Korg Arp 2600M

The nuts are made of metal like the front panel BUT those are fake ones anyway, quite a weird choice that I don’t really understand and one of the very few things I’ve been disapointed about.


Are they fastened to the panel, or do they just poke through?

It seems they are fixed on the panel yes, the jack is going through. I don’t have the courage to dismantle it right now, having too much fun playing hahaha.

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this conversation is nuts.


That’s a relief. That offers a level of sturdiness that helps justify the premium price. Panel-mounted jacks are a lot less likely to break than board mounted jacks, especially given how often they are likely to be used on a patchable instrument.


I was wondering , is there a way to change the trigger mode legato / retrigger or is it always in the same mode ?
Thanks !

There is a few different modes but I havn’t looked into it yet. It’s all in the manual.

Ok i found the manual :
You have to turn on the power holding down the manual switch and after you have to press 5 times the switch for multi mode or 6 times for legato mode.
Would have been great to have a switch on the panel for that though.

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Are you reading their reply correctly?
“the jack is going through” reads to me like the jack is mounted on the PCB and the outer nuts are “panel-mounted” for decoration.

[might be an english as second language issue though…]


Actually, now that you mention it, that could be a bit confusing. It is the part I’ve quoted in bold text that made me think so. @Stazma says they are fixed to the front panel. That’s the bit that gives me a bit of confidence that the jack can withstand cables being repeatedly plugged and unplugged.

It seems they are fixed on the panel yes, the jack is going through

to segue off of the other 2600 conversation from yesterday… I just read this at Gear News:

“Speaking of Eurorack : In order to make the ARP 2600 M play well with your system, Korg has changed the voltage needed to trigger the envelopes from 10 V to 5 V. This makes for better compatibility with Eurorack systems, which is of course a very good idea.”


@Stazma Now that you have had it for some days. What’s your impression of it? How is the built quality of the unit? Does it feel like it’s going to last?

On all the mechanical part that you touch and interact with i’d say it’s great.
But I find the usb port and power input a bit cheap to be honest, it feels wobbly.
In general I’d say that i’m a bit disapointed by the build quality of the thing for it’s price. I’d be curious to compare with a Berhinger clone to see how far apart the two are in that regard.
I also find a bit cheap not to add din midi thru / out on such a big machine.

But again in general i’m just over my head having it, it’s an absolute pleasure to play, it sound awesome.

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Yeah, it seemed stingy to not add thru at least to the MS-20 FS /M either.

Yeah, it would be great with MIDI out at least. Korg has a history of not including that on some of the recent machines sadly.

Yeah, it sounds really amazing from what I have heard from YouTube.

And to the miniKORG 700 FS.

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The ARP 2600 and MS20 synths on my wish list along with a solid poly synth like Access Virus, Waldorf, OB6 and a high end drum synth. But I’m holding true to my no gear pledge for a long time until I get my home renovations completed.

This would seem to be a pattern. Bad Korg! Naughty Korg!

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they’re certainly not alone though. sort of not the end of the world because it’s good to use midi thru boxes and not chain devices too much. however, it shouldn’t be necessary to.

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I must admit I have never got one of them, and should. Especially if I ever get any more Korg reissues, it seems.