Is facebook becoming the new myspace?

I rarely use fakebook and hate it

All local shows here use Facebook events. As a regular performer, Iā€™m kind of stuck. Really looking forward to the day I donā€™t have to use it anymore.

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Or, just gave people a place to publicize their infantilism? Still disturbing but not isolated unfortunately.

ditched it in 2017 when i realised iā€™ve been giing it 10 years worth of energy!

Corporatized internet, weaponizing insecurities for eyeshare AND forcing us to have no control over the content we wish to self-curate will do that.

Both sure. I watched people regress from acting like adults to returning to playground antics.

Yes and no. Itā€™s definitely not where young people are going and has the reputation of being the place your mom/racist grandpa posts, but network effect means itā€™s probably not going to be a ghost town for at least a couple years, I expect.


Facebook has been dead for many years now. I donā€™t know anyone who uses it except for keeping up with their grandparents.

Or you grew up as people embraced the towniness they always held within.


I only have a fake account I created maybe 10 years ago, that I havenā€™t checked for maybe 3 or 4 years?

When I first signed up as a real account I was getting request for friends from people I truly did not miss, so I closed that account the same week it was opened.

Still from what I read, Facebook is an aging audience.

It doesnā€™t seem itā€™ll become unpopular like MySpace did at some point, but until this Metaverse thing takes off (and I actually think it will be huge when it does), youā€™ll likely see more of the same.

Likely too. Those moments are when you also take a step back and assess things and start to take another road.

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Thatā€™s not what myspace was. Myspace was awesome for artists. It could look like a website with a music player, and no politics anywhere. Facebook wishes it was anywhere near as good.


I have bad news about ā€œThe Metaverseā€ (it ded.)


In the defense of people still on Facebook, there are some good meme groups. Entomemeology is one of my wifeā€™s favorites

Ditched it years ago for my mental health. Zero negative impact on anything.

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I remember when facebook started you needed a .edu email account to join. Now I am pretty sure it is just a collection of the dumbest people on earth (at least this is my experience from briefly joining to check out some music and gear related groups). I canā€™t even imagine how incoherent and idiotic the political stuff must be.


Still goingā€¦ Itā€™s going to be ridiculed until it becomes a success.

Iā€™t going to be a long while before it is anything worthwhile, but once it has a bit of success, others will buy in and itā€™ll be Ready Player One.

The success of FB means that it has the ability to buy other companies even if FB itself disappears.

If the political class and parts of my family are anything to go by, a college degree does not save people from acting likeā€¦ that.

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RPO was a literal dystopia.

Sci-Fi Author: In my book I invented the Torment Nexus as a cautionary tale

Tech Company: At long last, we have created the Torment Nexus from classic sci-fi novel Donā€™t Create The Torment Nexus

ā€œThankfullyā€ the AI dystopia killed Metaā€™s dystopia.