Introducing Digitone

it does too. my bro used to jam on those old organs when I was a nipper :slight_smile:

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Digging into the manual PDF, it appears there is one MIDI LFO per MIDI track, unlike the 2 LFO per SYNTH track.
There is no reference to a second LFO in the MIDI section.

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ā€œmodernā€ synthesis is already implemented in stuff like Reaktor since ages from now,

would you say youā€™re disappointed when a new guitar sounds likeā€¦ another guitar?

I guess all the interesting stuff comes also much more than the sound, with the interaction awesomeness you get with the awesome elektron awesome sequencerā€¦

But listening to the soundcloud demo playlist doesnā€™t really sound ā€œoldā€ to me, it just make me want to use it, tweak it, sequence it, pLock the shit out of itā€¦

I would be interested to know what types of sounds do you feel ā€œmodernā€?

thatā€™s my favorite demo. nasty

I used to rock the crap out of the arpeggiator on those, long before I knew what that was. Had some really lovely sounds too.

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Also noticed no midi implementation chart in the manual. Hopefully we can control params using external midi for more wild manipulation.

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Itā€™s in Appendix B
Pg 79

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@AdamJay thanksā€¦ duh, I was looking at the quickstart instead of the full manual. BTW, love your elector stuff :+1:

I just thought it was like that to look more like a keyboard

missed the boat on direct orders this morning because my bank hates international transactions, just pre-ordered from Sweetwater. Hopefully they are my best bet for getting it ASAP

bout to be a whole lot more of it thanks to the Digitone!


When I read peopleā€™s lame complaints on various forums, I just shake my head disappointingly, and think to myself how they donā€™t even deserve this magnificent creation in their lives. There is literally no equal or compelling option close to this FM masterpiece. Itā€™s FM executed quite nicely, integrated with Elektronā€™s tried & true sequencer in such a slick manner.


I love that one of the demos is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star- thatā€™s really adorable to me. I can make sweet little lullabies on the same piece of gear that Iā€™ll make strange, noisy experimental weirdness :heart:

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are tempos saved per project like the digitakt ?

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I donā€™t see how this is different from Digitakt? As long as you are tied to one trig per step it isnā€™t actually ā€œpolyphonicā€ but rather, ā€œhomophonicā€

can you microtime shift the individual notes? Or just the trig?

Another thought I had- Iā€™ve seen a few people that were disappointed it didnā€™t have multiple machines like the MnM- Iā€™m actually rejoicing in this. With so many machines I always felt ADD when sound designing- Iā€™d tweak a little bit and then get curious about if Iā€™m using the right machine- switch and then start over. It got really frustrating.

Itā€™s my opinion that they took the machines of the MnM that have the most creative potential and gave them the same sandbox appeal that the Analog 4 has- where every sound this machine is capable of is capable from any track at any time.

The individual mute buttons are a beautiful touch- the retrig capabilities on a musical device just sounds wonderful- the little touches of style of this box is very alluring.

Iā€™m finding myself switching back and forth from Elektrons website to Sweetwater just to look at it a bit more- I canā€™t wait.

If I hadnā€™t gotten the Digitakt, I might be underwhelmed by this announcement too- but after experiencing the supreme Digitakt workflow there really IS a lot more to this device than its advertised capability.


i do this on my piano nightly, but ok lol

Sounds good, has some steps back, some forward over a :elmm: The size is super nice, this with a DT is very compelling throw-in-a-backpack setup.

Donā€™t think itā€™s really needed to scream and rant at people with differing opinions. :diddly:

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Sorry but as a pure FM device I donā€™t see how itā€™s any more groundbreaking than Abletonā€™s operator, aside from it being hardware. That said, this is the be all end all of FM to me:

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