Is The Elektron Dark Trinity Still The Ultimate Goal in 2022?

Is this thread made by an Elektron bot?! There have arguably always been better options for all of these. The idea of ‘the dream’ being ‘the trinity’ is kind of ridiculous. For a handful of people, yeah - I guess 🤷 But surely there are more important questions in life :grimacing:

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This is what chatGPT came up with (for 2021, to be fair):

It is not uncommon for musicians and producers to have a specific piece of gear or software that they consider to be the “ultimate goal” or the “holy grail” of their setup. However, it is important to remember that personal preferences and needs can vary significantly, and what may be the ultimate goal for one person may not be the same for another.

The Elektron Dark Trinity is a highly respected and sought-after piece of electronic music equipment, known for its high-quality sound and powerful features. However, whether it is considered the ultimate goal in 2021 (or any other year) is subjective and depends on an individual’s specific needs and preferences. Some people may find that the Dark Trinity meets all of their needs and exceeds their expectations, while others may prefer different types of equipment or software. Ultimately, the “ultimate goal” for any individual will depend on their specific goals and priorities as a musician or producer.

I used to have a wild variety of gear.
As soon as I added the OT, the RYTM came out and made my Tempest loose it luster real quick.
After getting a RYTM, it just became a “why not get an A4 and complete the system”
And I’m glad I did.
Sounds great, looks great, and super easy to put everything in 1 case plugged in that takes 5 mins to set up for live shows. Playing out has always been what I enjoy most, and finding a music rig so easy to set up by myself opened the door to add a visual element to my gigs that I could set up equally fast.
So basically my goal was a full music/visual system I could set up in 15mins or less, AND tear down in 15mins or less, made the dark trinity my perfect solution.
It’s served me well for years and will continue to do so.
It made me commit to a rig, and stop gassing over new stuff which in turn got me to focus on finishing tracks and learning my gear like the back of my hand.
I guess the icing on the cake is all the complements I get after gigs about the music, the visuals, the gear, and how fast I can set up and tear down and not get in everyone else’s way.
At the ripe old age of 48, it feels good to have landed at my destination too.

“Arguably better options?”
completely subjective on so many fronts.


I bought an A4 MKI again because I love the uniform look of the original Dark Trinity machines. However, I prefer to use only two boxes at a time. Depending on the genre, I prefer different combinations.

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My short response is yes, no, maybe.

I use a Dark Trinity MKII quite often as an alternative setup. For me, the A4 and AR are the key components. Conversely, the OT is sorely under utlized in my hands, but serves a purpose for custom loops and samples.

The synergy between the three devices is awesome. The trinity could be all a person needs, depending on the music they create and preferred workflow. It could be the ultimate setup for some, and not for others. Adding a rompler or Roland MC-707 to the mix fills some glaring gaps, such as acoustic instruments, but adds more complexity and menu diving.

In summary, based on my experience, the AR is my favorite device of the three and it is also used in other setup configurations. The A4 is not the greatest sounding synth, but more than suffices. The sum of A4’s parts more than offsets its sonic deficiencies. The OT is also a tremendous unit, but I have barely scratched the surface of its full potential. All three devices working together covers a lot of ground in a rather compact package.

…the A4 Mk2 sounds super nice!! he has his own sound and that’s what makes a good synth. such as. the ob6 with its special filter sound and the powerful OScs. or the quantum with its filters, which makes it sound much warmer and stronger than the cold iridium.

I didn’t get warm with the sound of the a4 mk1 either. but the mk2 is really really nice.

I never owned the original version of the A4 for comparison. However, I do not disagree with your overall assessment of the A4 MKII.

It is not a bad synth option by any means, but I am not trading it for the dedicated synths in my primary setup nor do I feel it is a fair comparison sound-wise. The A4 is a heck of bargain for all that it does. If I was not spoiled with a collection other synth goodies, I could more than make due with just the A4 MKII.

I only became aware of this analog sound when I had sold the a4 and then suddenly missed it completely and was really sad about it.

I also had the digitone and I don’t miss it at all. it’s this analog sound that sounds much more direct to my ears and somehow much closer to the ear. and there are no aliasing problems here either.

it is clear that there are many differences with OSCs, especially since the a4 osc is digitally controlled. but overall the sound of the A4 mk2 is great. In any case, I wouldn’t sell it anymore and want to expand it with an ob6 and quantum. The quantum would then be responsible for the digital, because that is of course also justified. but then it has to sound decent to me.

what sets the a4 apart from all other synths is the sequencer. and the individual mono sounds, which can be designed in a variety of ways (thousands of modulation options). for pads it’s really a matter of settings. it shines more in the mono area. and i think the a4 1 always sounded a bit
tinny, while luckily the second no longer did. so this is an absolute professional synth. and the rythm is just awesome.

sometimes for pads i run the a4 through an eventide space pedal and turn off the dry signal so only the space is audible and you get really mega pads out of it. external effects like phaser and co. make the part shine even more.

absolutely right…

Psst… it never was

misread the title as Ultimate Goa. was disappointed when corrected myself.

PS. regarding Elektron machines – Syntakt is the best :tongue: