[iOS] Tensor - Kit & Pattern Randomizer for the Model line

Thanks - that did it! I’ll blame my aging eyes!

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Yeah the interface is tiny :[

The update after the next one will improve text rendering and make the fonts bigger, among other things.

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Update 1.5:

  • Fixed detection of certain iPhone models :crossed_fingers:t3:

@mekohler awesome app - do you have any plans to add interface controls for playing the chord machine more effectively? I just ran across this project the other day, it’d be awesome to have something similar built directly in to your app: https://wavesontable.com/chordmachine/chordmachine.html

There’s some limitations to what is available on the webapp - namely, you can’t choose more than just major or minor for the chord type (no unisons, no diminished, sus, or b5s!). I can imagine given that you’ve already written stuff to adjust params for each machine type into your app that it’d be a good fit for what you’ve got already! There’s some automatic scale detection stuff written into this version, but honestly even just being able to pick arbitary chords and then adjust their “shape” and “color” (chord type/inversions) using the app and then being able to playback live into the M:C would be a total dream.

I think a tool like this is the one last thing I need for M:C to be the perfect device for me :slight_smile:

Edit: also, sorry to just drop in with a random feature request. I know it’s crummy when folks just flood you with their own pet requests :stuck_out_tongue:


Hadn’t heard of that, but obviously a good idea…I can work on it.


more chord types would be vondabaar

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The faders of the mixer seem to have a lag, they move very slow. is this how it should be? For me personally it would be usefull to have faster faders, for performance usage. maybe even with the effects sends close.

Did you ever think of adding a page of ,velocity sensitive pads‘ (velocity sensitive as in: touch higher on a pad for louder’) to these Elektron editors?. Add a Recording button and it would make for great improvement of control for the elektrons with the stiff pads.

Lastly a personal dream: would it be possible to make Cycles sound like the Fractal Bits app? for example the wonderfull short clicks and non-distorted acoustic sounding bassdrums.
That app sounds so good even thought it might be less complex then Model:Cycles.
Is this a possibility for Tensor?


hey there i seem to have problems sending patterns- midi filter settings are as should be, device is selcted everywhere and get ptn works aswell as get kit does - just send ptn does nothing apart from the message on the ipad that its being sent. doesn’ matter if the sequencer is running. any obvious problemsources? :frowning:

Scroll down and make sure you’ve selected the other half? That’s usually what happens in my case, the out is cropped off.

Yes, common sense.

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Really enjoying all these apps. Thank you for all the effort. Are there any plans to add midi learn to the mixer section? Midi mapping an external controller could be useful in a performance scenario.

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I so wish I had an ipad. sadly I only have an android phone.

Nah, out of the scope of the app…I can add a MIDI Through port which would send the CC’s through the app to the output…that way you can control faders externally using their CC / Channels.

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All good, it makes sense that it’s out of scope. Any plans on a digitakt version? The parameter implementation per sample type is very useful. Thanks

If they release a Digitakt MK2 I will buy that and make an app for it…not interested in the MK1 at the moment :scream:

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I just copped this app! I was encouraged by all the praise shown here and in some other treads.

What I don’t understand is why I cannot find one video of it in use!

Supporting indie developers can be done in more ways than just BUYING the app!
Giving him praise and thanking him is great as well – BUT if you really want to help support him, MAKE SOME HOW-TO VIDEOS and/or MAKE SOME VIDEOS SHOWING THE APP IN USE!

I’m entirely new to music. It was through tons and tons of research (video watching mostly) that I decided to buy a Model:Cycle and Model:Samples! Part of what helped me decide were the amount of how-tos, reviews and walk-throughs!

If this app is as great as your testimonials are, please show @mekohler some love and MAKE SOME VIDEOS!


I personally don’t make videos of my apps because it’s too much work for the ROI…especially since I would want the videos to be professionally done (if by myself)…I barely make any money on these Elektron apps as they are mostly for my own creative use.

That being said, you can always ask here or email me if you have any questions. Once you know how to use one of the apps, the others should be much easier as well.

Start with an empty project and play around with the various functions. At the end of the day, they just control MIDI CC’s and create Kit / Pattern sysex to get some ideas going.


@mekohler, my request wasn’t to you! I was asking your supporters to make videos showing off your app. I understand and appreciate the fact that you created something useful mainly for your own use, but you also blessed the Model community by making it available to us as well – and I thank you for it!

In a way, I was asking the supporters who have thanked you and wrote great reviews in this thread to could go a step further and make videos of them using it or showing how they use it could go even further to making your app a must have to many current or future M:C owners! I feel as though video demos and/or tutorials really help sell niche products like your app!

I’m just trying to make your Elektron apps more profitable to you – just sayin’…!


Wonderful app. Iimpressed! Useful, and stable, too.

On another note, it would be cool if PolyPhase got a lightweight AUv3 version. 1-track, no internal synth.

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Update 1.6:

  • Minor UI Update