Introducing Digitone

Not gonna lie I’d have preferred a wavefolder or phase shifter to overdrive.


Probably similar
It’s a hard sell for me. Currently on the fence with this.
Love FM synthesis but unfortunately nothing new to the table here.
For example if they had an option to swap out a sine wave for a wavetable or even multiple static waveforms, for just one of the operators, it would have expanded the audio range immensely
The deciding factor is how accessible is the interface, as we all know FM synths from the past have had less than ideal interfaces.
Until this is tested, it can’t be confirmed how much better this actually is.


I’ll buy one when Overbridge gets released. Deal? :+1:


Nice idea.
So far the only overdrive on an Elektron box that I use is on the AR.
Every time I try to use it on the A4, I decide not too.

I’m gassing hard from a burrito. But seriously very excited to have a nice p-lockable FM synth coming! Go digital!

This is a personal dream come true, ever since I started using the EFM and FM+ machines I always thought ‘imagine if Elektron put out a dedicated FM synth’.

Having been through the MNM, OP-1, FM8, FB01, TX81Z, FS1R, PREEN1/2, CZ-101, Reface DX and some euro, my search may be over. :happy:


Yeah besides not really digging it on the Digitakt, overdrive is much more of a 1 trick pony on FM than wavefolding of phase shifting could be. A wavefolder in particular, if it could act on the operators individually would really expand the timbral possibilities, but I suppose an LFO or P-locks applied to operator ratio might get somewhat similar results, although not exactly.

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From the elektron site

4 synth tracks
4 MIDI tracks
1 arpeggiator per track
Polyphonic sequencing
Individual track lengths
Parameter locks
Micro timing
Trig conditions
Sound per step change

Polyphonic sequencing, yes!

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Sounds Amazing in the demos, well done elektron for taking a w risk on a weirdo synth with many features.
My monomachine is going to love the digitone.

A bit of additive synthesis in the mix is fab. All those envs.
Extensive filters. A hell of a lot of synth in. This is the most exciting synth for a while - although I’m a monomachine for life kinda of lover.

Initially, I thought wow 8 voices per track and read the manual and went oh shittttt, only 2 per track. Oh well the plocking per step gets around that.

Bonus: mark fell presets!!

Looks like elektron can still please an old school elektron head…


DT1 = DigiTone
DT = DigiTakt


Wouldn’t touch this with a barge pole, considering how poor the Digitakt has been so far. It’s almost offensive to be told that the devices we have already bought won’t be bug free and work correctly because Elektron haven’t had time to work on them - when they are releasing brand new products. Get a grip. __

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DTN = DigiToNe
DTK = DigiTaKt


Let´s keep it like this:
DT = DigiTakt
Dt = Digitone


I think I’m with @darenager on D1.

On the Sonictate video we see different wave shapes, would be great to have a LFO on this…


A wave folder for the operators is basically what the “harmonics” parameter is all about.


DTN, DTK makes sense !


Was thinking the same actually. Be interested to hear folks thoughts.

My take: more voices + elektron sequencer Probably complicates coding and stability exponentially to a point where the rewards from eking out more voices are outweighed by the costs getting there.

As cool as 64 p locked voices over 16 tracks sounds, I’m sure it’d be an absolute pain in the arse to write stable code to manage it all effectively and quickly.

D1 for me!




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