[iOS] Tensor - Kit & Pattern Randomizer for the Model line

I get what you mean, but each Track has 17 Parameters that are lockable. 17 * 6 = 102, which is more than the available number of allowed P-Locks (80). I could have a function to lock every Parameter except maybe Delay Send, Reverb Send, Pitch, & ??? …then it would fit.

Yep I understand what you mean. It could be limited to note, velocity, machine and whatever is selected as modulation in the pad menu ?
That could already be a huge bunch o parameters ! :grin:

Note & velocity don’t count as P-Locks, they are just part of a Trig. I’ll mess around with what I said earlier…it will create 13 P-Locks per Track, effectively freezing the Track Sound on active Trigs.


You rock ! :love_you_gesture:

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Really looking forward to this when it releases, and I appreciate all of the updates and documentation - and your hard work, of course!



  • Added -Algorithm to the P-Lock functions on the M:C
  • Added Freeze Sound to the P-Lock functions

Freeze Sound will attempt to P-Lock 13 Parameters on each Track to each Parameter’s current value. This effectively (almost) freezes the Track Sound on all active Trigs. For the M:C, Punch & Delay / Reverb Send are omitted . For the M:S, Delay / Reverb Send are omitted.


@mekohler any chance of a toggle for lfo to be switched between decimal and whole numbers?
Only ask as right now I can’t update my ms as I’ve been exploiting the fact that random lfo to start is not quite right, I’ve built an entire suite of environments around the discrepancy.
I fear updating will ruin my exploration and current location.
I really want to use your software as I know how powerful the results can be but I’m so attached to my current methods, unless I buy a second ms I feel I’m trapped.
Of course there is room for argument that the decimal point will be the same as the wonky start point on whole numbers but I will lose my work as is.
Minor complaint I know but thought I’d ask!
You are performing heroics anyways so all the power to you my man!

The LFO Depth slider moves in whole numbers, and the Randomization will always choose a whole number. The only time Tensor will use the decimal for LFO Depth is if you Morph that Parameter, or your device has a decimal and you hit GET KIT. Does the Kit Sysex in the new OS work in the old versions? I haven’t tested. I could add an option to make the Morph not use the decimals.

Have you tried using Tensor with your old OS?


Ah that sounds good then!
No I’ve not used Tensor at all as I believed it was only compatible with the latest os, I did ask earlier up the thread but it wasn’t confirmed.
If the lfo is always whole numbers then Tensor won’t ruin my work, only the onboard lfo will! Hah!
Thanks for clarifying!

Tensor is available on the App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/tensor/id1503693241

If you had the Beta I would delete the app before installing. I’ll keep adding more features as time goes on :grimacing:


Proud tensor owner !


awesome! Bought it.

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Nice app. Bought it yesterday and produced already several happy accidents. :grinning:


Good to hear! Happy accidents are what it’s for :slight_smile:

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Wow nice App :blush::+1: is it possible to add a short Songmodus in the Future?

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Yes, eventually I will port the song mode from the Digitone app.


did not know there was a songmode about it

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  • a better preset explorer
  • a better project Explorer like Save Song/Project, Load Song/Project delete etc.
  • a simple gui for first using Tensor not an overloaded gui …to chose :blush:
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Any plans to make this available on iphone? I’ve just purchased the cycles and would love to see this implemented on that platform. If it cannot be squeezed down to an iphone screen fair enough.

And on android ?