Jamuary 2020 - any plans?

The one thing I find awesome about this, is that everyday I explore a different style. It’s nice to know that genres are approachable. I might sample my Banjo or Acoustic Guitar tomorrow who knows.


I’m really trying to double-down on my acoustic playing — practicing piano every day, and I’ll pick up my flute again, which I haven’t played in about five years. So I probably won’t be recording much (at least not to post); I will leave the recorder running so that next year I can hear what I’ve improved.

Some nights, like tonight, I may dig out the Lyra and try to capture drones to use for compositions later this year on the Octatrack. Here’s one!

Jamuary day 3.

I tried a few different things, specifically with the Analog Four but ran into some Overbridge issues and wasn’t happy with the results, so I just decided to start playing with a pattern I built up on the Octatrack and see what happened.

This was recorded live in one take and is my first ever live recording with the OT, but I’m pretty happy with how it came out.

All sounds are from the Octatrack, except for some post compression, eq, and a little additional reverb in the intro before the drums kick in. Photo is mine as well.


I like to call it implied kick.

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Listening to everyone’s Jamuary tracks has been a huge inspiration! Such gratitude to all you people for taking the time to record and share your work.

The subscribers thing is a joke

This was all done inside a DAW which is a brand new experience for me. I’ve been operating it for five days and so far it’s been very exciting and eye opening.

I use my first take whenever possible. The only things I (sometimes) rerecord are catastrophic mistakes. I make a lot of progress this may, and I love the feeling it can impart into the music.

This began with a pad sound. I recorded 3 minutes of goofing around on the keyboard. I used the Digitakt to layer drums and vocals (from the free sound pack so good). I found that sequencing drums in a DAW is a real bummer compared to the Digitakt or a drum machine, but I’m sure I’ll get more comfortable with it as I learn.

Then came a very large and sudden bass. I doubled up on the guitar track because I want every guitar to sound like that guitar solo in “What Goes On” or “Here Come the Warm Jets”. I removed the original pad because the mix was super congested. It is still congested but you can call it shoegaze or something ok.

What do you think?



Starting the week with a pretty open set up to build on later. A two voice drone on the eurorack, Tones driven by pressure points, clocked by the machinedrum. The machine drum is also cycling through presets on the reverb, which was an accident, but I enjoyed the textures it built. So will be exploring more of that later.


I love it! Such a great sense of space, and your jam is very effective with so little. Well done

very cool how organic this is, it really showcases what i love about sequencing.


Yeah man! Big time! I mean I have done music related stuff all day but no music produced. I was reconfiguring my set up. Ended up with basically the same as before but at least my mind is at rest to move forward Octatrakless. Figuring everything out and then taking a video to is an exhausting process. I didn’t sleep much last year lol!

I was referring to the well humoured bants in the 2 precious edit - previous posts above mine by the way.
That Witcher comment made me chuckle and could totally relate to messing around with music but not having for Jamuary.

I’m still off work. Just going to finish this cup of tea whilst Mad Max Fury Road runs and then I’m going to try and do something for today. Still have to cook for the wifey but I’ll get round to making something. Jamuary is the greatest way to start the New Year. Push to the limits and never stop learning.

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Sounds excellent! Will have to try something similar later this month with the MD…

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Day 5: https://www.instagram.com/p/B699VoyHYqE/?igshid=r64x9wh98qzh

(5/5 so far)


Jamuary in the 80s, as in 80s horror soundtracks? You got it. Another jamful day aka 6 outta 6 so far, alas this means the end of my one-week holiday. From now on, #jamuary2020 will be more of an uphill battle but I’m up for it!

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View this post on Instagram

#Jamuary Jam Day 4 – iPhone Nanoloop jam on the way home. #didn’t think I’d get one in today but was able to record this on my phone. Really want to incorporate the things I do in Nanoloop elsewhere, I always enjoy using it. . #jamuary2020 #nanoloop

A post shared by Bruise the Air (@bruise_the_air) on Jan 6, 2020 at 3:04pm PST

Didn’t think I’d get one up today but I realized I could screen capture my phone so I loaded up Nanoloop and got to work. Really love working with it, it was my main inspiration behind getting an Octatrack, and I’d love to sample it one day.

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Day 6

Little rush jam with the 1010music blackbox

Enjoy :slight_smile:


Hey wait did your link go away?

I just see

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Yeah it’s weird I did the same thing I did the other day to post an instagram link and it keeps doing that… I just embedded it, hopefully that fixes the link.

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That worked! Woo this is interesting for sure. Thanks for sharing

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Can’t tell if it’s just the laptop speakers but sounds like we were both in a chip-tune kind of place today. I like it, one of the more interesting Blackbox examples I’ve heard. How do you like it?


I really like the interface oddly enough. I am incapable of using a DAW but the blackbox just kind of lets you do whatever. Being able to live record pads/keys is a fun feature. The audio quality is something I really enjoy! I know it quantizes but sometimes that leads to happy accidents when you forget what BPM you are on :joy:

That app you are using seems really interesting, I’ll have to check it out.

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oh nanoloop is the shit, i have it on my phone as an app. it’s really fun for ideas, sample based all that