Jamuary 2023

Drums are nice. They sampled or sequenced?

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Thanks mate!

It’s a couple of sampled drum loops :metal:

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Cool. I’ve been trying sampled drum loops now too as a palette cleanser from designing everything.

I feel like they are as important as any other music creation device even though I own many drum machines and synthesizers.

Especially since I want to up my quantity of track uploads for Jamuary.

I figure they will also influence my production and I will have a broader range when coming up with stuff on my own.

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Number 14! This one’s for @BLKrbbt as I tried my hand at some drum n bass esque stuff :joy: OT + DN

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Yo, that is a great contrast from the light twinkling arp, to the dark reese-y bass.

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Getting into the groove of just… making random stuff. I’m not sure the bassline really fits in the rest of this, but it’s fun anyway, so.


Thanks! ^^ I sorta had to otherwise the mix was a complete mess :smiley:

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made a beat this morning that made me realize im gonna take a couple days off. this has been super fun and inspiring so far but now that im on a trip its more of a chore. but looking forward to getting back in with a fresh perspective next week!


New format of short streams for 15-20 mins: Imaginary Invasion - Modular Sketchbook Episode 1 (Jamuary) - YouTube

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I said I wasn’t going to do one today on account of my gig tonight but I woke up too early and couldn’t get back to sleep. Which left me only one course of action.



Jamuary Jam number 2

I’m trying to explore other time signatures so this is in 10/8 inspired by Radiohead.

All done in Bitwig with V Collection and Fabfilter


Day 14


Second iteration of front-porch funk

press play for saucy guitar licks :slight_smile:


This one did not come out as planned. I think I overcooked the low notes and some of the high notes. More subtlety is needed – I could never sleep to this one.


Jus the Yamaha Reface DX through Serge Resonant EQ. Looping the Reface and “playing” the ResEQ and adding some other little trills and melodies on top.


The thing I’m enjoying about Jamuary is not really wasting time fretting about whether the music is the stuff I really want to make - I’m just getting stuck in.

Like for this one I thought I’d try something synthwavey- never tried it before, loads of fun! The result is overbassy and bit simple, but I may actually come back to this and clean it up… probably won’t make any more synthwave, but enjoyed trying…


I like it!

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Did this for the sample flip challenge, and it’s… something.

I made another silly video for a v2:


You know me so well.

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Had an idea that got away from me, but I liked this better. It just way too late to turn in a full thing.

Trilian on Bass, Addictive Drums and Addictive Keys.