Introducing Digitone

This machine looks dope. Ordered.

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I’ve never felt like a beta tester for the Digitakt but I also understand I lucked out and got a functional one somehow.


sweetwater is in indiana… i think that’s what he meant.

Skeptical at first, but, well I’m kind of sold after listening to the demos. Much cleaner sound than the MnM or OP1’s FM machines (was expecting a re-hash) and the P locking opens it right up. Hard to tell exactly, but the chorus sounds interesting and much better than the A4 chorus?


It doesnt say FM on the box, so I think it will be expanded to other types of synthesis in the future.


Cenk really did some needed talk PR to the community in the Sonic State video… strange to see this in a video introduction of a new machine on a external website, rather then an update on this site.


This reminds me of the FM hype when the reface dx was announced, probably the most common synth available 2nd hand today :kissing_heart:

Looks awesome to me, anyone know if it is phase modulation or actually true FM? The filter in the signal chain makes me think actual fm.

I think Digitone will be really big for Elektron. Looks great.

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Get the DT ready before releasing another beta tool!!!

“blush_response : Very happy to have made factory presets for the new #elektron #digitone ! Announced today at #namm. This is an amazing FM synthesizer, really blew my mind while programming it!”

This might push me even more to get it soon.


FM has always been able to sound cool. Problem is - most hardware FM synths have been an a## to program. So people mainly stuck with presets - which might be crappy or have aged badly.

Elektron has taken the slimmed down, idea of musical interaction with FM synthesis parameters from the Monomachine. And suited it up for 2018.

Nah. 4-OP, eight voices total won’t (on paper) win any awards. But combined with smart workflow, parameter locks, trig conditions… You have a very intuitive musical take on FM synthesis. That has not really been done before.

Disclaimer - I’ve only briefly tried a very (VERY!) early firmware version of the instrument. But sounds like gold came out of it as soon as @Ess laid his FM-savvy hands on it.

I think it’ll be a kioskvältare!


All the manual says is: The Digitone is a standard four operator Frequency Modulation (FM) synth in the style of the classic 80s implementations.

So I guess it’s Phase Modulation really like the DX7 and stuff. Real FM would be a bit too unpredictable I guess.

Diggin that DigiWave Idea! Would certainly hop on that train :slight_smile: I said it so many times - we need Wavetables!!! :wink: But on the other hand: Some people wanted a real FM synth from them for ages. Now its their turn. We have to sit back and wait if something else pops up at Superbooth. If not? Well - no Elektron year then. Bank account will be happy :smiley:

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You probably won’t have to wait too much longer for this.


I was just about to post the same thing

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Elektron’s demos -> magnificent desolation, ruined futurescapes, icy glacial perfection
When it’s in your hands -> the Doogie Howser MD theme


cool. give it the Elektron sequencer and i’ll buy it in a heartbeat! :wink:

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