Introducing Octatrack MKII

A little screen à la Minilogue could have been interesting indeed to monitor levels…

Wow, that Dataline grey prototype(?) looks way better to me than either the Mk I (which frankly I’ve always found ugly, but in a charming way that I actually quite like) or the Mk II (which looks more polished but maybe lacking in character compared to the original).

Interesting idea. Could be cool Though I absolutely hope that “Erase” means clear the pickup’s (or flex’s) recorder buffer as a function choice (if amongst others).

So is this new Octatrack aimed for people who never used an OT before? Same with the Digitakt? Guessing this is the start of a new generation for Elektron. I was so hyped at first but now that the features are revealed, I’m thinking of just keeping the OG OT. It’s just a new makeover.

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Those features are from the PM main menu. The setup menu only has master timstretch and transient detection. Those main menu parameters are realtime controllable.

Just gonna throw in my 2c and say that I think this was an awesome move from Elektron. A solid nod to existing OT owners with the prospect of some attention to the OS, even if only bug fixes. All without making our investments worthless. A fully revamped OT2 would leave many owners choked for this reason, myself included.
Plus, now those of you who have been holding off on getting one for fear of it becoming obsolete have nothing to worry about! It’s confirmed! The OT is as relevant as ever and not going to be replaced. Go get some. :slight_smile:


…Or you can keep dreaming of 8 stereo ins and outs and the 32 1/4" inputs on the back panel that it would require. Haha! GO MAKE MUSIC.


Setting aside cash.

Was DT aimed at people that never used an OT before? I thought the DT was aimed at people that hated the OT for it’s needless complexity.

Looking forward to seeing how the workflow is improved with the new extra buttons. Less menu diving could be a surprisingly big improvement when actually using the machine. Also back lit buttons for live use is a major bonus!


No one has really mentioned the need for 8 stereo inputs? And couldn’t 8 stereo outs be single jacks like a headphone output? So we’re only talking a handful more outputs over what’s there currently on OG? More ram could have solved it instead maybe? Giving enough space to record 8 stems simultaneously internally. Oh well…

The ‘quit whining go make music’ thing makes me laugh. Most people making feature requests or complaining about things are doing this because they ARE making music. A lot of it :wink: Boxes like OT would never have been made if people at Elektron hadn’t been critical and imagined ‘more’, seeing possible solutions for real problems, it’s not a bad thing. Unless it stops you using what you have in the meantime. But someone writing a post on a forum is hardly an indication of that :wink:

There was bound to be some initial disappointment/Wtf from people hyped for an OT2. Mkii reveal was like a 2-hit come down for those people. First, it isn’t an OT2. Second, it probably confirms OT2 isn’t happening for a long time/ever. Just let people grieve that dream for a couple of days then it’ll all be forgotten :wink:


I hope so.

i’m guessing Audio EDitor

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i know , i know . Thanks for the info. The reason for why i think this is funny is that i would bet that most OT owners ( esp. me :joy:) had accidentally pushed this button combo and thought “WTF” just happened. It is like an OT running gag :wink:

There is a summarize button on the top of this thread ( or any other thread) so you can remove some noise. Pretty nifty :wink:


I’m pretty sure somebody mentioned up near the top of the thread (i skipped a bunch) that there should have been more inputs, rather than outputs. Anyway I was exaggerating. I know no one wants all that.

I guess I was just glad it didn’t turn out to be the OT2 we all dream about. I don’t really have the money for it and I could do without the distraction of another cycle of saving up, buying and then learning a whole new mega instrument. I totally ‘get’ everyone out there who IS ready to spring for an ultradodecatrack DPS 9000 though. So that side of my comment is total self interest. Happy OT1 owner remains happy that OT1 remains awesome. That’s all.

The other side is really just stoke for folks that were caught in this limbo of not knowing if the OT is still a relevant platform or is about to be replaced and not feeling good about committing the time to learn this old beast. It’s a confirmation that it is a good a time as any to acquaint yourself with an OT. So hey go get one! Everyone wins!

…except the ones out there waiting on the big kahuna and who knows if and when that’s ever coming and if it’s even Elektron that’ll build it. It’s to that crowd mainly that I direct the old ‘go make music’ trope because it’s generally that one that ought to do just that. The waiting around and speculating and wishing and expecting just goes nowhere and wastes time. Good news is, in the meantime, there’s a ton of insane music machines already out there and there’s never actually been a better time in history to be a music geek. It’s a pretty good consolation prize.


Ive got a feeling Hector has well and truly left the building and is setting up his own company that makes hardware.
Magical Music Machines.

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Still listed on Juno.
Good to see they haven’t been blacklisted by Elektron :ecstatic:

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These kinds of ‘I’m stoked/gassing, so no one else is justified to be the opposite and voice it’ posts feel like being directed to Donald Trump’s Twitter account… Cracks me up how many ‘likes’ they tend to get.

You can go read the million existing nauts OT threads if you wanna learn about what you’re buying, basically the same box :wink: Or you could just be fine about giving other people’s opinions the same space as your own :wink: Instead of adding/provoking ‘noise’ by complaining about it :wink:

Also, considering that mkii runs the same OS as OG I’m afraid you’re going to have to put up with comments/queries from OG users, not only hyped new owners :wink: And you might gain some insight about real life use/issues with the machine you’re about to buy if you don’t just sweep off the negative posts and seek out the positives :wink: Which would be a positive thing :wink:


…loads of suggestions, happiness, worries, bank account checkings…
The thing I don’t like is the simple fact that this anouncement puts an end to any further developement of the OT1 firmware and therefore the grave for nice little things like trig conditions on the now OT Mk1.