Introducing: Digitone Keys

I really though this was going to be a joke. It’s so lame! A Digitone keys is a great idea and could have been awesome if some thought had gone into the design instead of just taking a Digitone and slapping keys on one side and a couple of wheels on the other!

I would also like this design, but then they would probably have to redesign the PCB layouts and squeeze all the components in a much smaller space. With the DNK design they can recycle the previous design and just add more stuff to it.

I guess I really want a nice compact keybed with actual pitch and mod wheels, velocity and aftertouch. And then I would get a regular Digitone!

Feels like they are just floating for time taking a breather after overbridge. Instead of innovative new ideas they go backwards with this!!

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I bet they had this Keys in mind when they designed the Digitone.

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It’s butt ugly and overpriced in my opinion. Not hating, just simply means I wont be buying it. :slight_smile:


Overbridge still in beta so… The good thing is that DN and DNK share firmware so no new machine to delay MOOOOORE overbridge (btw they delayed DN part because of this :unamused:). In my opinion Elektron really shines when innovates, not when they release “Same, same but different” like their two last devices.

Already have a DN so it’s not for me.

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I hate marketing in general. What it has become.
But saying that 37- key keyboard is “unlocking dreams” is just unreal. :rofl:


just had some fun whipping up a quick and dirty prototype lol…


I don’t think some mundane marketing like “Use your fingers to play 37 keys and make some sounds” would set the heather on fire to be fair


I love the two rows of steps on the digi machines


looks so much better!!

Anything but what they did.

Yeah, i know, 37-key keyboard isn’t that exciting at all. It ain’t unlocking dreams either. To be fair :rofl:

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If they had redesigned it into a new product the 600 on top would make some sense but this feels like they wanted the big pricetag increase but didnt want to do the work to justify it, incredibly easy no for me.


Not sure they’re specifically going for the keyboard when they’re talking about what’s unlocked, but more what this kind of interface, with mod wheels, aftertouch, assignable rotaries and stuff, mean for a synth of Digitone’s depth.

If the Analog Keys unlocked the workflow potential of a four track analog synth, the Digitone Keys seem to unlock the performance and sound design part more.

I’m hearing good things about the keybed itself, as well. I’m curious to try this out as it hits the stores.

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I think only they know what they are talking about “unlocking dreams”.
But its getting old, i made my comment about it and its fine, ill just move on. :slightly_smiling_face:

Or, the Elektron marketeers just go bananas all the time and the product managers go, “Uh, it’s not really all that, can’t we just say straight up what it is and trust there’s a market?”

But PR people go “What product?”, and make their movies anyway :slight_smile:

Monomachine+ Octatrack
Samples + keys

How the mighty have fallen.


Or, they could make REALLY! exciting product, and save money by not needing marketing department :slightly_smiling_face: