Introducing Digitone

I like this new unit. Damn.
Anyone know how many LFOs per track?

The Chorus effect really lifts the sounds in that SS demo

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I like DTa and DTo, personally


Also frees up for future entries in the ecosystem, e.g. DTi (Digitime delay/echo unit), DTe (Digitext teletype-style unit), and DTu (Digitune parameter-locking tuner)


too bad this box doesnā€™t have one:

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a cheap trick, needed to give 4op synths a 6op sound

DX7 has these screened on the housing. Far hipper imho


When will be available?

Of course not, just if you want to achieve DX7 like sounds. Additional operators can be set to static freqs on a DX7 so they are essentially like LFOā€™s to create vibrato or ā€œfilterā€ sweeps. Thatā€™s why having 6 is nice.


Yes it does on the case, and the volca fm has them on a card.
But I really enjoy having them on the actually screen especially if its showing the current algorithm that is being worked with. Hence why i said in the box. Something little and not really that important but I guess thAts why Iā€™m digging it. There is an iPad app called dxi which does the same thing except the algorithms show movement for the active operator.

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Elektron had them available today but sold out stat. Iā€™d contact your local dealer cause it sounds like they should be seeing them soon enough.

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Thanks for chiming in. More ops are always appreciated but working with 4 on the DTo will be a bit easier (hopefully) to get moving. Iā€™ll still bust out the DX7II if I think 6ops and a keyboard is needed.

is a SEXY beast

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Itā€™s getting old but itā€™s a grand ole time once you memorize how to move around. Iā€™m still reading thru the ā€œcomplete DX7IIā€ to get a better grip on what Iā€™m doing.

itā€™s gotta be DA and DO

If you get both you can call it DOA and then you just have to wait for the extreme beach volley ball unit :grin:

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6op would have been nice, but I have to concede that the Digitone (D1) sounds nice, smart move to put a chorus in there which will go some way towards getting nearer to some 6op sounds. I havenā€™t checked out the manual yet but the envelopes are key in getting a lot of great sounds on FM synths, with only 2 envelopes though it remains to be seen if this will be such a limitation, given it has p-locks.

Damn, I thought Iā€™d be able to resist this one, maybe but maybe not :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I still donā€™t understand why - after 30 years of hardware development, these machines canā€™t easily have 64-128+ voices? Are the chips really too expensive for this price point after all this time?

DX7 was 16-voice in 1983.