Introducing: Digitone Keys

I don’t know, but for me the designs went down lately.
The grey mk2s, hmmm, ok. The model:samples: pretty ugly… This thing??

It was a kinda cool cult status thing with the Monomachine SFX6, but on the digitone?


In midi settings, you can select what midi channel each track talks to.

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if it had something unexpected, like resampling rec/play trigs or somethin magic to elevate it I think I’d have very likely upgraded my dn.

I don’t mind that it’s not quite what I’m lookin for tho, cant win em all :slight_smile:

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I’m very honored that Elektron asked me to contribute some patches for the factory content. Watch out for the ones with ‘JH’ at the end. I hope they will inspire you - and you will make them your own.



But it isn’t for keyboard players. It’s for generative ambientists that record to cassette :wink:


I feel you, I wish it was at least 16 voices like the Novation Summit. That’s how you combine a new synth with a keyboard IMO… I could always use a few more voices on my DN if I wanted to program intense drums plus poly patches… Luckily I have the OT though :slight_smile:

No one on these forums should have to apologize for being a lover or hater of a product. You feel how you feel. Without the love there’s no more Elektron, without the hate there’s no more Elektron.


Looks like fun. The extra dedicated knobs with a simple toggle to the user assigned mapping is an underrated add on. From a self contained standpoint this (along with the keys and individual outs) is a very solid total package.


Same can be said about the two CV inputs that are each macro capable (controlling up to 4 parameters per input).

Not revolutionary, but it is a bit more than just a keyboard added on.


Keep in mind I’m a midi moron but the way I do it is on the Alesis, prolly an easier way. Assuming everything is the same between the different models. Hit the Midi/Select button - push the key labeled Midi channel - push the key that corresponds to the track number in the numeric keypad group - push the key labeled enter.

This or using the auto channel is the correct way of doing it.

If auto channel is 10 then setting your master keyboard to channel 10 will play the currently selected track on the DN


Yeah, it definitely looks like they cut a few corners to push this thing out. They could have taken this as an opportunity to remedy a few speed bumps of the digitone(immediate access to all tracks being a big thing).

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  • Was hoping for something truly new as i read “Restrictions are for the Dreamless” in the first place.
  • Had small hopes that Elektron finally makes a “big” machine in Octatrack/Machinedrum/Monomachine/A4/AR Territory again.
  • Came to the Forum and read “Introducing: Digitone Keys” :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Well, at least they save my wallet these days :slight_smile: Thats not too bad either :wink:


The Novation Summit looks angry :rage:

Okay now make a Nord drum 3p digitakt

It’s coming to kill.

Wishlist = Polyphonic aftertouch with built in or external keys and also… record aftertouch standalone into its own sequencer. While we’re there, at least the RYTM MKII and A4 MKII should also be recording aftertouch information into their sequencers. Oh yeah, and fine controls of the aftertouch of the internal keys, like sensitivity… and perhaps slew rate.

Edit: I did not mean for this to be a response to your post. Oh well, too late. Never go back. :wink:

Why did they placed the wheels so far on the left?! Shouldn’t it be better if they had placed them between the synth and keys, where the SFX6 had its joystick?


Its easier to be negative than it is to be positive

I think it looks great!


Dude…that is the minorist of details. Look at some of the stupid setups people post. Gear so far apart. All setup to look like a display more than a production studio. And the same will claim “awe…controls are too far” hahahah

Ill feel bad for you Elektron guys. You cant win.

We want a new Mono…you deliver a modernized mono-ish deep ass machine…now they complain. Hahahah

Keep rockin’ Elektron your gear is inspiring! :+1:t5::+1:t5::+1:t5:

Addendum: think of it this way, its wide not deep. So you can line up all kinds of gear behind it. Instead of like some synths that are so deep you fill yer desk.


Fully agree here. When i first unboxed my DN and started using a Keystep with it, i was astounded how much it opens up the Synth. So…i just preordered the Keys. Great Look, great Design, i Like it! Price is fair and on par with the competition.