Is a good time to buy a Digitone?

I’d get the keys as it has 8 track outs. Its form factor isn’t that cute of course.

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Always a good time.
There’s a keyboard one on Gumtree that keeps tempting me…


Thank you very much for your time, and your positive words…everything you say is very accurate.
I’ll buy it, it’s already decided.


Finally my intuition has not disappointed me, tomorrow we will know what surprise Elektron has for us, after listening to the sound samples, I still think that Digitone is what I need. (Until my wallet recovers) :rofl: :rofl:


I was about to say, even though the DN is amazing on its own… the Syntakt does have some very metallic/dark sounds to it! Decisions… decisions :upside_down_face:


You need both


Was just going to say that. I’ve got DN and will be getting a Syntakt too - when the first round of likely bugs get sorted :slight_smile:


I have waited until today for Syntakt, and although I know that possibly in the future I will go for it, it’s only been 5 minutes since I bought Digitone, I need it in my arsenal!

Syntakt is primarily a drum machine, so at the moment my drumset is covered with the combo; Model:Samples + MPC One + Digitone

I need to see other users expose the full potential of Syntakt, to know if I really need it, and if so, next year for sure… :ecstatic:


Congrats on the DN! Bet you are quite excited

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The two machines operate very differently, even taking into account the voice differences…

Digitone wants to be a musical instrument but operates just fine as a drum machine. Syntakt wants to be a drum machine but operates just fine as a musical instrument.

Which do you want to battle most to make it do the thing it doesn’t want to be?


Ha, that’s a great way to formulate the differences between those two :+1:

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DN offers way deeper levels of control over every single parameter which I do prefer. But that’s just me being a nerdy sound design freak.

I absolutely see the point of getting an ST, though. :grimacing:

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Or when you want a broader sound palette or want to play and sequence chords up to 8 notes yourself on a keyboard, DN is still the machine to go for.

Yeah, the more sound demo’s appear, the more ST reveals how great it sounds :wink:

I don’t like this comment, how’s is it not cute? Compared to every other synth with keys, it looks completely mental… I have about 7 or 8 synth’s around in my studio and the dtk is by far the coolest looking one… I think it is one of the coolest looking synth’s ever… Only thing cooler looking is the music easel I think… I could write books on how cool this thing is… it is the only elektron that you can actually play too… it is just so freaking cool…


The only current offering with a proper keyboard. But look at the now-discontinued Analog Keys. That was arguably a better design. (I have a DK and while there is much I like about it, there is definitely some awkwardness.)

I love your passion for the keys, it’s infectious!

What always appealed to me as much as the (from what I hear) excellent quality keybed is the additional performance controls.


I agree. I have read so much from how “awkward” DTK is.
I disagree. I think the design is unique, and totally cool.


I don’t think Elektron will release a MKII any time soon, so grab one. The only negative about buying a new one right now is that prices are a bit higher right now than before, at least here in Sweden.

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Only meant that it’s not small and desktop fit like other elektron boxes. I like synth with keys as well.