[iOS] Tensor - Kit & Pattern Randomizer for the Model line

Amazing!!! Thank You for your hard work!!!

thank you re: iPhone sizes :slight_smile:

How should I connect Cycles and a Keystep keyboard to the iPad to use this polyphonic functionality?

Not sureā€¦with a DAW you could have the M:C and Keystep connected via USB to your PC, and the iPad connected to PC over wifi. Then you would route the Keystep to the iPad, and the iPad to the M:C :grimacing:

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Yeah, yesterday I have done exactly like this with the help of midipipe, it works, but a bit a slow response. I will try a simpler connection keystep > iPad > Cycles but first I need a cable like this

Update 2.1:

  • Added support for new iPhone 12 sizes
  • Bug Fixes

I feel like a flippin idiot, I am obviously doing this wrongā€¦

Decided to finally take the plunge last night (cause it seems like a damn cool app and I like supporting engaged iOS devs since itā€™s a tough place to play in) - but I cannot get this working for anything lolā€¦ M:C is set to receive CC, encoders are set to I+E, checked all tracks to make sure midi out is checked. Midi ports are matched.

I do have USB set to audio and midiā€¦ maybe should be midi only? Looked on Youtube for a small tutorial or something, I am certain Iā€™m overlooking something incredibly simple. Any pointers are super welcome. Thanks!

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Last time I used it I hit a similar issue ā€¦ discovered I needed to go to the ā€˜midiā€™ option on the app (top left) and choose the M:C. Donā€™t know if thatā€™s your issue ?

Ah sorry, I should note I also did that! I left that out haha. Iā€™m stumped! But I am sure itā€™s something simpleā€¦


How are you connecting the iPad to the hardware? Do you see the M:C ports in the app in the MIDI menu? The MIDI IN and MIDI OUT ports in Tensor are the important ones.

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Thanks Marcos! Iā€™m using the phone version, itā€™s over the USB connection. I do see it under midi IN but not OUT, I thinkā€¦

Mid-typing Edit: OMFG, like I said, simple. I had to SCROLL the box on the midi window under midi OUT section, couldnā€™t see the Elektron choice haha. I assumed the box stopped there lolā€¦ just sent a drum pattern works great. Looking forward to this!


Yeah on the iPhone version you need to scroll the tables to access everything ;]


So this has a button to randomize a model:Samples kit? Thatā€™s all Iā€™m interested in and I just see lots of m:c talk

This supports both the M:C and M:S. You select which hardware you are using in the app.


Just purchased the tensor app on iPhone and loving it!
Also read through this thread.
Quick question:

If I already have a pattern on the M:C, I should ā€œget patternā€ on Tensor
before performing any changes on it within tensor. Is this correct?

This question also applies to ā€œget kit.ā€

I think Iā€™ve been poking around, making changes using tensor without first
getting kit/pattern and itā€™s been a bit challenging to understand what is going on.

After getting kit/pattern one time, is it necessary to ever do it again (using the same kit/pattern)?

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Get Kit / Ptn is used to sync the Hardware with the App, so the App knows what the current settings are. If you make changes on the hardware that send out CCā€™s, then you donā€™t need to sync againā€¦but if you change stuff that doesnā€™t send out CCā€™s (like Pattern stuff, or certain sound functions), then the app will be out of sync again.

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Havenā€™t used the app much, getting back in with the new Cycles firmware and my iPad, noticing more crashes than i recall, though a consistent repro was resolved by fully restarting the Cycles.

Iā€™ll revisit the app in the next week or so with the new firmware.


Thanks! Itā€™s still useable for the most part :slight_smile:

Hi! I recently bought the app and itā€™s so inspiring, but I canā€™t figure how to do this you mention to choose the key, I go to advanced options, select for instance Gminor and randomise a track (bass) but all the notes on the exported pattern are C

Anything Iā€™m missing ?