[iOS] Tensor - Kit & Pattern Randomizer for the Model line

Just purchased, but insta crashing for me

Really? What iPhone model?

iPhone 8 Plus.

iOS 13.3.1

Weird, works fine here. Do you see the logo? Does it crash after a long time?

Under iOS Settings -> Privacy - Analytics & Improvements - Analytics Dataā€¦is there a crash log for Tensor?

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Straight crash, no logo. Updating to latest IOS to see if that works.

Works here on iPhone 11 / iOS14 beta


Iā€™m downloading the 13.3 simulators now to see what the problem is.

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Yes, there is a crash report.

Whats your email, Iā€™ll send it to you.


I DMā€™d youā€¦also try deleting app, rebooting your iPhone and reinstall. Iā€™m googling now and people have lots of issues with 13.3 and some appsā€¦weird

Works fine with iOS 13.3 iPhone8+ simulator


Iā€™m on an iPhone 7 Plus with IOS 12.0 and mine crashes in the same wayā€¦ No splash screen, just doesnā€™t launch.

I have tried deleting / restarting phone : reinstalling to no avail :frowning:

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Boooā€¦works fine on my iPhone 11 Pro and my iPhone 7ā€¦am investigating

Hard to tell whatā€™s wrong since they work on all of my simulators and phones.

I submitted a minor change using dchild_1982ā€™s logs to Apple tonight, weā€™ll see if that works :[


My phone is showing a cost in the app store whereas iā€™ve bought it on the iPad. Are the apps separate?

Nope, should be just one app. Are you logged into your apple account?


Yeah, having the same issue where itā€™s not letting me download the iPhone version even though I have it on my iPad under the same Apple ID.

Tried deleting from the iPad and re-downloading, but itā€™s still wanting to charge for the iPhone purchase.

On a side note, I couldnā€™t find a version number in the app. I was searching my recent updates and Tensor wasnā€™t one of them and there was no indication that it needed to be updated. When I manually searched for it in the App Store the update box showed. I pressed it and I donā€™t know that it actually updated. Afterward is when I deleted, re-downloaded, opened, and then tried to download unsuccessfully on iPhone.

It shows a cost to me tooā€¦even though Iā€™ve paid for it for my iPad. If however I click on the cost and click ā€˜payā€™, a message then appears telling me Itā€™s free because Iā€™ve already paid for a previous versionā€¦ Be nice to know itā€™s free before taking the chanceā€¦proceed at your own risk.

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Yeah, itā€™s all one appā€¦you wonā€™t be charged twice. I found a post on the Audiobus forums about the same issue with their app. It will show the price, but if you actually click purchase you wonā€™t be chargedā€¦annoying, but thatā€™s something on Appleā€™s end (https://forum.audiob.us/discussion/25034/pay-twice-for-iphone-and-ipad-versions/p1)

I submitted an update last night to address the instant crash on some phones. I think it will solve the issue, but again everything is working on all of my phones and simulators hereā€¦either way, I will obviously keep at it until itā€™s resolvedā€¦

The latest version is v1.1. Iā€™ll add the version # in the Help Menu the next time I submit an update. In the meantime, if you go to the Help Menu and click the email button, the email subject should have the current version.


Yeah, i think iā€™ve had it happen elsewhere, weird that youā€™re logged in already but you have to log in AGAIN at time of purchase in order to validate.

Thanks for checking! Iā€™d probably donate anyway but it did keep me from installing at first glance :slight_smile:

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Update 1.2:

  • Addresses crashes on older iPhones

Please let me know if you are still crashing on startup!

If you are, email me (mekohler(at)gmail(dot)com) the Tensor Crash Log located @ iOS Settings ā†’ Privacy ā†’ Analytics & Improvements ā†’ Analytics Data

I have another update waiting in the wings that optimizes things even more if there are still issues