyhow. A OB license should be valid for all Elektron hardware, encouraging users to buy more hardware…

Who’s doing strategy at Elektron? Please fire him :slight_smile:, I’d even do it for free or for some Elektron kit… I can’t do worse than the current one, can I?


I think the new A4/AR are stunning designs. I’m a new Elektron customer. Just bought a DT and will get an A4 MKII. Who said they would build the same shape boxes forever or concurrently for the current range? A Moog Sub 37 doesn’t have the same form factor as a Mother 32. Clearly Elektron have given thought to improving usability and clarity of controls and are aiming at brand new customers like me as well as old customers (many of whom have expressed their delight at the new design). Design is subjective so your dislike is as valid as my excitement for the new upcoming models…but…Elektron are moving forward (and no-one “should be fired” IMO).




Was it too much :heart_eyes: ? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Time marches on…


Oh, not a personal reply, just a general statement… :sweat_smile:

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