[iOS] Tensor - Kit & Pattern Randomizer for the Model line

Bought! Looking forward to trying this out later tonight!

@trueborncypher This is what @mekohler answered to a similar question further up.

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Oh :frowning: thanks for linking that comment with me. I guess iā€™ll need to find a cheap ipad on ebay to get some more functionality out of the cycles!

Hey, I do plan on a minimal iPhone interface I just havenā€™t had the motivation to do it. Elektron releasing their battery handle would help, hehe. Iā€™m also in downtown Manhattan and itā€™s just high anxiety times, I havenā€™t been able to focus much on music software at the moment, but I will get there.

I lowered the price ~35% from now until Sunday (you may need to wait for the change to propagate to the App Store). Thanks for being patient :exploding_head:


Apologies if I misunderstood you. I was just trying to answer your question with the Devs answer to a previous similar question.
No offence.

Hey man itā€™s all good :slight_smile: wasnā€™t being rude. Just thankful you linked me an answer. I was just disappointed with the answer!

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Ha, no worries my man. :muscle::nose::v::+1:

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sorry to bother , my Cycles and Tensor are connected by way of
the ICONNECTMIDI4+, the tensor midi screen ā€˜seesā€™ the Ic and the M:C I believe Iā€™ve set the Required M:C settings but nothing happening, if anyone familiar with the IC and can give suggestions otherwise Iā€™m still looking for my cck which probably will simplify things

In Tensor MIDI settings, does the M:C port show up? Did you enable it for both MIDI IN and MIDI OUT? When you hit Get Kit a pop-up should appear saying Tensor has received the Kit Sysex. I have seen reports on this forum of people have had issues with their iConnectā€¦Iā€™ve only used the Apple Camera Kit and iConnectivity Mio 1-1 and never had any issues.

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Started work on the iPhone UIā€¦Due to space constraints there will be a slimmed down Kit / Pattern Creator above the Mixer, and no Parameter Slidersā€¦at least thatā€™s the plan for now :nerd_face:


My iPad just died so looking forward to this :partying_face:

Oh dang, I didnā€™t want it over iPad features, but Iā€™m probably going to end up using it anyway.


Can someone help me to set the model cycles to work with the app? I canā€™t see, to make it work. I would like to know the exact settings, also in the iPad. Iā€™m a noobie. I have the iPad Pro 2018 11ā€.

Thanks so much!!

How are you connecting the iPad to the hardware? Directly or over WIFI through your computer?

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Iā€™ve connected the iPad to the model cycles directly via the USB-C to USB dongle. The model cycles is connected using the micro usb cable out into the dongle. Is that correct?


Yeah, so your iPad is connected directly to the hardware. In the upper left MIDI Menu you should see the Model:Cycles ports show up, which need to be selected. If not, make sure your M:C is set to use USB MIDI and the other settings are correct (upper right Help Menu)



Those are exactly the settings that I donā€™t know how to set in the model cycles, I donā€™t really understand what I have to change. Any help? Sorry for the frustration.

Thanks so much!!

Hit the Wrench icon on the M:C hardware and go to MIDI -> Ports. You should consult the M:C manual for doing that stuff


Tensor should be iPhone compatible by next weekā€¦just finishing some testing this weekend! Hopefully Elektron releases their battery handle soon :crossed_fingers:t4:



  • Added iPhone support
  • Bug Fix: Some Sound Types were not obeying the ā€œRand Vel Mods With Sound Typesā€ option
  • Improved Ping Filter function for the M:S
  • Improved Dirt Sound Type for the M:S
  • Improved Mixer Sliders sensitivity
  • Minor UI Enhancements

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