Isla S2400

I noticed a subtle change on the website recently. It now says “in stock” instead of “in stock back order available” or something like that. They also deleted language about waiting for a shipment of chips to come in. Along with the availability at Perfect Circuit it seems like they are decently stocked up for the time being.


I don’t think I ever shared this here, but I made a video a little while ago of my first song put together in the S2400. What impressed me the most was how rewarding it was to create patterns, copying things over, adding, subtracting and modifying elements, muting things and best of all, sampling long phrases into the S2400 via USB and incorporating them into the song. It’s lovely to produce and mix with my ears again, rather than my eyes. I miss that with modern ITB production. Most of all though, the sound of the S2400 is just ridiculous. It makes really basic samples sound really rich and full. The classic SP1200 mode for pitching down samples sounds lovely as well. Such a brilliant device.


good to hear! thanks for that. always felt they needed to clarify this information without having to watch a 10 min YouTube video for the latest status.

Perfect Circuit still says pre-order for me. Did they come and go? It’s annoying as I got their email saying they’re in stock and… nada

Ugh. I saw that email and also a few days ago it said “in stock” on their website. Not sure what the deal is, tbh.

Ah ok, then I guess they sold their batch already. Dang it.

It’s still in stock on the isla webpage.

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Ah ok - nice!!

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Sounds great. It’s a keeper then?

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I hope so! Can’t think of any reason to part with it.

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Hello. I’m considering one of these in lieu of messing around with old samplers like an MPC 3000 and dealing with SCSI, etc. I have a few questions though if anyone can advise.

  1. I write 4/4 not hip hop so how is the swing? I’m looking for that MPC 3000 jacking feel.

  2. I’m also looking to use it as the heart of my setup as one might use an MPC. Is it suitable for that or is it more of a really good self contained drum sampler?

  3. How is it with melodic input / output? Is it as simple as hooking a USB keyboard up to it and playing tracks in?

  4. Does it capture that 90s raw house and techno feel with the 12 bit side?

  5. Can you drive the inputs for extra crunch?

Thank you.

  1. Swing is lovely, comes in 8ths and 16ths flavours.

  2. It’s great as the heart of a setup, plenty of MIDI flexibility. The dual-shaft encoders and faders all send MIDI and can be set to control CCs. You get one bank of eight pads specifically for MIDI and the pads on all banks can all be set to send/receive MIDI.

  3. Yep, you can hook up a MIDI keyboard to it. Each pad can be set to a specific MIDI channel. It also functions as a MIDI host so will power a keyboard. I use it to host/power my Oxi One.

  4. It captures the 90s raw house/techno sound better than anything I’ve used.

  5. Yep, the inputs can be driven and the device makes samples sound gorgeous.

Not saying this because I’m in the honeymoon phase (had it a few months now), or because I have any agenda, I’m just a really impressed sampler addict!


Amazing, thank you for a comprehensive answer. It’s often hard to find house and techno related opinions with MPCs and such (with the exception of Elektron samplers) as their audience tends to skew towards hip hop which doesn’t really carry over.


Haha yeah, I’m the same. Nujabes, Teebs and FlyLo were my muses a few years back however now I’m into making faster stuff.

The swing in particular is really nice on the S2400, and I’m no expert but the preamps are apparently higher quality than most mixers. Decent headroom as well. It’s a pretty old-skool workflow, bonehead simple on the surface, with a load of modern tweaks. It’s not a do-it-all solution like a modern MPC, if anything it reminds me of an older MPC, albeit without sample layering. It’s like a compromise between the old MPC feel (assign samples to pads, get moving) and the modern conveniences (class compliant 10-channel audio streaming and USB sampling for example). I’d never used an SP1200 but having used this, I get why people love them so much, but the S2400 goes much, much further.


Yeah I’m not after the whole DAW in a box of the new MPCs. I tried the MPC One and Maschine+ and both frustrated me as they were less powerful samplers and more hobbled DAWs. I just went back to Ableton. But I want something like if old MPC were released now.


Sounds like we have similar needs. I agree with the description of the new MPCs and Machine+ as hobbled DAWs, couldn’t get on with them. Also love Ableton Live. The thing is, you can do everything the S2400 does in Live, but without the feel and the sound, and with a mouse and keyboard. Samplers like the S2400, the MPCs, Machine+, Digitakt, Octatrack, they’re all luxuries that make us feel more connected with the music we make. Knobs, faders, squishy pads and quick, dedicated workflows without distractions. For me a hybrid setup is the best, using the best of both analogue and digital.


Made a little thing and sampled/played on the S2400 in lo-fi.


Hey all, the stock display is alright but here’s a fun mod. It looks better now IMHO. Enjoy.


Round robin on the new update whips… Any other users made creative use of this yet?

These are in stock at Juno in the uk apparently.

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