Introducing Artcore - a new home for electronic music

Why would anyone want to download 128kb/s mp3’s? Just curious

As taster, for free, someone that digs the music and wants to dj it, pays the price imho. Almoast anyone has endless access to free music already with streaming services. This competes now with Tidal integrated or Beatport link. Maybe Bandcamp.

Great idea! So good I did it today and it’s just been released…


Other changes:

  • It now adjusts bpm for drum’n’bass tracks that are detected at half rate.
  • Large files uploads up to 400mb are possible
  • Playlist has had a facelift
  • Spacebar allows to pause/play music



Something on bandcamp that annoys me is this album which is meant to be listened to as an uninterrupted piece is broken up into tracks which really ruins it. Not sure if that has to do with bandcamp or how artists upload their albums but would be nice if an option existed so that a piece like this could be listened to in its original format and I guess also divided into tracks if that’s what others prefer.


Unrelated to your problem but that album is absolutely amazing, one of my favorites of all time.

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I would probably agree if I’m ever able to listen to it without pauses :wink: guess I have to buy the cd…

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I have the same problem with an EP I’m getting set to release. It would be great if there were a way of time stamping where the distinct grooves are in a continuous mix. I wrote about this elsewhere in the forum, but while not wanting to be too rigid about my work, the purpose of a continuous mix is to be listened to as a continuous mix! Making transitions between grooves sound and feel smooth and seamless is hard work, and it stinks to have to break things up artificially.

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Awesome – many thanks! I have to say I’m really impressed by how responsive you’ve been to people’s requests, issues, and questions on this forum. It’s fantastic. Really hoping this is a big success, for me (obviously) but also because it’s a great idea and the support so far has been so good.

So… yay!!


I don’t think that’s ridged of you but I did grow up listening to Lovesexy as one continuous track and am the better for it.


I appreciate that very much. I truly believe in trying to make a good product. It might not be able satisfy everyones wishes but I want to at least remove hurdles, pain points and fulfil any reasonable request that makes it better.

Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll keep it in mind and see if something that others request but I’m not sure that this would be in the spirit of what I’d like the site to achieve. I want to try to cultivate a respect of artist’s work - and I have some ideas for this - but giving free poor quality downloads doesn’t quite seem to be inline with that.

Made a note of this and see if something I can incorporate at some point. Thanks!

Nice idea. I think Mixcloud does this sort of thing.
Out of interest, how long (or how big in mb) is the continuous mix on your EP?


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It’s just about 22m 10s, or 235.1 MB. So it’s definitely covered by the file upload size you just mentioned earlier. The time stamping thing would be nice, but isn’t a dealbreaker by any means – just being able to upload a single track that contains the whole mix is great.

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ok great.

Btw it’s also possible to make it so the regular tracks have a price but the continuous mix can be marked “not available individually” so it’s only included when you buy the release.

If that’s your cup of tea!


Thrilled to let you know that Artcore went live to the public today!

If you’ve released music on there already then now’s a good time to start sending out links to people.

If you were interested but didn’t want to sign up for the closed beta, now you can get to have a look around.

Thank you to everyone who has provided feedback. It’s helped to make lots of incremental improvements including making the upload process much smoother the playlist syncing between browser tabs and even a pitch fader now and we’ll look to continually improve it.

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:


I’m building the embedded player. This is the design I have so far. What do you think?


Also, I’ve updated the design of the release boxes so it’s nicer to see the tracks in the release.


Still needs an embedded player!

I like the design!

Yo i havle this on vinyl. Amazing compilation👌

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Keep the name

happy to see that you added a volume slider to the music player. Apparently, in 2023 volume controls are not standard anymore so it’s great to see that someone still cares about the user experience. Unfortunately it sounds to me like the slider interpolates linearly, which makes it very difficult to dial in the volume(loudness scales logarithmically). This is how you do it correctly(links to a graph with equations): audio slider

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There is an embedded player now but before it will work I need to get the domain whitelisted on the forums before it will automatically embed.

Which forums / websites would you want to post it on?

I will request whitelisting and it might also be useful if you also request it.

You can see an example of it working here: Embedding

Cool - more design changes coming. A lot of the artwork is really beautiful and I felt it was too constrained in little boxes so I’ve tried to make more of a feature of it…

Here is a taster of how the new Artist/Release pages will look…

Thanks - I’m planning to. Seems like most people are cool with it.

Thanks for the feedback - glad you like it!

Thanks for the link and the mention about linear/log. I’ve noted that and will take a look into it when I get some time.

I’ve also added a pitch fader too so you can speedup and slow down the tracks.

Someone else asked for keyboard controls so you can now open playlist with P and navigate tracks with arrow keys.

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