Is a good time to buy a Digitone?

What i’m completely sure of, is that i need a good FM synth, I already have MPC sampler, Model:Samples (as Drum machine), 303, and three analog synths, two monophonic, (one of them semi-modular), and a third polyphonic.
Since i want to play Dark Techno/IDM, I want to have the same type of instruments in hardware, that i use in my DAW in Vst format, and yes, i need the more versatile FM synth in the market :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s such a great synth. I can’t imagine Elektron will release a MK2 already. They do seem to have a new product on the way if rumours are true so I would wait a little if you can. Probably it’s just going to be one product though but then you’ll know what it is.

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The mk 2 devices were mainly aesthetic updates that made them look more liner the Digi line. I highly doubt there are going to be mk 2 digitones, especially considering that the main designer Ess isn’t with the company anymore. The digitone is 100% worth getting (it’s my favorite piece of gear other than my digitakt).


The Digitone is still being updated with new Firmware.

If you’re buying second hand, you can get them around £450 which is a unlikely to drop much if a MkII was released.

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as I soon as I click reply, I’m going to lace up my running shoes in advance of the torches and pitchforks coming at me:

I don’t have space for more keyboard synthesizers in my studio,


What i’m completely sure of, is that i need a good FM synth

Did you consider a Volca FM2? I think they said it has 6 voices now… Seems like a decent value at the price point, if you don’t hate the interface. And it’s small.

I’m not trolling - just kicking ideas around. I think I’d personally prefer the DT over the Volca FM2, but I’m rather “bang for buck” conscious as of late.

If money is an issue, get the Model Cycles but the footprint is larger and the sound design options reduced. However it is very immediate, as you know with the Samples.

Money is not a problem, I don’t want more toys, I already regret not buying Digitakt when i bought Model:Samples, and now i won’t make the same mistake :slightly_smiling_face:

Volca FM2 can be tempting for its price, but it would not give me the same possibilities, besides that Volca is a format that does not convince me, (my first piece of hardware was a Volca)
There is a significant difference in price between VFM2 and DTN, as well as in possibilities


To be fair, FM with 2 Analog Oscillators is nothing like sound design on the Digitone


I always use a strategy - if you want/need it, buy it. You’ll be happy with what you have anyway, either a new version releases or not. At some point, you could upgrade if you like with a minimum cost, but the depth of DN is so deep, that you need a lot of time to reach its limits :slight_smile:

When I bought it and used it for the first month, I didn’t like it and was thinking to sell it. Then, I come back to it after one more month and decided to give it one more chance and it clicked with me. Now, I am just obsessed with it :laughing:


Have you considered getting a Digitakt and seeing if you ever touch the MS again?


point well taken. question was not “is now a good time to buy an FM synth?”
I thought that timing of the FM2 release warranted a mention. Alternatives, in my mind, factor into the “good time to buy” decision. But when I decided it was time to get a digitakt, there was no amount of Volca Sample hype (I don’t think that was ever a thing), that would have swayed me.

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With Dark Techno, I mean dark, hypnotic, industrial, dissonant techno, in which metallic sounds and dark atmospheres predominate…
I have tried it with analog synths, and it’s true that I get some interesting sounds, but it is not the same, there are sounds that i easily achieve with analog synths, and others, are more easier to design with an FM synth, it is a question of being practical and immediate,
The Digitone, seems to have been designed to create the styles that I like

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Always is a good time to buy a Digitone. Never too late


Digitone is an awesome buy. Even if an MK2 came out tomorrow, it is a very capable machine. I’d keep it over any gear if I had to get rid of everything. Incredibly versatile. It can do dark very well. SYN2 (page) is your friend for darkness haha

While this has some post processing it’s not far off from the source and I think this is a great example of a darkwave bassline: Current sounds coming from your gear - #4821 by selfup


I mean, DN mk II is the best, but mkI is still worth it…


Hello! I am uncomfortable!


I bought a Digitone about 2 weeks ago. It’s awesome, you won’t regret it. I don’t see a mk2 on the horizon either, and even if there was, it would not make the old DN any less awesome.


As an aside, I do hope they make another FM Synth as a part of the Rthm/A4 form factor range, one with 8 tracks, 16 voices and the Performance functions.

I know I could just buy a second Digitone.

It is tempting.


…no elektron instrument get’s outdated…they’re all pretty timeless and serious music machines…while ALL mk2’s were just more or less little adjustments to casings, optics, handling shortcuts and overall optics, while never any essential changes to sound, concept and workflow…

so no…no need to wait…tone is what it is…a very musical approach to wrap ur head around fm synthesis and get to results pretty soonish…always in the swedish tradition for many lucky dips and happy accidents waiting for u along the way and the deeper u dig the more u discover…especially always when u come to that point again were u think, oh, i’ve seen it all…

if ur into keyboards…the tone keys offers polyaftertouch and can work as ur maincontroler for everything forever…so, catchin’ that one 2nd hand would be biggest no brainer…

don’t wait for the syntakt…even if it will be defenitly worth it…it will match perfectly with ur tone while filling a totally different sonic gap…promise…

so, go for ur fm synth…no matter what ur looking for…drums, percussion, bass, pads, leads…and everything inbetween…it’s all in there…