[iOS] Tensor - Kit & Pattern Randomizer for the Model line

Could someone help me out here ? I see lots of superlatives but I’m not sure what it is that everyone likes so much. Is it sounds randomisation ? Melody randomisation ? Preset rhythms ? Generative music ?
Or is it just a very good editor for the model:cycles ?

Any and all. If you’re not interested in any of those features I wouldn’t be worried.

Hmm … I’m a bit stuck right at the outset.

Within the 1st minute or so the app froze M:C. Not even power off did anything I had to unplug from mains.

I’m bewildered by all the buttons … and the help pages aren’t helping me much. If I set “morph” and hit “kit” it appears to send a “kit” to the M:C … but only track 6 changes. However T5 is selected at the right.

I’m finding it difficult to predict what the app does. Is there an introduction video or text to help me ?

Are you on OS 1.12? Is there a MIDI feedback loop in your setup? Are the Track Channels set up correctly?

Morphing a Kit will Morph All Tracks… if you just want to Morph a single Track use the Morph + TRK button and make sure you don’t have ALL enabled on the right. The Morph amount is set very small (12%) initially and won’t affect all Parameters at once. Increase the Morph amount under the Options if you want more dramatic results.

The Help text describes every button’s function, so I’m not sure what the issue is there.

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I can see the help, but some of it leaves me wondering “Hold to lock”. Lock what ? If I don’t want the value to change I don’t press the button.

Yeah, if you hold down a Slider for a second or so it will turn red and that Parameter’s value will not be affected by any functions

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I’m finding it hard to figure out what’s going to change. From reading the help, it sounds like I first select a mode and a page type, which set up a target ‘area’ or page to change, then use ‘sound types’ and ‘sound designs’ to change things … But actually soon as I hit (for instance) “kit” the app is already sending changes to the M:C … but I haven’t yet said what kind of changes I want. (via sound types and sound design)

I can see the app does a lot … but I’m finding it difficult to figure out how to use it do something predictable for me.

By hitting KIT you are telling the app to either Randomize / Morph / Reset the entire Kit. Changes are immediate, there is no “staging” point. If you want the Snap Kit type across all Tracks, enable ALL and hit SNAP…if you just want Track 1 to have the Snap flavor, make sure ALL is disabled and Track 1 is selected then hit SNAP…the same applies to the functions below the Kit Types

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OK, so If I was to do (for instance) “get kit”, “morph”, “lfo” … what change will that make to the LFO ?

Trying to get my head round what ‘morph’ really means.

Morph will slightly alter the values of certain parameters…it won’t touch the LFO Destination, for example, since it assumes the user doesn’t want that to change. It goes through every Parameter that the user wants to Morph, and with a certain chance, it will decide to Morph it or not…after that decision is made it will then change that Parameter’s value by a small amount (Amount set under Options)

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Ok, thanks, I’m getting it slowly. So Morph is not related to genre buttons like ‘techno’, ‘urban’ and ‘snap’ then ?

I initially assumed that ‘morph’ meant ‘change in the direction of ’ X genre’ … ?

EDIT: oh … I see by reading back a few replies I may have got that wrong

The right side Kit / Sound Design buttons are in 3 sections…Top (Randomize / Morph / Reset certain Pages or TRK / KIT), Middle (Kit Genres), Bottom (sound design functions)…they are unrelated to each other, besides the fact that they alter the sound

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Ahh … ok … now it all makes sense I think. Because the vertical strip ‘rand’, ‘morph’, ‘reset’ ‘all’ was beside all three groups I was trying to figure out its relationship to the lower two groups.

So presumably ‘reset’ means ‘go back to the state of the last “Get kit”’ ?

Reset means go to that Parameter’s default value, as if you did a Kit init on the machine. If you want to go to saved Kit states, use the Kit Snapshots.

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Great, many thanks for taking the time to explain.

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Update 1.9:

  • Improved Kits & Randomization for the Model:Cycles
  • Improved “+ Algorithm” P-Lock function for the Model:Cycles
  • Added option “Rand Engine With Kit Rand” for the Model:Cycles
  • Added function “Bal Level” for the Model:Cycles (iPad)
  • Fixed a bug where Morphing a Track would affect the Algorithm on the Model:Cycles
  • Fixed a bug which would cause the App to crash when sending too many CC’s at once
  • Updated Help Text for iPads
  • Added support for iOS’s Files app

Does Not Work On iPad Air 4 !! It seems as though the screen is too small and you can not access menus.

Yeah I didn’t realize they released a different resolution iPad. I will need to update the app.


Thanks!!! That would be AMAZING!!!

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Update 2.0:

  • Optimizations
  • Added support for the new iPad Air resolution

Next up is adding support for all the new iPhone sizes, then I will revisit the app