Isla S2400

I thought it was a good first impression, the positives and negatives were explained. It wasn’t an in depth review but he said that himself at the start. He bought it himself, so it’s nice that he wasn’t influenced by getting a free/early access unit.

People that have already bought/ordered one, have skin in the game and no likes to hear they have an ugly baby.


I dont think they will be bothered by somebody’s first impressions, and take it for what it is, just a bit of light hearted banter. Thats his style though.

it’s the same price as the Octatrack.

Isn’t the octatrack notorious for being not good enough? People still buy that without a second thought, and there is probably no chance in the firmware ever being updated to accommodate the most common issues with it.

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It’s really weird to think about the role of these youtubers/influencers right now:

Some of them are just straight up paid to promote products, some receive free stuff and are inclined to be positive because of this, which is why I’m highly suspicious of most completely positive reviews.

On the other hand: getting clicks by being negative can be a tactic, and even though I generally really like Ricky’s video’s, this one was so negative (complaining about the weight??) it kinda makes me wonder whether he isn’t angry he didn’t get one for free or something… I do appreciate pointing out some negatives though, really feels like a breath of fresh air.

My point is: we really can’t be sure what Incentive they have to give a positive/negative review, so it’s quite hard to form your opinion based on these videos.


A bit surprised you are digging Tim Shoebridge stuff, I always thought of him as that guy who really sounds like he knows what he is talking about but then you go and check the facts and he gets half of everything wrong. Maybe I should give him another shot.

I think Ricky did a decent job here with a first impressions. Seems he maybe got unlucky with some faulty buttons on the mute/solo? but also with how few of these units are going out the door and at a premium price it would be nice to know they are all getting properly tested. I don’t think he was being too negative, oddly overall his video sold it to me more than most peoples overly positive videos which kind of did nothing for me.


Forget Tinez we need Loopop.


The title of the video said…with a catch. Whats the catch as he pointed out many negatives? Or is it just clickbait?

I would like to hear from Isla and other users about the state of the mute/solo buttons. That did seem like valid and worrying criticism. The rest of it was valid but I thought the presentation was a bit dramatized.

no, that’s accurate. his Syntrx video was laughably awful. didn’t even mention the word “Synthi” in it. didn’t get the synth at all.

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Yeah he probably didn’t need to spend that much time on buttons that occasionally don’t take the input.

@sabana I am guessing that the catch is the workflow to him, but yeah I am sure if you asked Tinez he would openly admit to click baiting it. At least he doesn’t play that click bait thumbnail confused face game.

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Anyone who disses the Vermona Perfourmer needs to be removed from the waves.


I just try to remember to give the smaller boutique makers the benefit of the doubt for QC or manufacturing issues. As long as they have a good track record of communicating, fixing problems or making updates then I’m usually ok with spending the money. Of course expectations get higher as the cost of the device goes up, but generally there should be enough info out there on forums and youtube to make a good risk decision.


I wouldn’t know about the facts, he might slip and slide on those for sure. But his videos are really detailed, he puts his time into them, he usually makes a bunch of them on the same topic, and he leaves no stone unturned. His Moog One and Prophet X videos convinced me to not get either, and for all the right reasons.

We have to add 20% for VAT now in the UK since “Brexit” plus whatever the import duty is so it’s quite a bit more than the octatrack.

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I think it’s fair to say that Ricky, or anyone for that matter, is entitled to their own impressions of a machine they’ve shelled out $1500 for.
When it comes to samplers, Marlow Digs and Ricky Tinez have that internet space covered in my opinion.


I was just comparing retail prices, of course.

but yeah I get being annoyed with that. certainly not Isla’s fault though. I would imagine at some point they’ll get set up with a UK retailer, and maybe that will make it cheaper (at least you wouldn’t have to pay import duties). not for a while though, as they haven’t even filled their own orders and I think they’re just now filling orders from a year ago.

there are some used ones around (which would obviously be basically brand new). I believe you don’t have to pay VAT on that, so it would just be import duties (unless you got lucky and found one in the UK of course!).

Ive spoken to Marlow recently and he’s getting a S2400. He’s really looking forward to it. He’s my favourite Hip Hop guy.


My import cost to the UK was £177. But i ordered before the hike in price so it may be more now.

I think I’d pay similar in the states if importing something of similar value from the UK.

man… takes me back to buying Elektron gear in the states in like 2003, when you could only buy direct from them, and they handled none of the import duty process. so it’d take a couple weeks to arrive and then a month later you’d get a duty bill from UPS/FedEx.