Introducing Digitone

Obols- what would your workflow look like with the two devices?

nothing today. I hope elektron hq isnā€™t a ghost town till after namm. they shoulda left some lowly skeleton crew at home so as to send us our shiny new dtoā€™s :smile:


Funny i found that the oposite very appealing to my taste. Though i dont Like Skittlesā€¦

not sure how SID is but yes Digitone has an arp mode! really nice one

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Does it do proper portamento? Or is that program per step?

That Digitone looks and sound sweet. Time to rob a bank.

I got the humour.

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I got what you were saying. I think you became a victim of the defensiveness of people since the thread got a bit hostile :slight_smile:

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Sometimes I love/hate the internet. It can be a direct line to someone halfway across the world - or it can be a giant brick wall between two people who otherwise would have a lot more in common than they had differences. If I was a neighbor or colleague of yours Iā€™d offer to buy you a beer, chat about gear, and forget the misunderstanding. Cheers. :beers:


nah it was a little confusing imo. the explanation sorted that :+1:

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to me the combo of the DT and DTone almost feels like the first time I bought a MD and heard the MnMā€¦ I was blown away at how digital sounded so cool when sequenced so radically. Iā€™m excited about this digital route Elektron is taking. Analog is great, but so is digital. I know some will disagree, but the MDā€™s drums had this sound that to my ears were way better than the analog engines in AR. Good one Elektronā€¦ paid up and waiting for it to ship.


DT______________Lyra 4
Stereo Field_____D1

Samples into noise, and Lyra drones into the effects of the Digitone. I might not be heard from for days.


Iā€™m on the list for Lyra 8, do you find the Lyra 4 is versatile sound wise? Iā€™d like to know I can tune it to a pentatonic and make ambient stuff. Demos are very focused on waking nightmare stuff, which is fine, but a range is good given the investment.

This might not be so vital to many of you, but I donā€™t own an OT anymore, or a DT. This will be the first Elektron ext MIDI SEQ Iā€™ve had for a few years and I have missed that.

I havenā€™t looked into the specs but does each MIDI track have two LFOs? If so, can you use a cable to send the LFOs to a synth CC without feedback?

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Unfortunately, no. Only one LFO per midi track.

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Sounds nice and looks like Elektron have responded to what people were asking for which is great, but think Iā€™ll stick to Operator because the options, esp once you start chaining and racking things are almost endless.


Iā€™ll consider this when they get the bugs on the Digitakt fixed. Kinda cheeky getting a new product out there when users have been waiting for a looooooong time for 1.05.

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On the sonic lab namm video you can see how many empty parameter slots there are on the secondary pages. I think they will add more types of digital synthesis to this way. They are marketing it as the master of the digital method which is fairly broad. Im getting one for sure

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