Korg Arp 2600M

Yes exactly. I have many synths, I don’t need the 2600 (I have two Odysseys), but I did want it, and I can afford to buy it. However, I was disappointed to see that the nuts are decorative, and that cheapens the product for me, so now I’ve decided not to buy it.

No, you are wrong. I am acually disappointed by this, but as I wrote I will probably buy it anyway because of the amazing sound.

Am I? Because if you’re still buying the thing regardless of nutgate I’m clearly not talking about you.

Anyway, time to disengage again.

lol, Korg’s driving the B fanboys nuts :rofl:

Some paraphonic sounds out of my 2600 M, layered on top of a proper acid jam :wink:

EDIT: Just adding the tutorial that goes with it :wink:

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The “road case” looks suspiciously familiar. The zipper and side wall flex doesn’t inspire much confidence. Probably fine for the storage room, but I wouldn’t trust those tiny plastic wheels on a rough surface.

A Pelican 1610 would have been a much better choice, but must have been well out of budget for Korg.

I see that the LE version is only $100 more than the ordinary 2600M (at Sweetwater). I’m just a bit disappointed that the LE case may be more fragile than the synth itself.

Little patch of the day with the 2600 M :wink:

got my hands on one of these. found a deal on the LE version I couldn’t pass up. basically at their original price point for this.

fwiw, the case seems hefty af. it’s probably heavier than the 2600m itself. now, I’m not sure I’d fly with it or anything (baggage handlers are gorillas). but it’ll be plenty protective to take to a gig or a friend’s house, etc; especially if you’re the one handling it. the wheels are pretty beefy and robust too. I’m also impressed with the overall build of the synth itself. it’s heavy. it feels sturdy. all the jacks, sliders and switches have a great feel to them. nothing rattles if you shake it (apart from the spring of course!). the one pot is clearly bolted to the front panel and feels very sturdy. the sliders do wobble a bit back and forth if you try to do so, but no more than those on my Buchla Easel (and that was more cash). they probably feel the same on the Korg Odyssey. overall, build quality-wise, I don’t feel like I’ve been taken for a ride. it feels as robust as anything else I’ve purchased new at this price point (Korg 700FS for example).

I’m super impressed with it so far, and I’ve just been having a ball playing with it. I have a vintage 2600 that I’ve owned for almost 15 years now. so I know the sound well. and without having directly A/B-ed them, I’d say it sounds almost exactly the same. so far, I haven’t found a permanent place in my studio for it. but I’ve been enjoying having it set up on a bench in here and just messing about every now and then. it’s great that you can literally just plug and play, since it has speakers and can USB power the keyboard (or an SQ-1). it’s kinda refreshing to just switch it on solo and go wild, without having to fire up the whole studio to access it via your sequencer and keyboard, etc. also it’s shockingly loud for how small those speakers are!


inquiring minds want to know about the nut

scroll up ^^^

someone on MW pried it off with their fingernail and I re-posted some pics of it. oh, and I forgot to mention that he did say it was pretty difficult to do. which, having used one now, seems accurate to me.

yes, i saw that post.

I’m just curious about how much of a factor the nut actually was, in your buy or not buy decision.

gotcha. a couple months back I said:

that still seems about right. I accept that they had to cut some corners versus the FS. but I don’t think they did it at the expense of the stability of the synth. both the overall synth and the jacks seem plenty robust to me, and I currently have no concerns about them for the future. again, it seems quite well built.


Hey folks, hope it’s going well!

I got the LTD version but only because I got a deal on it. I’ve had a vintage version for years without a functional keyboard (eventually I’ll get it fixed…) and I don’t think a microkey version really does it if you want to actually play the thing. plus any usb keyboard will work. the only thing you’re really getting with the LTD version is an actual cutout in the case to transport the microkey controller with it, if you plan on gigging or traveling with it that way.

mainly, I’ve plugged my SQ1 into it and been going wild with that. much more fun to me than the keyboard. it powers the SQ1 and gets midi data from it on the kbd bus. set it up in seconds and let ‘em rip! :metal:


Got mine today, came with the keyboard too which I wasn’t expecting, and the black carry case - not sure if that is the LTD one or not?

Anyway, first time using a 2600, it lives up to my expectations :100: Really great package, a keeper for sure.


mine came with a silver case and the keyboard; which I thought was the distinction. i.e. black case is standard edition, silver is limited. does the case have a padded compartment for the keyboard? or maybe your retailer just threw it in separately? there are some package deals being run on them with various accessories.

it’s also possible that all the cases have a compartment for the keyboard. I don’t know for sure that any don’t. guess it would make production easier, and Korg are then encouraging you to buy their accessories…


Yes it has the compartment, the keyboard was in there and the box was still factory sealed, the case is black with Arp logo, inside there were also patch cords, and some nice metallised stickers - which I thought were only with the LTD edition. Strange huh?

I’m not really too worried either way, as like you I didn’t think the kb was too good, plus gonna sequence it mostly from SQ1/SQ64 probably.


Ah, yes seems silver case is LTD, but STD is not supposed to come with keyboard, maybe I just got lucky or maybe Korg changed their mind but did not update the site:


yeah that’s partially what I was going off of: the information on their site. plus what I’ve seen retailers list.

that’s pretty crazy if they just decided to throw the keyboard into all of 'em and never updated the price. so they’re kinda screwing the people who paid extra for it. I got mine for less than either was listed for so I’m not too upset. …but maybe I could’ve gotten an even better deal!?!

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Yes I got a good deal on mine too, most other retailers were at least £100 more.

Really nice synth though, for drums it is a beast!

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