Korg Drumlogue

$600 will get you a Polyend Tracker or even an ARP 2600 (if you’re not anti-behringer).

But what if I told you for the very same price you could have a device with:
4 mediocre analog sounds.
Barely enough sample time for a few percussion kits.
And a NTS-1 hot glued to the side of it, but wait, it’s polyphonic!

:rofl: sorry, couldn’t resist one more crack at this easy target.


Yeah there are a few others too like Deluge, OP-Z, Squarp, Toraiz Squid, and others, but I was just talking about the big 5 manufacturers though.

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Underrated comment! Seriously, the other 'logues have wonderful scopes.

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$150 less than I spent on my 2nd second-hand OT MK1, for some perspective.


We are all different, indeed.

I agree the resonator is a great feature, and I’ve been able to get a very similar vibe with the LXR’s delay. Short delays and playing with the range/time sounds very alike, and if you put one or two LFO’s in the delays parameters sounds dope. Even subtle changes in the Morph function can achieve that kind of alive/organic-electronic thing of the resonator.

As much as I like heavy/extreme music, I’m not much into that kind of “everything distorted” sound in electronic beats as in many of the LXR’s demos; that’s where the device tends to go, but its clean side is very nice as well. For me the freely asignable LFO’s, Kit Morph and 4 outputs did the trick …And I love the faders for performing, which is something that I didn´t consider necessary before having them in a box (mostly Elektrons and Korgs here).

Anyway I’m glad I won’t be tempted with the Drumlogue, and won’t be selling the Volca Drum for now.


this one shows a little of its potential


Nice demonstration of what the Drumlogue can do. Here’s another video that shows its potential…


What is this El Cuñado pedal?? Comunistas? Venezuela? That’s hilarious

KP3 the old skool gooderizer.

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This is exactly my take as well. The demo by oscillator sink where he does three songs with it is actually really good. I can totally see slamming the snare through distortion pedal for more grit.

That said, I do think that a lot of the demos focused too much on the raw sounds and I don’t think those raw sounds are particularly interesting so I understand the hate. Especially the hihat samples in the loopop intro, yikes.

I guess, for price, this is a quality drum machine?

600 is a budget box these days, I guess?

Offers a nice variety of sounds.

I don’t find it impressive. Kinda disappointed that most of its voices are dedicated to sample playing. Was kinda hoping for more synth variety.

Not a groundbreaking offering from Korg, in my perspective- which is kinda disappointing

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i find this release interesting.
Drumlogue itself is not that exciting for me, but its shining some light on whats going on in the company.
From pioneering return of the affordable analog gear and portable volca setups, to hybrid instruments and iterative upgrades, open platforms.
Korg is a huge company with a lot of smart people who know how to make money, they might be foreshadowing future releases from other big manufacturers.

Syntakt is a big example too.

We have entered rebirth of the hybrid era.
No more affordable bite sized synths for you. :yum:


That’s a fair assessment and sounds like a future filled with cool new hybrid designs, I hope you’re right.

Dieter says delete.

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thats not true, akai Rhythm Wolf and Mode Machines Adx1 for example are machines that doesnt sound like shit Im afraid

I think the biggest problem this machine has is that it’s dropped a month after the Perkons which is a drum machine with so much sound and character that you have to respect and love it even if the sounds it makes don’t fit you style of music where as this drum machine just does not seem to do anything interesting, even if it has a lot going for it and can be made to sound good it just seems that you would really have to work to get some life and soul out of it, but well done Korg all the same I am sure some people will love it :+1:t4:

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I actually think the snare is snappy and pretty alright, but so far the kick, while having a nice transient, has a loose, fart-like character, like it’s synthesized with a saw instead of a sine or resonant peak like the V Kick.

Fair, but the problem with the Rhythm Wolf is that they worked so hard getting the snare to not sound like shit that they forgot to make sure all the other parts of it didn’t sound like shit, because every other part of it sounds like shit.

Either that or the snare sounds good completely by accident.


I like the hats. Really jazzy sound.

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Not sure about the reasons behind making that snare sounding so good but I also think besides the synth channel (on the Wolf), the rest are pretty usable too. The sequencer is really simple and playing with velocity, even with only 3 levels, can bring pretty changes to the sound. I also enjoy the Howl a lot, but as usual, it is about tastes :slight_smile:
Adding some processing may also help.