Jamuary 2020 - any plans?

Great to see you keep going, mad respect! The kick in this one is MD, right?

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op-z + Digitone A ( 0-Day Sysex)


There are 3 kicks. One is definitely the EFM machine kick out of the MD. The other two are samples on the octa, that at some point came out of the Machinedrum, but they have been so hacked and resampled at this point I don’t even know which kit I was using.

Right, that figures! Gotta love the EFM kick!

Here’s another jam from me. I knew after my holiday ended I’d be hard pressed to keep up with the daily jamming but didn’t think my pace would get as abysmal as it has. This one is a quick one with Lyra-8 thru the reverb of Dreadbox Nyx and beats from the DFAM.

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Peak Ambient MOOD Jam


This is great! I want a Lyra 8 so badly.

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Fun facts. I desperately want to do an Ambient/drone piece, since so many of you folks are killing it with these, and they are super inspirational. But this seems to be my internal dialog:

me: im gonna rock a sweet ambient drone today
brain: oh look, the sequencer is at 130 bpm, lets make electro.
me: but, nice easy ambient?
feet: ohhh we can dance to this.
me: soothing reverbed drones?
head: can bop to this.

maybe tomorrow.

Also, I have officially given up trying to force the 1010 music bitbox into my work flow. I even gave it 3 hours of love today, and nothing. Replaced it with an Orgone Accumulator I built a few years ago and instant inspiration. Into the trade bin with the bitbox.


played some games with the A4 new MIDI output feature. Pleased it can do polyphonic output! (Now if only the A4 keyboard could output only on the active track’s channel…)

I wonder if I’m the first to try sequencing independent CV and MIDI content from a single A4 track…

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Insane how much we created. :slight_smile:

Had a good jam today, so here´s a jamuary share. All the others are on my insta feed…

featuring: volcadrum, mother32, dfam, op1, prophet6, jazzmaster guitar, analog drive, nemesis delay, big sky, piano, digitone for sequencing


A more sombre jam in the Max Richter / Jóhann Jóhannsson vein. Two tracks of Lyra-8 thru the Dreadbox Nyx reverb.


I know it’s insane, but in 2020 I’m heavily considering investing in the start of an Avid S6 system (8 fader) and building on it over the next few years.

Just got to spend some time on one and I’m super jealous!

Unfortunately instantiating arbitrary plugins from the surface is still not supported but supposedly this year so if that goes in, I think I might pull the trigger.

Control surfaces (tactile control in general) is just such an obsession for me these days.

Drones. I felt the need to add some rhythm. I’m going to fail ambient class at this point.

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Another good one! May I ask what do you use the Ornament & Crime for mostly? I know it does a looot of things but what does it excel at? Been thinking of getting one built for me.

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Hello !
Here is my participation :slight_smile:

One of my previous jam, hope you like it (track at 24’)

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I went a bit overboard. I have four of them in my rack. I first built an og one from a kit, and then went all in on the micro one, and built it from scratch, ordering the circuit boards from a manufacturer, which meant I had to get a minimum of three boards. So I built them all. 2 use the original firmware, 2 use Hemispheres.

The original firmware ones are almost always set to the quad envelope and quad synced lfos. Occasionally Ill set one to the Lorenz generator, but I have a Sloth that does those just as well.

The two Hemispheres are used mostly for all the cool utilities as needed. For this piece one of them is 2 clock dividers and a tuner, to get the main oscillator somewhat in tune, which is hard when you are driving pitch from the pressure points. The other hemisphere has one side set to slew, and the other side set to the five step sequencer.

Im a bit biased, but they are a key module to almost every one of my patches. I hate the menu diving portion of it, but the LCD makes it considerably easier to menu dive then something like Peaks, or Disting. The digital nature means that I can’t get my envelopes to snap like they do on Maths or the 2 other analog AD generators I have, but if I need the snaps Ill use those.


Thanks a lot for taking the time to answer! Wow, four sounds like a lot! I’ll definitely have to look into getting one as well. I gotta admit, the menu diving part is a bit of a turnoff, although I don’t think Disting is that bad… so I could probably handle that with OaC as well.

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More miRack …

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There were certainly more Jamuary jams but I just wanted to post this one that we did on Thursday, which includes some Touch Designer visuals. Hope you dig : )

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Took yesterdays drones, tuned them, and then promptly took them behind the shed and shot them with beats and distortion.

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Been a little busy over the last month trying to keep up the daily ritual of Jamuary20/20. I’ve been compiling them on my YouTube and Soundcloud pages.

The tracks are a mix of Hardware, macos and iOS over the last month. Been shuffling my setup around a bit and finally settled on this for now:

YouTube page here:

Soundcloud here:

Many many thanks for listening and would love to know what you think whenever you get a chance :pray:t3::two_hearts: