Introducing Digitone

Oh, how I want this to ship today! I am a grown up person on the outside, but inside I am a nine year old boy on Christmas morning.


If you’re going to post that then I have to post the classic 80s use of fm synthesis in a tv show…Crocketts Theme.


I’ll drop you a pm when I’m home so as not to derail the thread.


Really good walk through touching on ARP, the chord setup, the through effects and some more audio.


Does this mean I gotta thrown out my TG33, DX100, DX200, JD800, Volca FM and MnM MkII??

Fuck :upside_down_face:


I love the effects on the DTo’s audio in. I wish the DT could do that! It would be sweet to be able to midi sequence a Volca or Roland Boutique and run it through those effects.

ah… very cool to see they have scales and chords built in :smiley:


You can hear slides/pitchbend in this demo. I’m guessing those parts are played live rather than sequenced? Or maybe there’s a pitchbend function on the machine that I’m missing?

Also it locks like the arp won’t be plockable, sadly, as it’s tucked away in a sub-menu. Chord function looks really cool though.

Is anyone else frustrated that they squeezed the trigs in so tight to make room for the track selection buttons? Seems like it’s going to interrupt the muscle memory if you’re used to a DT.

It doesn’t make sense some of the Fx on the Digitone and why the Digitakt doesn’t have them after watching this video. Actually disappointing as I feel they should be reversed in this department… I don’t own a Digitakt but want to get one. So you can’t run audio into the Digitakt and have it effect the input? Why the hell wouldn’t they put 2 processors into the Digitakt, isn’t the Digitakt an audio interface to? A bit confused. Anyway.

Can’t read this entire thread. One complaint from me on look would be. Why did they make the Func Button Light Blue and the track 2 button the same colour as the Digitakt Func Yellow ? Why not reverse it and have the boxes look half decent when they are beside each other. Also make muscle memory nice an easy. Why use different colour shift buttons but use the same colour on another button ? Doesn’t make sense. Would’ve looked way better reversed.

In the end. I’ll probably give my money to Elektron. As soon as the Digitakt is sorted. I hope soon. It’s been a year to date. Hopefully this doesn’t take to much of their time

The only piece of pure hardware I have these days is the OT2! Well, other than a ukulele and a piano that is! Still got my Maschine and Push and recently added a Mk2 KK s49 (amazing piece of kit). Just struggling for time these days. When I do steal an hour or so for the OT I really do enjoy it. Learned things the hard way not to make it into something it isn’t. Accept the limitations and all that and you’ll go further.

But mostly ITB these days. Got to agree with you though - the DT and D1 combo should be amazing. I kind miss my DT as it was so easy to work with. If the D1 is in the same ballpark and Elektron have managed to “bring FM to the masses” then I can see having a blast with it. I loved having a FS1r but it was a complete bitch to programme. Granted it’s on a different scale to the D1 but FM plus the sequencer and other bits and bots = a real fun box to own from the looks of things.

Ableton + these D1 (or DT/D1 of course) when OB lands. Well, that’s a tough proposition to ignore. Could be the perfect mix for someone who also has, say, Push2 and a KK keyboard…

Awesome, it seems like the updated UI in the new OT really does take the edge off learning that machine. Good to hear you’re enjoying it.

I’m back on Ableton mostly as well, it’s really unparallelled for putting together long arrangements. Looking at selling a whole bunch of stuff to grab DT+D1 in march. Will definitely be a winner combined with Ableton + Overbridge in the studio, and pretty portable + OP1 for playing gigs. And thanks to the audio inputs on the D1 you don’t even need to bring a mixer. Exciting!


Is DTK the only Elektron machine that can’t use Fx for inputs ? I hope there will be a nice update for users. :slight_smile:

I hope DTO will be totally operational soon for Beta testers. :slight_smile:
It sounds good. Won’t replace my A4 or my Blofeld for pads with glide lfos but I heard really good things on Soundcloud.
Is it already possible to play each sounds like with A4’s Multimap ?

@AikiGhost I still prefer the French version.



Did they announce when the second batch of pre orders would be?

Looks like a wicked addition to elektrons line up…:ok_hand:

Cant find any info on -

  1. Number of sounds you can store.
  2. Number of patterns per project… It looks like 8 banks, 16 patterns per bank?

Anyone know?

128 sounds -->sound pool
2048 sounds–> +drive
128 patterns (8 banks of 16)

(the manual is available):slightly_smiling_face:


Have you read the manual? It’s easy to see how nice the UI is by looking at the manual.

I totally disagree with this. The Digitone has a very clever design. I wouldn’t underestimate the “harmonics” or x-y mix parameters. The filter and overdrive algorithms sound excellent too.


Do you have to load sounds in the sound pool to use them or you can recall them directly with a Prog Change or another midi message ? :sketchy:

Direct access to 128 sounds or 2048 ?

Super nice to read all the kind words. This has been such a labor of love for me (and for all of us I’m sure!) and I’m just so excited and happy to see it be released and out in the wild (even more so soon!)

Time for NAMM day three! Phew.


Well my guess is that you have to load them into a pattern, each pattern has 4 sounds, pattern select by program change, so 512 sounds available by program change, use 4 midi channels or autochannel per pattern…

The 128 in the sound pool are probably just for sound locks, the 2048 +drive sounds won’t be accessible from midi as they aren’t in ram…

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I’m obsessed with the Digitone. Thank you so much for making it. It’s my Elektron/FM dream come true.