Is facebook becoming the new myspace?

When I open facebook 99% of the things i see is advertisement.
I guess they want to make money out of it, but well, its so off putting.


very recently, I saw a music magasine post complaining that there’s les and less reach per post on facebook, even the paid ones. I saw it too on my on band post, while we used to have some reaction, now it’s barely nothing. Time to move on I think.

I just use it for spamming my music into groups , fuck facebook

nah, I don’t think that’s got any legs

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Already has. I know very few people my age (late 20’s) who use it for anything other than managing events, and zero people younger that use it at all

…pretty much everybody loves to hate suckerbugs metaverse…

for too many good reasons…it all started with this oooh sooo spicy elitism concept of who’s hot, who’s not…that’s the whole bottomline…and it’s still all in there…are u on the guestlist…?..yeah, it feels so good and selfempowering to be on a guestlist…and that was and still is all first and foremost intention of mr. suckerbug in first place, when he also wanted to see himself finally get invited to the next hot campus party, back then, in the “good old days”…
all our fomo, all our deepest fears of missing out…on something…whatever that might be…

all social media is based on this little human mechanism…

i have not touched fb since ages…finally grown out of it, i guess…
and hey, in selfpromoting wonderland, the suckerbug empire can’t even guarantee u to reach out to all those people u are already connected to…little “funfact”…u post to all ur followers…let’s say 1000…don’t dare to think all 1000 will be able to see ur post…nope…only a small percentage of those 1000 persons can see ur post…if u want more, u need to pay…but even than, ur not talking to all ur “followers”, but then we promise U to spread ur message randomly to some others…
we take all advantages from targeted marketing, but sorry, in ur case, dear for free customer, we won’t…but we keep pretending…

meanwhile, the latest rule of all modern comunication, IF THE PRODUCT IS FOR FREE, U ARE THE PRODUCT could not become more truu than in the metaverse…and don’t expect some bux ur willing to pay from time to time would change anything about that basic unequal foreva deal…

so yes…fb and all meta IS the new myspace…while myspace still had some free spirit…
and that’s what killed that…while all meta is just fading out for it’s plain overstretch…

but all this is growing into THE ALL IN ONE uberapp, anyways…like china already got it established on daily bases…with their wechat app…whatever u need, whatever u want, whatever u have to do, whatever u wanna or need to know, it’s all in one little click away…all in on ur daily distraction device…

and once, when the kids of our kids are looking back on all what’s next to come for now, they will call it the dark digital ages…

my personal inbetween for now, one and only solution, when it comes to self promoting wonderland, is “good old” utube…if folks “subscribe” to ur channel AND turn on the notification bell, at least u can be sure, ur able to reach out to every single one of them…

for all what’s up and stay connected to ur crowd interactions personally, plain and simple messenger apps like telegram and co (don’t think of whatsapp, that’s suckerbug empire again) are doing the way better job…no look at me, no click me, see this, see that…just u and likeminded people comunicating with each other in “modern” times…

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Adverts at least can be blocked!

Their move to prioritizing “content creators” and “influencers” to match the Tiktok breathless shakycam-driving-rants model instead of people you actually know is the worse of the two. I already have no control over the “endless scroll” of the feed and the algorithm forcing me to view content I give somehow even less shits about than baby pics, bad opinions of acquaintances, or acquaintances arguing with provincials they haven’t yet blocked.

The nice thing is that the Twitter hellsite algorithm has drawn in people who want to spend their time clowning/dunking/warring 24/7, so at least Facebook has been more pleasantly boring during the five minutes or so a week I spend checking group notifications and seeing a few updates (from again, whatever FB algorithm tells me I have to see and not as updates happen.)

The good thing about this is that the only person gunning hard for WeChat is Elon Musk, an incompetent narcissistic fool who bought a domain name to run into the ground and was never technologically savvy. His technology experience involved him writing terrible code that was gutted after he was fired.

Everything he says about Twitter’s codebase to try and sound intelligent comes off as a cargo cult understanding of development.

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I hate discord. If I’m not glued to it 24/7 I miss huge swathes of discussion. It seems like it’s really useful for a few hard-core users but as someone who just casually browses a few servers it’s really annoying.

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Facebook is irrelevant!

That was a good article equally relevant to FB. Basically about how all the networks show you less and less of what you want to see and more and more of what companies pay them to show you.


A lot of things I hate on FB but it has gotten a very small second wind with nonsensical single issue Groups. e.g. I do enjoy being a member of the “Drawing Cocks on Newspapers” group.

(Confused why everyone in that group is from the UK though.)


Really the best way to use social media, even the trash fire of Reddit can have some nice small, even polite (?!) groups and useful info.


I dipped out of Facebook around 2017. I started to feel the platform was ugly and dated - lots of political arguing, junk posts and generally looked a bit dumpy. Honestly shocked its still around.

Instagram continues to feel more clean and simple, even if it is owned by the same people and slowly being turned in to a shopping app. I found the key is to be judicious about who you follow and to be careful of how you “train” its algorithm. Ideally I’ll be off of all this shit one day.

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