Jamuary 2020 - any plans?

Hi :wave: some AR, Digitone, MicroFreak, MinilogueXD, MoogDFAM…

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Slightly altered the drone patch from the last 2 days. Turned down the BPM. tried to take out all the drums. Failled.


generative patch in miRack

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Semi generative patch with the new M4L device by patches, survey. Coupled with a procedurally generated shader in blender.

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Playing Deluge :slight_smile:


last of my jams for the month, can’t believe it’s already over…
anywho, i put my music over the stems to that one song kimbra did for converse.
her voice is so lush.
it’s just her part though
i;ve never done a song like this, i enjoyed it, took a bit of time and shower.
hope you enjoy.


almost done


loved your jams :ok_hand::ok_hand:

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Thank you! It’s been super fun. I should do something special for the last one, but it will most likely just be a drone. :slight_smile:

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Elastic Drums

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Only fitting Jamuary2020 ends with another slowly (hardly?) evolving ambient jam. Today it was modular time with Pressure Points driving Make Noise tElharmonic for “bass” and E350 Morphing Terrarium for ambient textures. Lyra-8 with the strings/leads. 14 jams in a month was a fun ride!


So good!

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Thanks, much appreciated! Already waiting for your last jam of the month! We seem to have some of the same gear, even beyond the Elektron stuff, so it’s been cool to see where you’ve taken it. The fact your jams have been awesome musically is a plus, obviously!

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finishing off 31/31
i really need sleep

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In celebration of the last day of January 2020, this started out as a cover, based on a suggestion from a coworker. And I was going to sing on it. I failed. It still ended up pretty cool.


Hi! I’ve finished the 31 days challenge, and I’ve edited a video compilation of all jams in youtube, 31 days in a 33 minutes video. One minute of each jam inside:

PS. Apologies for low quality of first 9 minutes.

one final update:

summing up my >100hrs of jamuary this year, I made a sort of curated compilation mix, all 31 days out of order in what felt to me like the cleanest flow.

have a listen if your ears have 29 minutes to spare and hate tracks over 1 minute long

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How are you syncing the impulse command? Nice sound here.

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thanks for reminder, i have to give myself some money for a decent camera.

Thank you. As far as i remember…by ear.