Korg Nu:Tekt DIY Synth kit

Thanks for the recommendation! I’ll check it out. Meantime, I’ve got a bunch of DirtBoxSynth oscillators I’ll be demo-ing in the next few days - I’ll post a clip here when I’m done!


Thanks for recommendation. Chords is ace!

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Same here.
I have a mini-jack to 2 jack’s for the return side.
What would I have to use on the send side? I can either come out from jack or XLR.
Thanks :slight_smile:

I have one of these to build later… from the demos on YouTube it sounds pretty cool. I’m liking the FX on this thing… soon find out once I build it :slight_smile:


Hi All,

I got one of these a couple of weeks ago and it’s a lot of fun! After being resistant, I took the plunge on the Sinevibes oscillator bundle and they do have some really good sounds.

Anyway, reason for the post was just to let any Ableton Live & NTS-1 owners know that I’ve built a little editor in maxforlive which includes a cool (at least I think it’s cool) randomiser feature. The closest thing I can compare it to is AFX mode on the Novation BassStation or a Sample and Hold generator.

Here’s a quick demo of what it does…

Being a new user, I can’t post two links in a single post, but the link to the maxforlive patch is in the YouTube description.


Jason (ScarKord)


Of course - I could just post a second reply with the link I guess :slight_smile:


Me again - Had some good feedback on the randomiser function, but someone asked if there was any way to make it less random.

Think I perhaps went a bit too far and built a completely new device!

It’s a four channel, 8 step MIDI CC sequencer, with individual pattern length per channel as well as host tempo sync in addition to trigger via MIDI Note-ons. Although built with the NTS-1 in mind, it will work with anything which accepts MIDI CC’s.


Someone in a Thomann review said it can’t output fully wet effects when applied to an external signal - so it’s not so great as a send effect… know if that’s true?

That’s not true. Whatever the sound source (internal synth or external), the NTS-1’s delay and reverb effects can be set to anywhere between 100 % dry to 100 % wet. However the modulation effect (understandably) cannot.


ordered 3rd unit :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Tell me more! What uses for each?


  • stereo audio input
  • 3 effect slots
  • loadable 3rd party effects & oscillators
  • MIDI control of important performance parameters
  • smaller than typical guitar pedal

i don’t know any other box that offers all of the above for ~€100 (or less if you pay attention when some store has it on sale).

besides effects, it’s very good for pads/drones.


I still have mine in the box I haven’t built it yet but this thing sounds fantastic and I wanna use mine for pads/drones I might even buy a second one.

eventually, 2 of 3 units are mostly paired with MB-33’s (303 clones), and the 3rd is mostly used for pads/drones.

that’s where it came after a month of experiments.

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Reading through these posts I’m sold and just ordered one

Can anyone suggest a video that shows how to use it as an effect unit running audio in?

My only gripe is that the knobs are set to catch mode so moving across pages screws up your settings…


Not sure you need a video just for that, it’s relatively simple. 3.5mm stereo audio in, push the reverb button, turn the type knob a bit to the right, and there’s the hall effect. Other two knobs are time and depth.

There are lots of videos using NTS-1 for effects but they focus on the sound generators, really. Videos that helped me overall were loopop’s full review, Molten Music’s look at custom oscillators and effects, and Chris Lody’s 50 patches.


Thanks, yeah most I saw where for sounds rather than effects

I meant vids that show it as effect box and using different effects you can download. Give me an idea of the best ones to grab

Will give loopop another watch and those other 2, thank you :slight_smile:

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I haven’t installed many user effects yet. One I like is the Cathedral reverb from HammondEggsMusic. (Edit: there’s a single video from the maker on this, and that is true for most of the added effects. More work than one summarizing a lot of effects, but at least they’re relatively short.)


Thanks, I’ll get searching when mine arrives and work through the effects you can download

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