Introducing Digitone

That thing’s freaking huge, has no sequencer or effects, and costs thousands of dollars. Why would you even think it makes sense to compare that to something like the Digitone?


Different strokes! You like Mopeds, I like V8 trucks! Both get you from pt a to pt b, but in my truck i can drive OVER everything in my way!


What are you even talking about? The Digitone isn’t limited to being bitimbral, and can totally do things the DX1 can’t as well. It just doesn’t make any sense to compare the two to me.

Sounds amazing :slight_smile:

Only thing I’m not a huge fan of is the candy coloured buttons - and also don’t get the point of them - since the OLED screen doesn’t really show any colour data. OB maybe? I’d be liable to pop those bad boys off and snap on some grey ones if anyone does any after market stuff…


The whole is greater than the sum of its parts- the feel and intuition of the device vs the complexity of FM and it’s tracks fully and precise malleability within a Track is HUGE

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Hoping the USB-MIDI implementation on the Digitone is like the Digitakt, requiring only a lightning to usb connector and a usb cable to sync to my iPad Mini 4 running Patterning.

Add a battery pack and you’ve got a portable powerhouse that all fits into the ECC-3 bag.

Oh come on now. You are the one anointing it a “masterpiece” before anyone here has even played one. lol

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because overbridge

I read the manual. Everything was designed so well imo. Also, the demos blew me away.

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Is there a way to merge usb cables similar to a Midi Merge? I’d like to line up my digi-boxes and make their keyboards behave like a 2 octave board

All this midi out makes me wish someone developed small boxes that didn’t do anything except receive incoming data, and spit the audio back out in 1/4”. I love the portability of these new style Elektron machines. But I don’t care for the midi out, as so many seem to here. Would way rather have 8 audio tracks like the DT.

you can run USB hubs into Apple lightning to usb adapters. but that’s with iPad as a host.
You’ll need a host, either way.

And you’d need an app like BOME


Cool! I thought there might be limitations due to it being a usb cable instead of midi- glad to know there isn’t.


That’s very unlikely. Unfortunately. And yes the coloured track buttons, don’t fit to the rest of the unit!

I’ve been reading a lot of “oh, I don’t need this thing, I have a DX whatever from the 80’s that my brilliant mind finds easy to use.”

This is like the silliest thing to say. Who cares?

First off, the Digitone isn’t even a keyboard. Obviously, it’s an Elektron-style box. Condescending comparisons always seem to conveniently ignore the sequencer, filter, effects, and UI.

If someone is content with all the FM synths they already own, and can’t figure out how something like this brings something totally different to the table, I can’t help but think they totally lack imagination.


Can you use a midi controller over the usb port of the Digitakt?

bring it on!

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i’m flattered you read my posts so closely :slight_smile:

I think my problem is that I don’t belong here lol. But this forum is just a damn masterpiece in coding I can’t help it.

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People complaining on Gearslutz and Muffwiggler are saying similar things. You’re not special in this regard.