Introducing Song Mode on Digitakt, Syntakt, Digitone & Digitone Keys

im catching some confusion about how global and pattern mutes work after song mode update.
thought its bugs, created tickets and elektron support replied its functions as it should.
saying that they limited ability to mute tracks while in song mode and song edit window to prevent confusion.

i use DN and here’s what i gathered:

  1. global mutes (FN+T) are not part of pattern data (meaning they cannot be affected by FUNC+NO)
  2. pattern mutes (PTN+T) are part of the pattern data
  3. global mutes work when song mode is active
  4. pattern mutes dont mute when song mode is active but only toggle the track to purple (exiting song mode wont mute tracks that are muted immidiately, you either need to wait for pattern to cycle or unmute and mute the track yourself)
  5. while in song edit, global mutes dont work (indended)
  6. while in song edit, pattern mutes have same behaviour as in 4.
  7. if mute mode is active and you go into song edit, it will temporarily deactivate (intended)
  8. if you enter song edit while already in song edit, mute mode will reactivate, allowing global mutes and pattern mutes to be used (pattern mutes that were toggeled through mute mode will be entered into song edit mute menu)
  9. while in song mode, and pattern mute mode, pattern mutes work and get saved into song (unlike PTN+T, while both toggle track purple)

TLDR, conclusion (DN).
Its clear that they want to limit use of pattern mutes while in song mode only for the edit prompt menu.

To do that they removed ability for pattern mutes to mute tracks, but forgot to block the color and state toggle.
They deactivated mute mode when you enter song edit window, but did it in such a way that its still there upon re-entering song edit window.


it’s worth noting that if you want to build a track using the same pattern with differing pattern mutes per row (e.g. A01 on 4x rows, each row having different global mutes), any changes you want to make across the song (e.g. a long filter sweep) will be repeated per row, not 1x across the song.

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Is it? Maybe I’m not understanding, but hasn’t this always been possible?

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I’m wondering if it can be recorded or turned off/on into the arrangement itself. Like how you can have different mute states per row, have the fill set to come on at a certain point in the pattern and then not have it triggered on other rows, if that makes sense.

The more I read about it I’m guessing that automation like that is not possible.

I don’t think that is possible.

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Thanks for the easier explanation. Sometimes hard to reply if English ain’t your native language

Yeah, as far as I can tell, the song only records a few independent parameters per row:

  • The bank/pattern number
  • Mute states
  • Number of steps before switching
  • Number of times to loop
  • Tempo

Anything else would have to be a part of the pattern, itself. You can bake automation into a pattern, of course. And song mode will play it back, because it’s playing that pattern. But it’s not unique to or song mode or adjustable per-song-row.

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You can’t do FILL stuff, but this is how song mode has always worked, isn’t it?

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Why doesn’t Elektron hire or delegate someone to do in-depth video tutorials about the new features like they did before with Hector? Wouldn’t be a great service for all users? I’m not talking about surfaced videos but something that would save us plenty of time discussing some not so documented behaviors.


I never actually needed to use Song Mode on any of the Elektrons that had it before.

But I can definitely see how if the pattern mutes and progression of patterns are being handled in the background for you, then you have a lot more ability to use Fill creatively, along with Ctrl All and other performative features. So I definitely will be getting into Song Mode now with the DN at least, and maybe explore the A4 one as well (or just have the A4 patterns follow the DN…)


Agreed also with @Tchu Perfect time for a “how to use Song Mode” youtube demo on the Digitone etc for all of those features. Song mutes, fills, CTRL-All, resetting patterns, etc.


Agreed. Get Tinez on it!


Except knowing Ricky he’ll get all muddled!


Might need some editing :slight_smile:

Thanks. Hm well it seems logical now, but to be clear:
I can not throw in 8 times pattern A01, leaving track 4 empty and record there a longer improvisation with chord mode? Or a longer improvisation with filter?
I would first have to copy-paste A01 till A08 i suppose.?

He’s so damn LA-esq watching his vids always makes me shutter thinking of being in Silver Lake or wherever wishing I never ventured that far west…

I mean no disrespect but this seems like a kind of funny comment, just curious, what about Silver Lake makes you want to run the other direction? (Besides the rent prices)


I dunno… culture clash I guess. Maybe I’m just a typical northeast cynic with an inflated sense of self mixed with crushing insecurities and a big mouth and that’s the LA neighborhood I remember being most annoyed by for some reason…

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All valid points, I appreciate it. I’m originally from CA but have lived in NYC for the past several years so I feel a connection to both sides — sometimes I annoy myself.

To make this a little more on topic let me just say — I think our own @DaveMech still has the best Song Mode demonstration out there, super cool ideas using tempo multipliers/divisions. Makes song mode a real creative tool rather than a mere auto-arranger.


Agreed! Those tempo divisions and multipliers set my imagination running. Great work @DaveMech!