Introducing Octatrack MKII

Pickup Sync is exactly as per MKi … Track+Tempo locks tempo to a Pickup machine … it’s just labelled up now for the forgetful :wink:

Is it a given that the converters are any different just because the inputs are fully balanced ? ! Need the electrical specs to see if it’s more than just a hum cancelling tweak … I expect it’s more than that, there was nothing problematic with pseudo balanced ins before

I’d heard awhile back that an SD card just can’t compete with real-time streaming and audio manipulation of a CF card. I’d hope for some sort of SSD tech for an upgrade.

Somehow I’m guessing they were caught on the hop somewhat by Juno posting the listing. I bet this was meant to be announced at, or after NAMM.

- Wouldn’t mind betting there are other MK2 updates waiting in the wings too, and after this I’m holding off on buying that RYTM now… :wink:

OT mk1 can do 24/44.1 or 16/44.1

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I jumped for joy at seeing OT2!! e-mail this a.m., but was quickly brought back to reality by Mk II. It is what it is, a refinement. I am curious if the OLED display will actually look any better? Still seems to be the same resolution / blockiness. Sharper blocks?

Am also amazed at fortuitous timing - I literally just sold my OT this week in anticipation of MPC Live finally filling the MIDI gap that OT always struggled with (missed notes, mis-timed notes, poly unuseable).

I whole heartedly agree

I’d jump in it if I felt there refinements/new features in the pipeline

However my gut feeling is that this will not be the case.

That said Elektron have surprised the balls off me on a number of occasions

The Rec Edit/Erase button intrigues me. If this means way easier clearing of recording slots, I’m super stoked! I love the new look/hardware upgrade. I’m in, and I’m keeping my MK 1 :wink:

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Until you hear different, the MKii is exactly the same scope wise as the original, it’s a matured design with a few nips and tucks, but there’s nothing significant coming along (presuming the idea is to make the os firmware be compatible to both)

This product is going to be free from all the ‘beta’ accusations, you get what you see and that’s that

If they are going to add anything it’ll be to a newer product with OB further down the line, a year or two i’d say

This is a facelift release, there’s not much that needs to be added… all the user speculation above is just wishful thinking IMHO … as I see it, it’s completed, but will now be more likely to get bug fixes helping both og and mkii owners

If it has a different main processor, then maybe there’s room to dream, but I really doubt that’s where they’re taking this … it has limited development potential in terms of the platform and os

I agree they should at some point clarify more than just the impossibility of OB, but today this is just about what it is, not what it isn’t which isn’t a great way to sell something


Now that’s a good lookin’ box. I feel the need to chime in here… while I might really want the shiny (matte), new (steel?) sports car with the fancy new, Digitakt-esque buttons, the ultra crisp OLED screen, dope layout etc, I don’t really need the new sports car. As they often say on the forums, “it’s not for me”

No, balancing the signal usually happens after conversion and is completely separate from it. But it does mean they reworked the output stage somewhat and that is much more crucial for the sound quality than the DAC itself. If they really significantly upgraded it remains to be seen. But I guess if they did they would be bragging about it on the feature list.


I feel they probably would have liked to clear out as much inventory of OG OT’s before touting all the improvements of the MKII version. Things probably aren’t being executed optimally due to the unexpected premature leak. I don’t see this as any worse than the DT buildup, lack of info, and mysterious undeveloped features, but with the DT, you at least know new features are being developed.

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I agree and I will wait for it… so cool to see what they will do.


About as wrooong as the Fonz.

Looking forward to someone tracking down the part number so we can have a new OLED screen in the old OT.

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You may be right, I’ve no prior knowledge in this area, but if the og is effectively working with a 2 pole connector and the latest a 3-pole, then i’d have expected that the electrical balancing would occur before the sampling (doing it after would need more conversion … though I’ve no idea how balancing is effected) … it’d also be less complicatd in terms of the os if they converted the signals identically after the balancing … I’m curious because I wonder if there was any need to change the converters, they seemed very happy they were of a good quality … I think the -12dB of gain applied to the captured input signals is possibly more of a significant factor in terms of aspiring for fidelity because you then need to add that gain back onto the noise floor

it’ll be interesting to see what’s really what with this, the original inputs do overload quite easily, so maybe that’s improved

:heavy_dollar_sign::heavy_dollar_sign: > you will buy it

Of course it happens before the sampling on the inputs. I was referring to the outputs in the sentence you quoted. Sorry if I was adding confusion. The outputs on the OG were balanced already so the difference is only the new balanced inputs.

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i have only one question: Does it have Trig Conditions?

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yeah, I was wondering about the inputs only and whether there’s any difference beyond ‘potential’ hum cancelling … time will tell or there may be clarifications added