Introducing Model:Samples

OB is way more than just an Audio Interface though.


Yeah no i get it. Its just i would pay if i had to :smile:

Edit: for example id rather make an album using 2 of these than an akai force with all the shiny bells and whistles


For someone whose username is J3RK, your comments shine as some of the more positive and considerate of other people in other circumstances. I, for one, appreciate it. :thup:


Thank you!

I usually try to see the possibilities with something rather than deficiencies. Not everything is for everyone though. I also like to see what people can squeeze out of hardware with some limitations. I love giant studios full of wonderful gear too. There’s room for all of it.


takes me back!

like Graffiti Gear!

But seriously, I hope the decal sheets are also sold separately.

This product is not for me but I like the new form factor and look forward to what kind of products they’ll make out of it. Without the “Digi” prefix it seems like they’ll have the freedom here to do entry-level analog drum machines and synths. That being said, a digital synth in this form factor like a wavetable synth would surely be welcomed as well. Going to cross my fingers that there are more product or software update announcements for NAMM.


6 channel interface is a nice touch. Assumed it was just stereo out. This one’s not for me so no recreational manual reading :wink:

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Amen to that.

Whole genres of music were birthed with less, and it was the limitations that created the distinctions.

When I see a low price point, the first thing I think of is younger folk with less income and I can only try to imagine what they might create with it.


I’m imagining some sort of battery charging handle that combines two units like a lunchbox

In case of external MIDI targets: Can the sequencer send more than one note per track?

By the way, as a DT owner I am extremely disappointed that the cheaper device has tempo multiplier per track and the DT not :persevere:


x1000, come on elektron!!!

This looks like a fun little machine and a great intro to Elektron. The Digitakt made me more productive than I’ve ever been on hardware or software and in the same way this guy seems like it gets out of your way and lets you start making grooves. I can already think of a few friends that I will recommend this to


The manual says nothing about it :thinking:

There are p-locks for midi tracks? Can’t see it either

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Get em hooked young! End game is to have them selling their entire bedrooms a few months later to buy an Octatrack :wink:

I’ve pre-ordered one as I was in the market for something portable but I do think it may be priced €100 too high for the entry level market they’re suggested to be aiming for.

that’s just a guess tho :slight_smile:


I’ve no idea what @bradleyallen is referring to then?

Well, there are very few contexts in which you want the sample and your MIDI synth play to the same line.

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  • Only the sequencer data for the NOTE and VEL parameters are sent over MIDI.

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From a product line perspective the Model:Sample makes perfectly good sense to me. It is easy to compare its feature set with the Digitakt and decide on where you get the most value for your money. It might even help selling more Digitakts (and possibly even Octatracks) via up-selling just by taking up more “shelf space” for Elektron.
But I think it is all a bit unexciting. The only real novelty is the battery pack that is sold at a later date. I would have hoped for something more, like a built in synth engine, an analog distorsion on the master, a built in mic for audio capture or maybe even sync integration with the pocket operators (imo the best entry level electronic music gear out there right now)

Yes so you just change volumes, or adjust the mix. We’ve been saying them same thing, which is good.

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