Jamuary 2020 - any plans?

  1. big modular washes.

Will use for sample / loop fodder tomorrow into next week

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all 18 so far
stumbled into quite the anxious minibrute patch in today’s jam

Finally found time to make another fast recording / jamuary upload! No sound design in here just go go go… jam jam jam and twist some knobs.

MFB Tanzbär Mark 1 got un-dusted for this one, once again a small braincell was thinking of selling for the upcoming eurorack investments, but no no no… that Tanz selling ain’t gonna happen.

This is Dnb
Jamuary submission
Do I have a certain time frame?
I worked on this for 3 or so hours is that k?
gear used
koass pad
recorded to single track in live and eqed a bit
(i may have to sell my tascam dp24 :frowning: because Im not using it to record anymore…)
feedback appreciated

A short ambient jam with the Digitone Wavefolding paddrone from my previous video, in combo with some bubbly arps from a SH01a.

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lots of reuse/ resampling of stuff from earlier in the month.

Could not sleep, made a short jam on my iPad.


Yesterday’s jam: a single 8-step sequence on the A4 solo. Came out pretty simple compared to what the a4 could potentially do, but still fun


The live audio take was really good. However I apprently didnt press play on the video. So we get BRoll fotoage tonight. Very distorted/noisy beats.

  1. Drone Michael Jarre.

2 modular voices. Rene clocked by digitone. FM Ogre feedback drone controlled by the octatrack. Drums via the Digitone.

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A little fingerdrumming practice on the mpd 218 and beatmaker 3.
Not very good at this, but it’s getting better

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single bass voice from the modular. recycled sampled beats on the OT and some FM beats on the Digitone. Digitone is also doing the melody line. Was really missing not having the machinedrum plugged in for this one.

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miRack. Vcv on ios.
First patch, classical 3 rings into 2 clouds :slightly_smiling_face:
marbles is neat. Never had the haedware module

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Digiton clocking the single voice bass on the modular, and doing the melody work. Drums from Machinedrum and octatrack.

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Ambient aum jam with animoog, rings and enso looper


Digitone in 9/8.


today’s composition

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Almost back to the full set up. Digitone, Machinedrum, and Eurorack voice (the 4 step drone) are being controlled via the Octatrack.


Another modular patch in mirack.
Rediscovering my love for mutable instruments. Wallet danger