[iOS] Tensor - Kit & Pattern Randomizer for the Model line

Thanks, I’m using a PC but the network setup is basically the same ( RTP MIDI ) I just notinced that after a reset it start sending it… still lurking around the machine brand new… :slight_smile:

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With the Model line I’ve had Kits / Patterns not send / receive sometimes as well, I would have to restart everything…don’t think it’s anything on my end :crossed_fingers:

I think that once I will get the CCK it would be more reliable as the Network is a bit dancing … :slight_smile:

Quick Update:

  • The Parameter Pop Up wasn’t displaying
  • Improved Tonal & Texture Kits for the M:C

Thanks for the super quick updates!

Curious, am i doing something wrong, i select specific tracks but when i send patterns and kits, all seem to change?

I’m really happy with the app otherwise, but i’ve read the help file and i’m sure i’m missing something.

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Kits / Sound Design: Make sure the ALL toggle on the right is disabled…if you have designed a Track on the device and haven’t hit GET KIT first, the app doesn’t know the values of that Track…while it won’t randomize all the tracks (ALL is disabled), it still sends the entire Kit…you should hit GET KIT to sync things up first

Patterns: The same applies here…the T1-T6 pattern toggles tell the algorithms which Sequences to affect…If you only have T1 selected, T2-T6 won’t be touched, but the app still needs to know what the sequence on T2-T6 is in the first place…Again, you should sync with GET PTN first

Make sense? If you have done stuff on the actual device and aren’t using the app from the start, you need to sync things first. The reason I am not auto-syncing and requesting from the device every 10 seconds, for example, is that the sysex dumps are too large.


Thanks! That should help :slight_smile:

Should the T1-T6 selection UI reflect whether All is selected? I know it does not right now, but usability-wise, so you’re not modifying more than you’d intended.

No, the right-side ALL toggle is for Kit / Sound Design only. The Patterns are separate and you control them with T1-T6…the ALL toggle has no relation to any Pattern stuff atm

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See! Already helping :stuck_out_tongue:

Is there a way to only send one track of a pattern?

No, there is no sysex for individual Sequences, only an entire Pattern :[

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Anyone with an iPad able to confirm that it would be possible to connect and record from the Samples and Cycles simultaneously? Would I need an Overbridge hub for this or is there a way to plug both devices directly into an iPad? Sorry I’ve never owned an Apple device and between this and some other apps I’m seriously considering finding a used one.

Update Out:

  • Big improvements to the Hybrid Kit for the M:C

Quick Update:

  • Improved 808 Kit for the M:C
  • Added functions to add / remove Mixer P-Locks (including Pan!)

I might be missing something here…but is there any way to NOT send any p-locks or remove them (in particular those relating to chance)? I like using CTRL-ALL on chance which I don’t think works if the chance knob has been p-locked.

You can’t P-Lock Chance on the device, only Trig Conditions…If you want to delete all Trig Conditions, you can use the “Reset TRC” function in the Pattern View. I’ll rename “TRC” to “COND” to make things clearer.

Update Out:

  • Renamed TRC to Cond
  • Added more Cond functions
  • Separated Mixer P-Lock (Delay / Reverb) from Pan P-Lock functions

Awesome work !!

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Update Out:

  • Added Poly Kit for the M:C (ideally used with ALL enabled)
  • Improved Randomization
  • Renamed Micro to Nudge


  • After talking to @Seta, I implemented his Poly Synth Voice Allocation concept to turn the M:C / M:S into a 6 voice synth…This is best used with the Poly Kit on the M:C
  • Improvements to the Poly Kit for the M:C
  • Bug Fix: Manually changing the M:C Engine Slider would not send the Kit Sysex

Nice, try the dual layer 3 note polyphonic mode for more complex sounds and the 2 part/3 layer with individual outputs too (Good for external processing) , they are worth it.