Is a good time to buy a Digitone?

Hi!, among other machines, I have a Model:Samples, and I have decided to buy a Digitone.
Do you think it’s a good time? Are there any indications that Elektron is working on a Digitone Mk2?

It has been 4 years since its release, and I have verified that the MK2 versions of its other machines have come out after 6-7 years, in some case even more.

I’m almost decided, but the proximity of the Superbooth and NAMM 2022, makes me think that they may have a launch prepared.

Do you have any information that can help me?

Thank you!

Can I interest in a myth known as, syntakt?


Buy one secondhand and sell it if there is something released you prefer. Nobody knows what the future brings, there might always be the next great thing around the corner.
The digitone is loved by many, it has seen several updates and is a mature product, while a new device might be full of bugs and might require several firmware updates to be stable and meet the expectations.
That‘s how I feel about potential new releases, I would buy the established one in most cases

I haven’t heard any rumors about a digitone mk2 btw. The mk2 elektrons where mostly hardware upgrades anyway, and the digitone hardware is still super solid


I can’t say it’s never not a bad time to buy a Digitone… :thinking:


Get a Digitone Keys. The second hand price is ridiculously low at the moment!


I’ve returned to a Digitone after a long time without one and can say it doesn’t feel outdated by any means…

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Same here, I traded a DN + DT a few years back for an ARII. I knew I would get the DN back at some point. Just found a used mint condition for a decent price. It is just so nice and versatile, so many ways you can use it, and it sounds really great. And the recent updates are really welcome too, dual mono in processing especially. Glad to have it back, this time it’s staying.


I’ve read the speculation about Syntakt, if it’s true, I’m not worried, since all I need is an FM synthesizer, and it doesn’t look like Syntakt is going to be a new Elektron FM synthesizer.


I have never liked buying second-hand hardware, (except for discontinued machines) and less when the difference between a new one and a used one is only 100 - 150 €.

You are right in everything you say, and I think I am going to encourage myself to buy it, since the Digitone is just what I am looking for to complete my setup

I’m going to cross my fingers that if they release a new product, it’s not an FM synth, or a Digitone Mk2.
Otherwise, I will have cheated on my wife again, because I told her that this would be the last one…LOL!

I don’t have space for more keyboard synthesizers in my studio, besides, aesthetically it seems horrible to me :sweat_smile:

I don’t really think Elektron has ever released a mk2 that made the mk1 obsolete. And the DN will definitely be a classic.

As stated above, if you are really worried, buy used as a protection, but if you like new gear you probably will be okay. Worst case you are taking a 20% cut on your resale value. But this thing is great so you’ll never sell it so who cares?

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Of course!

And I’m looking forward to getting my hands on it, but with various events like Superbooth and NAMM coming up, it’s scary to buy it and have an improved version released next month.

Like I said, I’m going to cross my fingers and think if they release a new one machine, it’s not an FM synth or a Digitone Mk2.

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It is always a good time to buy a Digitone. I don’t know of a greater synth in a smaller package


You are right, Digitone will always be a good machine, even if an updated version comes out on the market, I just wanted to test what other users think, because it sucks to buy a new machine, and that in a month, comes out a new version with more features at the same price. It never happened to me, but i understand that it has to hurt

For sure. I procrastinated selling my mpc live mk1. Oops. Still procrastinating.

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I didn’t mean to say that the Digitone is outdated, just that I want to buy one, but I was hesitant about the possibility of Elektron releasing a new version at Superbooth or NAMM, which will take place between May and June.
Anyway, as I said, I’m not going to worry about it.

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Nobody outside elektron can answer that, and they never give indications of future product releases.

But I would be surprised if they did a mk2. They haven’t done any mk2 in nearly four years, and the Analog Heat mk2 was only a minor update to make it look more like the digitone and digitakt, probably just to reduce manufacturing costs by using similar parts for AH, DN and DT. Now that those three are all aligned in form factor I doubt they’d do a new hardware update. All the updates are likely to be firmware only. IMHO.

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It’s a good point of view, maybe I’ve rushed it, and i just have to buy it and enjoy!



The Digitones are digital, there is no need for an analog/platform reworking. They’re also on the newer USB chipsets for Overbridge streaming already.

I suppose it could happen at some point down the line with a realignment of platform, but i wouldn’t expect it until you see another flagship.


It’s a good philosophy, I don’t need it to finish a project, but to complete my setup, and be able to compose my music totally Dawless