Korg Nu:Tekt DIY Synth kit

Man, Sinevibes just keeps working, doesn’t he.


CDM’s description:

Multiple sound sources. The dual oscillator engine lets you choose up to 80 variations of combinations of sound types, including virtual analog, FM, phase distortion, waveshaping, ring modulation, cross modulation, bit reduction, and “hybrid.”

Per-note trigger probability. That’s the “stochastic” part – it allows you to generate a bit more complexity with simpler actions.

State variable filter. 12dB/octave, multi-mode.

24-mode modulation generator. Here are all your LFO shapes and envelopes. Exponential envelopes, linear envelopes, multi-waveform LFO (triangle, saw, square, pulse, trapezoid, peak), sample & hold, and random triangle.

Silky-smooth changes. There’s a built-in lag filter so you get smooth parameter adjustments and modulation, minus the noise.

Multi Engine Preset Converter utility. Connect via USB, and you get really easy management of all your presets – ideal for playing live, too.

Preset tables for prologue, minilogue xd, and NTS-1.


I am tempted by this. But haven’t watched the demo video because I know what will happen if I do.


I hear ya. It’s another $40 out of your account. :sweat_smile:

I have enough probability related stuff to learn on M8 Tracker but thought I’d share the stuff about Odds with my Korg-using friends here.

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Glad someone posted this


Yeah, that is a pretty fantastic user oscillator… I thought I had settled on my ideal combination of favourite user oscillators loaded into my MinilogueXD that gave me access to a whole range of interesting synthesis options and I’d never have to connect it to a computer ever again… Looks like I might need to ditch one of the Mutable wavetable oscillators to fit this in!!!

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So, anyone try Odds yet?

It seems overkill for an NTS-1. I can’t keep track, do you still have your Minilogue XD?

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I do not. MPC Live 2, microfreak, smallish eurorack, nts.

I loved the XD, but there is not enough time in the day to use it all. 🥲


I have a few new bits of kit that will go with the NTS-1 (SQ-1, QuNexus Red) so I will dust it off and see how it sounds. But Sinevibes was always too rich for my blood. I should have picked up the Tim Shoebridge oscillators when he was being grumpy.

MPC Live 2! One of these things is not like the others…


Keeps me off of the laptop in the evenings after spending all day on a laptop for work. Really happy with it so far. Shockingly. I am surprised as anyone. :laughing:


My general feeling with buying plugins for this ( and other enclosed systems ) is that there is very little resale value .
If i spent lots on extra things if I ever wanted to sell the unit I might be able to add 10% of the cost onto main unit 2nd hand price.

Similar to plug outs for Roland gear.
So I tend to buy plugins for iOS / Mac daw instead as I’m very likely to continue to use iOS / Mac if I sell the actual device and can continue to use purchased plugins.

Sinevibes are doing nice work on this , very flexible plugins within the constraints of a very limited user interface.

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I’ve just picked one up 2nd hand on ebay this week for a great price (£55 including postage), and it’s a really great synth! I bought it to use as an fx aux send unit really for riser and submarine, but I spent all day yesterday playing with the synth and loading some of the user oscillators/fx. I really like while(1) the looper, it’s a lot of fun. I’ve mapped out my ancient beatstep to control it.

I wish it remembered its last state especially seeing as it doesn’t have presets, but it’s also a good way to get to know it inside out having to recreate the sounds each time


Does anyone know what the actual rules for custom effects are? It seems to be temperamental when loading certain combinations of user fx. I saw somewhere a mention that you are only supposed to use 1 user effect at a time, but I have been getting more than one although it does seem a bit hit n miss.

I don’t think there’s a rule beyond “don’t overload the processor”. If it works, it works.

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There are a few rules, I believe.

I think, for example, you cannot load a user reverb and a user delay - just one or the other. Some developers also tell you that certain effects should be loaded into a particular effect slot types (mod, delay, or reverb) when uploading into the device.

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I just bought it in a GAS attack for its FX and portability, as I saw it in Amazon for 79€…and now reading this thread I realized that you can upload customized OSCs, FX…This is indeed a true swiss knife.

Regarding the plugins, any recommendation for free? I saw already Sinevibe’s ones and they look terrific but I dont want to spend cash on this yet.

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hammondeggsmusic. Notably the Cathedral reverb, but there’s lots of good free stuff.


I’m really liking warped and waver from here:

Also love while(1) which is a looper, it’s a really great synth for just messing about on, it’s really inspiring. I thought I’d just use it as an FX unit but I can’t leave it alone.


Having no storage of settings is a real drawback to an otherwise super little unit.

How easy is it to write your own custom oscillator just as a way to save your settings?

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