Introducing Digitone

that’s homophonic to me! but no matter.

This is what I’d like to know! Can’t do this on a Digitakt

Well, since you can allocate up to all 8 voices to one track, subsequently triggered notes will not cut off prior notes that were triggered on the same track if there is enough polyphony to handle them. Each sample track of the Digitakt is monophonic.

I mean the MIDI sequencer! On the Digitakt you can have four notes per trig, but they are stacked. No way to play glissandi chords for example. Wondering if the sequencer on this allows for expressive playing.

Yeah, I’ve never tried to do that with the Digitakt when I had it. I’m guessing you’re describing something related to the note lengths of each trig not being able to overlap one another. If that’s the case, I’m not sure if the Digitone is any different.

If I were trying to find a work around, I’d maybe try using the shorter trig lengths in the sequencer, and adjusting the envelope of the synth you’re controlling to have a longer sustain/release.

extremely cool … would appreciate user-customisable screen colours but anyway i think from the few sounds i’ve listened to, the Digitone could be legendary.

@Prints Please tell us how Digitone made you sell all your synths <3

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I can tell you how cryptocurrency made me sell even more things. You know what they say… yolo


Your virus TI is getting jealous


A post was merged into an existing topic: Negualizing a topic

Your are correct. But the Digitone demos take me to that place the terminator (and other) music in that era/style would take me. Maybe it was the recording and mixing technique/hardware/technology of that era that does it, honestly I don’t know but man, its hitting me with Digitone. I can’t wait to test one in person with my MK240s on.

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excited about this synth and I will read up on it as soon as I quit laughing at the shot where Cenk squats down next to the koi pond… that was some straight up Mr. Rogers stuff!


you are right that the audio over OB tracked out is quite good. I was pretty skeptical as well having UAD and PTHD converters do most of the AD, but the audio over USB in OB was quite impressive.


cryptocurrency paid for my digitone :cowboy_hat_face:


Initial impression - great for evil cave system electronics for the tracker software-minded despite not being a tracker-type sequencer


Ha! So true!

Hey how come I can’t see the Negualizing Topic?
Much more interesting than digitone talk


The DigiKoi at a glance…


I was just asking if someone could ask Elektron at NAMM have they been able to make Digitone stable when using it for MIDI duties.

I think it was a valid question as Digitakt is not stable with MIDI and I’d like to use Digitone for MIDI sequencing, were I to purchase it. Seems these kinds of questions are not allowed at Elektronauts anymore though?


does it have note slide?

@lemons @psyclone001 I cleaned the topic and the one on NAMM @ Elektron.
The border between decent chat and useless provocation is sometimes thin. When it breaks loose and turn into flame war it’s no one’s interest to keep such messages in the regular topics.

And no, @lemon, it’s not the questions it’s the tone it sets. You’re not alone, but you’re one of those that regularly set a negative tone.
I spent the whole evening cleaning the topic, you might have no idea how hard it is to moderate in such conditions.

So there went your message. If you have / any Naut has a problem with this, don’t hesitate to send a message to all the Mods so that we discuss about it.
But this day was special, so we had to take special measures.
Btw your message was flagged (as were all the ones I removed), asking for a Mod intervention.