Introducing Octatrack MKII

Just glancing, I expect pretty much all of those shortcuts better implemented with the Mk 2. No new function needed other than the UI improvement itself in this context.

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With the new button combos it seems it is ā€œmore intuitive,ā€ but just slightly.
Not sure what AED stands for, Audio Edit Details?
As for sequencing an SE-02, I dont see it being any more intuitive than the OG OT.
Seeing that I dont use pickup machines, it seems like the added buttons are a very minor convenience upgrade.
My guess would be that they fix the pickup machines as best they can, and consider it done.
Maybe, just maybe, some other slight improvements.

Off topic, I want the SE-02 as well, but it seems to be more of an A4 companion, transpose and all.

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Yea, the big thing I would see for a reason to upgrade is for live preforming artists who just want and easier to read screen while working in a dark flashing dance type area. At that point you are a professional and selling your original for an MKII should be a pretty painless upgrade cost.

I expect we will get that soon. DigiSyth is en route Im imagining.

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I agree with Rusty here.
If youā€™ve never owned and OT and you want one, get the MKII, unless your just die hard black.
So far the differences seem so minute, I cant imagine OG OT owners to jumping at this.
If I lost my OT for some reason, Iā€™d still just buy a used OT1 and save money, match my others.
Now maybe some ā€œinput headroomā€ demos will come out, and change my mind, theyā€™d have to show some night and day comparison though.
If the MKII offered Conditional Trigs, or Midi Scenes, I wouldnā€™t be saying any of this.
If you just bought an OT1, keep it.


I oversimplified a bit and Iā€™m sure there are other concerns that would make it slightly more complicated than simply replacing the CF slot with a pin header and hooking up an SSD (with power tapped from somewhere on the board, which is a whole other can of worms), but yeah, from the OS point of view a CF card is an IDE hard drive..

It would be a useless exercise though, since youā€™d still have the 64gb limit and a good CF card is more than fast enough for the OT, so you would basically be carving up your OT and the only thing you would gain for it was not being able to swap your storage media without opening the case.


People always seem kinda ho hum about Elektron announcements ā€¦ until Cenk demos it, and weā€™re all sold. haha.


True that.
Still though, the last time that happened to me was with the RYTM.
I had a Tempest for a while and didnā€™t even wanna watch the new RYTM vids.
2 weeks later Cenk put out a video and my Tempest was up for sale and a RYTM in the mail.
No regrets thats fer sure.


Does OTMk 2 support the trigger condition in the future?
Is the casing new only?:aw:

I see that, but I donā€™t transpose much. Just make copy patterns with the transpositions in them.

Figure I can take it farther with OTā€™s MIDI sequencer as I imagine SE-02 will have full CC# spec.
vs my Analog Keys sequencer sending 3 CVs (pitch, filter freq, trigger input for internal sequencer) and a gate.
I like to p-lock decay too much.

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A lot of people seem to be fussing about if/how the OTmk2 including certain features that were introduced on flagship machines

  • OverBridge editor
  • OverBridge audio streaming
  • Conditional Trigs (initially from OS updates on A4 and AR)
  • OLED screens (initially from AH ?)
  • durable backlit buttons (initially from DT)

The above features all came on ā€œmaster-of-oneā€ devices with (more) clearly-defined applications (not to mention shallower learning curves),
ā€¦which were conceived AFTER the OT(mk1)'s more ā€œjack-of-allā€ feature set blew open so much new territory (and business) for Elektron.

Iā€™m more interested (and would be more financially invested) in features unique to the OTā€¦ effectively, "how might the mk2 be _better at being uniquely-OT, beyond the obvious and superficial upgrades.

For me, the OTmk1ā€™s biggest frustration (greatest potential, largest frustration) were the PU machines for several reasons:

  1. using them w/ OT as MIDI-clock slave not only didnā€™t work well; theyā€™d hard-fail and stop recording.
  2. there was so little direct-button control, almost requiring external MIDI
  3. the PU were not able to the PUā€™s full feature set fluidly (which feels paramount of expressive control in ā€œlinear live loopingā€)ā€¦as the really fun stuff was hidden (from direct control) in the PUā€™s Setup menu. This meant I found myself using ā€œsub-typesā€ of PU machines for specific applications, which made them rather un-Flex-able. (pun intended)

more than anything else visible on the mk2ā€™s face, Iā€™m intrigued by whatā€™s available from the three Rec buttons, and what they may mean to PU machine-ists.

