Is The digitone a softsynth?

Is the Digitone a soft synth? Or are the operators implemented in electronic circuits?




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It’s a hardware synth. But its sound generation is based on a digital synthesis method commonly called fm.
Filters and effects are digital as well.


For FM applications, stable digital oscillators are preferable and easier to generate pure sin waves with. So Digitone is digital


I guess the question might be, what is the difference between software and digital hardware?


What’s up with the trolling? :neutral_face:


hands on control in this case (+an elektron sequencer)

There’s a difference between trolling and having a bit of fun, I think.

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At a suitable level of abstraction every synth is a hardware synth.


Indeeed the universe in this cold state is a mostly physical substrata to run our software on :slight_smile:


Seriously though, I wouldn’t worry about how the sound is generated inside the box.

What’s more interesting probably are the following questions:

  1. Do you like the way the controls feel and work? Do you think you can get to a point where you feel you’re manipulating the sound the instruments makes directly in a way that feels physically pleasing to you?
  2. Do you experience any latency between what you do and see and the sound you hear?

Yes Digitone is a software synth

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And every synth is a computer and every computer is a synth.

Yeah, I was just pondering this, and I guess to some degree It’s a philosophical question. Man.

You may want to check out von Neumann’s definition and reevaluate that statement.

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Deep, huh?

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After a few years studying musicology I’ve learnt that everything is pretty deep. If it’s interestingly deep is a whole other question :smiley:


Maybe this particular instance is not so relevant to most of us. The concept of abstraction never ceases to amaze me, though.

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I’m on preorder so technically it’s a schroedinger synth


Given the fact I had to return mine as DoA this is sadly fitting, but not entirely as it was alive for five minutes. As far as causing me grief is concerned the difference is fairly insignificant, though.