Jamuary 2020 - any plans?

I think this is a bit of a master class. I’m a bit jealous.

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Very good job of faking the sound of a Bass Station II. You make very good use of reverb to where I am nodding my head to the swells without thinking.

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Just under the wire.

All machine drum. Using the FM cowbell as the synth source, fed back into input A, and then routed into a Strymon timeline.

… and I forgot to kill the phone audio track on render. sigh.

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Thank you very much for taking the time to watch it/listen to it and for your kind words! :pray:

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There’s a lot of elements in your track that make it sound like a live recording :+1:

Nice ‘n’ chilled, @slicetwo

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Diggin’ it!
You had me from the first synth line thingymajig.
Very interesting drums. It’s lovely to hear a change from the usual.

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Yes, it’s a raw live multitrack recording, only the drums are looped but also played live on a BSP.

The plan is to develop my jamuary jams into a few ‘finished’ tracks in february for ‘album month’. This proces I would like to continue through the year.

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I got vermona perfourmer (i dig it totally btw) couple of days ago and decided to do quick and raw jam with POV camera.

I also fucked it up in the end by enabling wrong channel.


This is an homage to Vangelis, and his magnific score for the Blade Runner film. This was a total impact when we saw the film as kids, and his music has been in our minds everytime all this years.

Toy xylophone recorded with the Deluge built-in mic. Recorded directly to the SD card.


Thanks for your nice comment and for sharing your jam!

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So I realized last night, while frantically finishing 04 (the render took it past midnight, which was slightly more disappointing than I thought it was going to be) that I need a plan for how I am going to do this in a reasonable time on top of a full work/family day. I was able to get the biggest unknown part (the video editing/recording/sync) down to about 20 minutes. which was actually my biggest worry going into this.

However the composition side of things has been a bit more of a heavy time sink.

So far, besides for day one, which was just me recording what progress I had on a song I had been developing for about a month, every day has been me striping down to a single machine and exploring some specific technique on that. And then noodle and tweak for hours. This doesn’t seem sustainable after a full work day.

So I think, my plan for this week will be to build on an existing set up during the weekdays. So today I’ll start by creating a voice on the modular, and get some routing going through one of the elektron machines. And each day of the week, spend no more than an hour or 2 building off of that patch and central routing set up.

I have to say though, just the discipline of doing this for 4 days has been incredibly eye opening, and hugely rewarding. Will see if I can figure it out for the rest of the month.


Good approach. I’m trying to keep it super simple, spend 30 mins noodling with a simple melody or chord progression and hope I get a minute or two of reasonable sounding stuff. I’m happy to use presets and simple patterns.

Saying that, I spent about an hour not doing this and instead recording myself attempting to sing the Witcher song, so I made nothing usable yesterday and failed to put anything up :slight_smile:


But you sang the Witcher song. Into a microphone. Outloud.

Mark that off the bucket list.

[full disclosure, I spent a good two hours this morning winding christmas tree lights around my camera boom, and it doesn’t even look good]


You guys are funny!

I spent last night playing the same keys over and over again from my jam the previous day. Even if I did record it, it was yesterday’s jam lol


This is number 5 and it’s completely different from my earlier ones. Lead/bass line (whatever you wanna call it) is from Mutable Instruments Edges, resampled thru the OT. Some OB-6 laid beneath. Like I say in the song description, I forgot to press rec on the four on the floor kick from MD, but I’m sure we can all pretend it’s there. :smiley:


Day 5

:warning: random af

First time back with my DFAMs. Random Noises. Going to sample this stuff for sure.

Twisting knobs. Hoping that I can get some good samples out of this?

2 mono thru tracks on OT and a single drum loop. DFAMs are doing weird noises :stuck_out_tongue:

Lot of sound for just 3 tracks…


It’s hard to make a new song every day…let me tell ya!

Thankfully the spirit of this is that it’s ok to experiment even if it’s poopy. So I just hit upload and move on haha


The fact that you’re forcing yourself to make new songs in such rapid succession, will sharpen your skills. Next year you’ll be cranking out 2 a day


I just plan to learn piano properly once and for all within this year. I am working on contrary motion in the major scales. Next I will practice going up the octaves, minor and then modes.