  1. I assume the twin LEDs above the Rec3ā€™s button act as ā€œoutput-headroom for resamplingā€. Iā€™ve never had a problem with overdriven re-sampling, but it could be handy to have the UI, especially if you want to resample within or between PU machines (through Neighbor FX ! )
  2. the Rec3 button has a Rec Edit action. Iā€™m assuming this would act as a 2-button/1-step way to edit the active trackā€™s buffer (rather than having to enter a machine Setup, THEN press Shift+ā€œEditā€ā€¦) BUT it would be interesting if there were additional things to contol.
  3. 3rd buttonā€™s 2nd-row labels (on the same line of context as other PU behaviors) suggests some ā€œ** PU Erase**ā€ behavior. I would REALLY hope this ā€œeraseā€ button does not clear the (PU) buffer as it (could optionally) act as ā€œrealtime un-dubā€ to (optionally)punch holes of silence into loop.

Regarding the 3rd point above; the manual for OTmk1 OS 1.25 makes no mention of ā€œeraseā€ behavior for PU machines, so THIS could be something genuinely fresh, and that gives me hope of some realtime, front-panel control of PUs that was previously locked in the Setup Menu.

Just imagine If the mk2 PUs allowed realtime control of the PUā€™s Setup-level features (even if they were limited to external control via MIDI).

  • Pitch (recording speed) to offset sampling rates for pitch/time weirdness.
  • Direction for realtime Reversal (which is standard even on most non-MIDI audio-loopers)
  • loop Length to multiply (lengthen) / divide (shorten) audio content in the same way that changing Scale automatically copies trigs; you could PickUp-record a 2 bar loop, adjust the PUā€™s Length (within memory) to 1, 3, or 4 bars then work on that new loop.
  • input/overdub Gain, to allow for (delay-style) ā€œloop decayā€
  • the OP dub mode, to switch between OverDub and Replace (acting as the aforementioned ā€œEraseā€ button if you Replace-with-silence)

If the OTmk2 has any new upgraded brainpower (in a new FPGA for a broader OS), then I really hope they prioritize fixing/improving ā€œOT-uniqueā€ features instead of worrying about what people expect is ā€œstandardā€ of newer OLED devices.

If nothing else, I really hope this update provides the hardware and (eventual) firmware to get the PUā€™s to do more.

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Wouldnā€™t hold your breath on trig cons
Better to presume it wonā€™t as there has been no mention it will get it

it me


If you do, please post a proper headroom demo comparison.
Assuming you can borrow an OT.
Would love to judge wether or not the quality gains are worth it.

Theyā€™ve improved headroom which is good, but still no proper metering apart from those little leds that basically blink on or off when receiving signal?

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One other thingā€¦
the OLED screen suggests the Banks (of patterns) are still named alphabetically (ā€œA 01ā€), yet the faceplate of the OT mk2 looks to omit the alphabetical Bank labels for Banks, which always made it easy to switch directly between banks.
Now I fear Iā€™ll have to sing the alphabet song as I count my finger along buttons.

Seriously, can anyone here close their eyes and tell me which is the 15th letterā€¦without reciting the alphabet ?

Only since Iā€™ve started using Rustyā€™s OctaEdit software have I been able to set up different banks for different behavior in a meaningful way, and
It never occurred to me how much I visually rely on those alphabet-labels until I see them missing,

"ā€¦if itā€™s NOT broke, DONā€™T FIX IT ! "

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Iā€™ve found the"green/Yellow/RED" metering of those 3-color LEDs to be extremely useful in controlling my gain structure.

Yeah, seems to me Iā€™ve spent a couple years gain staging tracks, tweaking FX an compression, etc.
And at this point I think it sounds pretty Fkā€™n good on the OT1.
The headroom thing might lure me in the future, but maybe the DIY option on the MKI is more suiting.

i think there is a pick of an early OT from years back that @Dataline had that looked just like this new MKII. It was grey with all black knobs and black buttons.
Wait! found it from 2010


Yeah it works, but just think with a revision it would have been nice to have seen things like this improved upon. A digital meter in the display perhaps? (probably not that simple to display the analog signal on a digital meter?) dunno