Introducing: Digitone Keys

just got a digitone, was apprehensive about pulling the trigger with speculation of a new box coming out soon, but now I am super pleased that I took advantage of the guitar center sale. this looks cool, but I already have a midi keyboard I really like and while the individual outs would be nice, I see them as more of a luxury with my minimalist set up.

Hope this is a big seller for Elektron tho!


Overbridge for DN just got released on the other post, wish granted


Is Elektron lacking their own technology to make touch strips?
The mod & pitch wheels seem outdated when I see them on new products now.

Native Instruments has updated their line incorporating the touch strips in Komplete Keyboards, Ableton Push been doing it, even the DSI Tempest had them and when did that come out? 5 years ago?

Idk might just be me but traditional wheels look clunky now compared to touch strips.

same here, or at least 2stereo/4 mono

I have touch strips on my controller. Tho they werk really well, there are certain aspects of the physical wheels that out perform the strips.

Againā€¦the strips do werk GREAT. You lose some finesse.
But this is just my opin.


I doubt the wheels will ever go away. They are different, I personally have to have wheels on keys for live performance.


Will the new sound pack for the keys be available for the stand alone digitone users?

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I really donā€™t get the negativity at all. The design is what it is. I like it. 4 stereo outs is a huge for me as well for processing with my hardware effects. Some of the performance features seem really cool and the price doesnā€™t strike me as outlandish at all. Not sure Iā€™d buy it, but I donā€™t see whatā€™s not to like about it. Why get so excited to trash something? If it ainā€™t for you, itā€™s not like youā€™re required to buy it.
I also like Elektronā€™s quirky approach to stuff. Iā€™m still over then moon with my OT and A4, quirks and all because thereā€™s just nothing quite like em, which makes me think differently. Iā€™ve only owned 3 Elektron pieces and two of em Iā€™m crazy about. Not a bad batting average! And though I sold my Digitakt, it was still awesome for what it was.


Yes it will be.

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the ā€œnegativityā€ comes a bit from that price tag i think. the keys version certainly offers a lot and maybe the price is fair. but most current digitone users just want ā€œa bitā€ more. iĀ“d totally pay 500 bucks if there was a secret connector on my desktop digitone and elektron would sell that keyboard with the additional outs just without the digitone itself - lol

Is the digitone part on the left the same size as the original Digitone. It looks slightly smaller.

Id just use the midi input


thatĀ“s what iĀ“m doin already. i like the digitone as it is ! but individual outs is always nice to have. iĀ“d be very happy with just 4 (mono) outs.

Any lefties out there? How do you feel about this design?


If the last several releases have been any indicator, as a manufacturer and designer, itā€™s best to pay attention to what sells, as opposed to dwelling on what the detractors say.

ā€œItā€™s too expensive at ā‚¬1300, those bastards! What a joke.ā€

ā€œWhat? No free stickers with this unit? I paid ā‚¬79 ya cheap bastards!ā€

You canā€™t win.

The Digitone platform sounds beautiful to me. I may pick this up as they addressed one of my complaints with lack of audio outputs on new gear, (not limited to Elektron, but rather a trend overall in the industry). This combined with some nice signal chain processing or a sampler and I could have fun for days before coming up for air.

Good job Elektron, please continue to innovate, swim against the current and produce unique instruments with novel functionality and character.


I see lots of reasons why someone prefers the smaller size of the Digitone, or donā€™t see enough reasons to trade up for the keys version. No strong opinions about that here. Personal preference and all. But a lot of what Iā€™m reading ainā€™t ā€˜negativity,ā€™ itā€™s NEGATIVITY. Again, I donā€™t own everything Elektron makes as some things donā€™t totally interest me. Doesnā€™t mean I have to spew all over every new thing that ainā€™t for me and announce how ā€˜the once great Elektron have gone downhill,ā€™ as too many seem so quick to do

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Welcome to the internet, hate and hype abound.


It comes with an optional mirror

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There is one thing which got more or less overlooked till now: the 5+1 buttons left of the additional encoders are quite helpful from a usability point of view.

IMHO the most useful function is [FUNC] + [USER MODE] which opens the Assign Controller menu, where you can quite comfortable and fast assign which controller is assigned to what functionality (not by cryptic CC numbers, but by target names).

Thatā€™s a quite smooth workflow and there are not many external controllers available which supports something like this (= custom names for CC assignments). At least no cheap ones ā€¦


That is why I love Elektron gears, no tactile screens or strips but real knobs and good old school feelings. I love the octave leds on the digitone keys, you always knows what is going on.

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