Is facebook becoming the new myspace?

Yup… but are we really working to avoid a dystopian future?

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We being Capital? Lolno.


I ditched my Facebook account a few years back and then much later, I reluctantly made a side account for the couple of groups I want to be a part of. I’ve deliberately not added any friends on there, maybe its a reflection of real life :joy:

Corporate influence ruins everything on the internet given enough time, hell its not even just the internet, corporate influence ruins EVERYTHING full stop.


I think I stopped using FB about a year after it launched, I got bored of seeing pictures of people’s holidays/dinner/gazebo/barbeque/hot tub/pizza oven etc.

I thought aside from a few specialised groups it was mostly just used by over 60’s nowadays?

Anyway, I guess I am not the target market as I think social media in general is utter shite and a waste of time. :laughing:


I fucked Facebook off recently. Full of adverts.

Only social media I use is this forum, YouTube, and Reddit.

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Seems more like Facebook is the new Second Life:


Weird thing I learned in the past year or so is that academic game studies is endlessly fascinated with Second Life.


I do believe that the vibe of a social media is not in its engineering but in the kind of users who frequent it. Facebook was born in the 00’s, so over the years the users have become older, in fact the usual facebook vibe is the continuous rant on any topic (typical boomers attitude). No, I don’t think the structure of facebook is worse than other social media, it’s the people.


Odd. My 75 year old parents have never been on Facebook.

That might be true, but at the same time it is clearly driven by algorithms and filters and the overall structure of the network. Facebook is famous for its manipulative, toxic and disruptive culture, just as instagram and most obviously TikTok and Twitter are. Only places I have seen some hope atm are discord, some reddit and forums like this one that seek a specific interest. Sure, there is also groups in facebook, but every time I ask a question about something it only takes 2 or 3 posts before someone gets offensive, rude and flat out personally attacking


It’s kind a weird, yeah? As on Facebook all of your friends, family and colleagues see you go psycho over some silly thing. Name calling, saying weird shit all day long. Here we are incognito and behave (most of the time) like normal people.

Strange humans.


Facebook is the new ICQ when ICQ was becoming Tumblr while having a Friendster-personality disorder. I think MySpace used to be like similar to AOL chatrooms before they were taken over by the LDS church, right? I think I remember MGK talking about it back in the 90s in some news report. Anyway, better for Facebook to become the new MySpace than the new Olive Garden.

Scale and familiarity, the ability to curate where you go versus being corralled into specific algorithmic directions for artificial emotional response, to sell ads based on “engagement” and manipulating personal insecurities.

I don’t get annoyed as often here, but usually ignoring the member or just logging out helps greatly.

I really don’t like to use it, and it’s pretty useless when I want to promote my music. Still, I am wasting too much time on it…

Facebook sucks, and I want to dump it, however its Marketplace seems to be taking over from Craigslist for selling and buying things. I recently got a Vermona Perfourmer for a fantastic price + shipping. I also notice that for non-native English speakers it is the go-to place for selling things because its translation services and automatic replies. You’ll be surprised how much is on Marketplace right now, though the way it displays items for sale sucks.


I don’t particularly like facebook, and most of my friends already gave it up. What keeps me sticking around is just the “community groups” for the gear I own. I love Discord but somehow browsing through a “timeline” still feels more natural compared to hopping from channel to channel, server to server.


Yeah, no current replacement for Groups.

Parents for a while were back to Evite for inviting people to things, but I don’t think there’s a great event notification replacement otherwise.

There are local “alt-weeklies” that cover city events, there’s Resident Advisor which I check when traveling overseas, but IDK what else exists since the corporate giants did their best to dominate extend and extinguish local news.

I remember being so excited to get Facebook in 2006. I was a heavy user for years, but that dwindled over the past few. The only thing keeping me from deleting my account was all the pictures I was tagged in. Downloading an archive doesn’t download other peoples’ pics who tagged you.

But after enough people from the past coming up out of nowhere and trying to contact me via FB, I decided it was time to delete. I spent an evening tediously downloading and organizing the pics I was tagged in, then deleted the thing. This was in December 2022, and I haven’t missed it once since.

I did make a decoy account just for selling furniture locally on FB Marketplace. The rest of it is just awful.

People mostly just seem to be taking their Knobhead behaviour off Facebook and polluting the rest of the internet with it.

I wish they’d all piss off back to Facebook, to be honest.


I’ve quit Facebook a couple of times.
After a while I keep coming back and after a few months I’m done with it.
Maybe I will delete my account for the final time. I’m not using it for anything useful anyway. Just scrolling for hours without doing something useful. Instead of making music.
It’s a productivity-killer.