Jamuary 2023

January 3rd. This one is a bit odd. A eurorack patch using a few different oscillators in a feedback loop along with hard and soft sync on two of the oscillators in the feedback path. Two different clocks that are almost in sync but not quite, with one clock being reset by the other. Phase modulated filter and band passed noise stand in for the kick and hihat.


This is sick. The synth bass especially.

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Last night was a bad night for me. I literally dusted off the TR8S since getting the Syntakt. I tried to program in a couple patterns on my own, and it was a mess… then I tied to craft something off a pattern from a book of patterns.

I dont know if its that Ive been producing too much these past couple weeks, or if its trying to learn too much new gear in the last couple months, but I was not feeling it.

I wonder if I need some sort of context to start the process… with the Moog semimodular, you dial something in and once it sounds good, you move onto the next piece of kit. I think this grounds the process with context.

Same with the beat battles. They provide a context to which you try to make something. Which is a key element for me, it seems.

But going in blindly, and just trying to make something always turns to ash. This is definitely a limitation of my musical ability that needs to be taken into account.

I think I need to take a step back and go back to the fundamentals, and use reference tracks, or a loop, or something to ground me.

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Didn’t think I was gonna make it today. I hated everything but then finally just jammed out.

I killed my ears, so I have no idea how this sounds to others. I got carried away with distortion and loudness, but it was fun!


I wonder if you’re trying to learn too much at once? I’ve definitely felt that at times. In fact I’m using Jamuary as an opportunity to do as deep a dive as I can with Digitakt, Micromonsta, and Bim. No other gear will be touched until at least the 15th. Perhaps you should impose limitations? I don’t know. Just spitballin over here. At any rate I’m sorry to hear you had a tough evening.


I think you nailed it. And the tricky part is that I don’t know the threshold when it becomes too much. But there can’t be “too much” because I’m 45 and need to move fast.

I have so many limitations already, that I’m afraid to impose anymore on myself.

I think going with a reference track is a good way to forge ahead. A kinda, let Jesus take the wheel situation. Except I listen to Deadbeats Radio religiously.

So it’s letting Zeds Dead take the wheel.

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Love all the percussive bits. Nice 03 jam!

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Day 4. I think it gets good on the back half of the track.


My favorite guitar pedal of all time is the Digitone! Seriously. Here’s a clip from my live set last night. Sorry for phone mic audio, I kinda like it


@Annihilation_Squares @BLKrbbt It feels a bit shit at first but then I realize I’m expecting a ‘masterpiece’ in about 1hr/1,5hrs, and it’s actually just a bit silly. Sometimes you take a left where there should have been a right and that’s also the beauty of it.

Jamuary can be an excellent vehicle to try out new things but that definitely comes with a ‘risk’ and I just have to roll with it and not be too precious about it :sweat_smile:


feel like i really jammed on this one more than more other tunes, just dinked around with synth lines over an m8 beat. finding myself enjoying practicing scales in this way, its pretty calming. i think i enjoy this combo of programming percussion and chords on the m8 then tracking my synths live


This is how I normally go about making stuff. Just go with it and hope for the best. It’s weird because my pace is usually to record every day or two. So it’s like Jamuary all year, but codifying it is putting a weird pressure on the process.

But I’m being a hypocrite, because I’m getting marginally better as I go, and it seems like I can get this done.

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Look at it this way: Now every day is a new opportunity for death or glory🤣


I really dig the end

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I hope everyone will have a fulfilling Jamuary! For me it has become the opposite of what the original intention was, so I will not participate… will keep my ear to the ground though!

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4th of january


Just realized I forgot to post yesterday’s insta clip. Here ya go :0)



thanks man! kinda funny, to expand on the whole philosophy of jamuary, the last half of that beat was the part i was the least confident about! goes to show ya never know just what will resonate with others

Digitone solo. Just a jam.