Is Overbridge killing my Laptop? (resolved)

I have an Early 2011 MBP running 10.11.3 currently.
Since OB was released I’ve used it a few times.
It worked as expected, with all the quirks.
Since the beta release and the OS updates for the A4 and AR I had not been able to get things working, the A4 for example was not getting any audio to Ableton, so I just kind of gave up for a while.
For some reason it finally started working the other day.
After about an hour, my laptop crashed and didnt want to start back up, I started to think the display/screen was failing.
After a bunch of pRAM restarts I got it turned on again.
I didnt think it was OB related until I tried running OB again.
Laptop crashed and I had to do a series of restarts and pRAM restarts to get it back to life.

Anyone have any advice other than getting a new laptop or just completely giving up trying OB until it’s ready?

its highly unstable.
sometimes it works… and then for no reason nothing works.
multiple reboots and multiple resetting of the overbridge settings
and even sometimes reinstalling the OS on each elektron device sometimes makes it start working again…

i’ve been testing in ableton 9.6, with the newest OS/Plugin on OSX 10.11.4

Empty session with just an Analog Rytm, and an Analog 4… various
setups of stereo feeds, or multiple feeds… it always always fails at some
point and refuses to start working again, until i reinstall everything…

no ready for prime time…

in stand alone they are amazing though… daw integration is a pipe dream at this time…

Thanks for the response.
I’ve seen a lot of OB posts that sound as if it’s working well,
I started to think I might be alone in this.

It was Win10 that really killed things off for me. The initial OB release was very stable for me. OB/Live would detect my AK and AR no problem at all and it worked a treat.

A few updates later + moving to Win10 (silly me) and things went downhill. I couldn’t simultaneously use both AR/AK any longer and that was enough to piss me off. One at a time worked ok but there were some frustrating quirks - OB some times taking forever to detect a unit, unit disconnecting, that sort of thing.

Probably played a very small part in last years “I’m fed up with this music thing, I’m selling it all” thing I went through!

When it’s working, it works great. Even my Octatrack keeps in sync with Live perfectly. Problem is, it stops working after awhile and I get all kinds of issues until it wants to work again.

I tried restarting my A4 and the Macbook several times but doesn’t help. Then all of sudden it starts working again. It is very random.

Try your best to exercise patience, as the software is in beta and certainly going through some growing pains.

I feel you, though. The beta hardly works on my 2009 MBP 15" C2D running El Capitan.
It is working solidly on my wife’s iMac i5 quad (Yosemite), though, but I can only use that until August when she starts grad school.
The thought of just upgrading my MBP to a 2014 or 2015 retina 15" has crossed my mind, but I’m going to wait until the next OB release before deciding.


Try your best to exercise patience, as the software is in beta and certainly going through some growing pains.

I feel you, though. The beta hardly works on my 2009 MBP 15" C2D running El Capitan.
It is working solidly on my wife’s iMac i5 quad (Yosemite), though, but I can only use that until August when she starts grad school.
The thought of just upgrading my MBP to a 2014 or 2015 retina 15" has crossed my mind, but I’m going to wait until the next OB release before deciding.[/quote]

Don’t bother upgrading thinking OB will work fine. I have a 2015 MBP 15" Retina ( Core i7 processor, 16GB, SSD ) running El Capitan and it still crashes randomly.

Well, I get a higher track count on the i5 running Yosemite, than the C2D running El Cap.
So, that’s appealing. It doesn’t crash, either.
I would probably get a 2014 to run Yosemite.

It’s hard to tell, maybe my laptop is on its last leg, maybe OB helped push it over the edge.
It’s been randomly dying now, without even running apps, just a browser.

None of this was happening before, I just decided to give OB another chance a couple days ago and that definitely caused some kind of crash that made my monitor freak out.
Now I am getting random crashes, and my laptop struggles to reboot.

I’m not %100 holding OB accountable, lots of factors could be at play, still though, something aint right with that stuff yet.

El Capitan may have something to do with the issues but I also get similar things happening also running it on my PC that has similar hardware specs running Windows 7 64bit.

