Knob mod

i am missing the rubberized feeling :frowning:

How very teenage engineering-ish!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

lol, like a Boss.

:joy: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: ā€¦and the best things about them is that theyā€™re cheap, come in different colors/colours and fit any machineā€¦

Now link knobs together with more bands so they turn each other like gears. :imp:

As much as I like the DIY-style of it, just thought Iā€™d be the party pooper and make you aware (although you probably already are), that you can indeed get the rubber knobs for the MnM. :wink:

@allerian , good idea to string them together and have various figure 8 configurations ā€¦ also they can be attached differently for different tracks machines and stylesā€¦ beat that MD ā€¦its like CTRL muhaaaAAAAA

@daisuk ā€¦ 30 Euro vs 30 cent :slight_smile:

Been an Elektron user since nearly the beginning. Nothing terrifies me more than the potential damage caused by knob removal.

Nice mod - simple and effective. Lucky me, mine came with the rubber knobs. Canā€™t imagine the slippery plastic ones.

I wouldnā€™t be too worried about removing them - just gently prise them up from the bottom.

Been an Elektron user since nearly the beginning. Nothing terrifies me more than the potential damage caused by knob removal.[/quote]
What kind of damage? Tearing up the encoder somehow? Iā€™ve moved knobs around plenty and havenā€™t had any bad experiences with it so far.

havenā€™t had any bad experience as well but i do feel the pressure when pulling knobs out of expensive machinesā€¦you never know, might end up with a ā€˜knob on a stickā€™ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

on elektron-usersā€¦ there was these whole series of pictures of some dude who had to replace his encoders because he broke themā€¦ poor chapā€¦ and it all looked fidly and hard to do/fix.

So yeah, if i was not this scared of taking off the knobsā€¦ i would have styleflipped my machinedrum into something blackā€¦

Youā€™re extremely unlikely to damage anything by pulling the knobs off. The housing of any proper pot or encoder is designed to allow that without any damage whatsoever.


on elektron-usersā€¦ there was these whole series of pictures of some dude who had to replace his encoders because he broke themā€¦ poor chapā€¦ and it all looked fidly and hard to do/fix.

So yeah, if i was not this scared of taking off the knobsā€¦ i would have styleflipped my machinedrum into something blackā€¦ [/quote]
just for the record
DeEncoding (or why you donā€™t want to take the knobs off)

liquid rubber-paint might be a solution worth trying

u might be 100% right about that oneā€¦ I am not smart enough in designs and elektronics to judge.
howeverā€¦ i do know the status of my bank-accountā€¦ knowing i am to unqualified/skillfull to do what the dude in the pictures didā€¦ and knowing that if i pull the knobs off and break mā€¦ they are NOT covered by waranty.
I will end up with a fancy knobless brick i cant fix/have fixedā€¦

so will i risk my beautifull machine being turned into a fancy brickā€¦ nopeā€¦ dont break what you cant fix.

A much simpler mod is to buy black rubber tubing slightly smaller than the knob diameter and cut off a small section. Moisten the interior of the tube with a drop of water and seat accordingly.

Iā€™m not saying you should try this at home, but the pictures included above show regular d-shaft encoders. The best way to remove those is to grab the knob and then just pull straight up.

You should probably not try to remove them by sticking something flat under one side and then try pushing the knob up because in that case youā€™re putting much more pressure on one side of the shaft only which probably caused the damage shown.

Again, I havenā€™t done this to any Elektron boxes myself so YMMV, but Iā€™ve never had any trouble with other gear, both DIY stuff I built as well as second hand gear that needed a good cleaning.


on elektron-usersā€¦ there was these whole series of pictures of some dude who had to replace his encoders because he broke themā€¦ poor chapā€¦ and it all looked fidly and hard to do/fix.

So yeah, if i was not this scared of taking off the knobsā€¦ i would have styleflipped my machinedrum into something blackā€¦ [/quote]
When I styleflipped my MD I simply cut a 1/2" slit outward from each knob hole (<-yeah, I know). Once it was in place you could barely see the cuts and no encoders were harmed.

the plasidip is a real cool idea ā€¦ i had the thought of putting bath room isolating tile spacer silicone on these little fuckers :slight_smile:

but i am waiting for my thief at hand to return with some rubber finger tip condom like things from the hospital ā€¦ will keep you guys posted ā€¦

btwā€¦ the 3dimensionality of our universe makes the space in between the encoders shrink for some reason

yes! rubber tubing ā€¦ i know people get these to build their own devil sticks and find the tubing stuff in fish pet houses! great idea!