I know it’s a beta software but what makes it frustrating is that when it works, it works great but then it just craps out. It then starts to work again out of the blue. It’s very random and hard to figure out a work around.

Like I’ve done in other threads I post not to flaunt, but rather just to post some evidence contrary to what so many seem to be experiencing. Hopefully it’ll give some sense of hope…

OB works for me, near flawlessly. The only glitch I’ve experienced is the occasional burst of white noise from the AKeys. The fix is a quick unplug/replug of the USB cable then all is good for several more outings. Not necessary to restart OB, Akeys, live or my computer to get back to business.

I’m running Live 9.5 on a 2012 Mac mini 2.3 ghz quad core with 16 GB ram and an SSD. I’m very fortunate to have this specific system, I’m be beginning to see!

As far as I remember you didn’t have to have the outputs (or the inputs, whichever they call it, the ones on the right side), set ON for LR on the old version. In this new Beta you do. I was tearing my hair out why I wasn’t getting sound initially and that was it. And actually, sometimes, I’ll randomly lose sound, and it turns out the Overbridge control panel has defaulted those outputs to off, (not before I tried every other fix a bunch of times before I spotted this).

Otherwise, I have mixed results across multiple systems.

On my iMac, which has a Fusion drive, it’s a disaster. I suspect the Fusion drive is the problem but can’t confirm.

On my Macbook Pro, 2011, it’s basically fine. As long as I get everything up and running and don’t do anything too gnarly (like deleting and reinstating the plugin)… it’s pretty solid. The Rytm is fine, but does crash sometimes when in some instances… And the A4 puts out prolonged white noise in various instances. The A4 prob can be fixed with a couple of USB Config on/offs of OB mode. The Rytm crash is only fixed by restart of Daw and possibly the machine itself.

Same here.
1.22 is great but of no use as over bridge 1.1 beta does not work properly. Got it running for 45 minutes after that no luck with any further attempts.
I was really hoping they would present some new stuff at musikmesse including a stable version of overbridge and to be honest I am quite fucked up as they must make a lot of money and probably could just hire more staff. But then I am back on 1.0 and it works fine and reliably. Sync goes through midi with a multi clock now so I am happy to have the digital interface.
As I record patterns in audio anyway it isn’t too bad.
The machines (especially the rytm) rock and even if I wish I had new feature they are highly useable.

Which Mac OS?

Which Mac OS?[/quote]
Sorry - 10.10.5.

OB is running better after clean install on mbp 2015. A4 and Rytm are connected to a Thunderbolt Hub workaround for USB Bus problem of 1.10. A4 noise issue can be solved in most cases with delete the VST and simply undo action in live 9.6.
I wish Elektron roll out real beta with smaller update steps instead to present the next big thing and keep everything under the hood. It’a time now to bring that thing to live. It’s really unsatisfying to know the potential of the machines and overbridge without proper Operation of it. So please elektron dont leave us alone for months to solve a bug like the noise burst on A4, it’s not funny anymore.


Yea, I’m starting to think that while the current OB Beta in El Capitan is more useable than the previous OB release, that there are still serious compatibility issues with OB and El Cap itself.

My machines running 10.9 and 10.10 have had a much better/smoother time with OB.

I think most people in here are having problems with the latest OB beta and El-Capitan. On Yosemite I was fine, and without the OB beta I was fine (other than a few desync issues), but it felt more ‘stable’.

It’s hard for me to tell because I feel like Mac updates just get worse and worse and coupled with an unstable OB beta, it becomes difficult to pinpoint the issues.

I will add that when I had my TI2, it worked flawlessly in Ableton through the Virus plugin.

After continuous crashes and more research, looks like my Laptop is dying from a well know issue with the GPU on the early 2011 MBP.

Looks like Apple will fix these issues for free by replacing the motherboard till Dec 2016.

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My big deception W/ OB is that when i plug the usb cable in my pc, I definitly can’t use it: my trackpad is getting crazy. As i use my pc just to record everything, i need to setup all my DAW THEN plug USB and launch recording by pressing a combinaison of key. I’ve send the unit to Sweden, they change all the pcb but there was no good “update”… wierd